Chapter 22

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I was more shocked than Nathan, I could sense that. The fact hurting the most was that they carried out this plan without me.

I hate them for that.

" Myra? ", Nathan said slowly. Dramatically, I should add.

All eyes were at him and then wandering towards Myra. She stood there all shocked looking at Nathan, her lips parting to say something but nothing came out.

" Myra, I was just. I... ", Nathan started to explain but before anything, she ran into the room and in his arms, the next moment.

Nathan stood there transfixed, all though out but however he wrapped his arms around her and returned to the hug.

" I love you. Myra. ", he muttered loudly. Myra was too shocked to speak  but still she managed to say, " I love you too. "

All five of us howled in exclamation as they still were bonded by that hug.

" We should leave them alone. ", I said slowly and everyone agreed to it without a word and started moving out.

As we were going out I looked at them for another time, when I saw Nathan smiling and mouthing, a 'thank you' to me.

I winked my eye at him and walked out slowly. Before anything Derek, Lorraine and Aron left from there, leaving me and Sam alone.

" So I thought I was in the plan too! ", I asked sarcastically. He just did everything, without including me.

" Sorry for that but I did it intentionally. I wanted to surprise you. You looked so happy when you saw them. ", he stopped for a second.

" I just wanted you to smile like that.. ", he said and then touching my cheek sensually for a second he walked away. Leaving me there gasping for air strongly.


" That ended great, isn't it? ", Sam asked pouncing over the phone and texting someone quickly.

" Yeah. Didn't thought that it would happen this fast though.  ", Lorraine said and admired her orange painted nails.

" They liked each other since a long time, so it's only natural. ", Derek added when suddenly Sam's mobile started to ring.

" I'll be back. ", he said not looking at anyone in person and went out of the room quickly.

" Who's that? ", I asked them, " His girlfriend or something? "
Jealousy was hinting upon my voice but I said as if I was indifferent about the fact.

" He doesn't have one yet. ", Derek said. " I guess it's his mom. She's not leaving him alone. "

I frowned at him.

" I don't know but you shouldn't say like that. Mom cares that's why they call. ", I said rolling my eyes.

" Sam isn't that lucky to... ", Lorraine, started when Sam entered and banged the phone on the table.
He was about to say something but stopped as he saw me there. I knew that I had to leave.

" I... er... need to go. Bye guys. ", I said almost in a whisper and left from there. Uneasiness was all that I could feel now.

As I was on my way to corridor, I saw Amanda walking down. I said a ' Hi ', to her. She waved back awkwardly and walked passed me.

I walked into my room to see that Myra was nowhere to be seen, that's when I guessed where she could be. With Nathan.

I turned to call her back when Aron entered the room brushing his hair, by his fingers.

" Hey...! ", he said faking his excitement.

" Why are you coming in my room? ", I asked when he pushed me away and entered the room arrogantly.

" No! You leave now. I want to sleep. ", I said submissively to him and pulled him out.

" I have nowhere to sleep. They both are busy there doing — you know what and I needed to go somewhere else. ", he protested to which I gave up.

" Just don't sleep beside me. ", I said and then crouching on my side of the bed, I took out my mobile.
Right at that moment the door opened and Brittany came in.
I was actually shocked to see her cause not once had she even came here before 

" Sarah, do you have a charger? ", she asked fixing her stare at me not realising that Aron was also there in the room, " Mine isn't working. "

I nodded and then pulling out my charger as I was about to give her, she spotted Aron.

Oh no.

" You here... uh... I must go. ", she said without taking the charger. I don't know what I was thinking but I walked out after her.

Before she could go, I stopped her. " Nothing is happening like you are thinking, Brittany. We are just friends. ", I protested.

She looked over at him when
their eyes crossed and I knew I had to leave that instant. So as I was moving back, I intentionally pushed Aron and he landed upon Brittany and his lips upon hers.


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