Chapter 19-Forgive Me

Start from the beginning

It was the second last day. A free day. I'd probably spend my time secluded in the secret corner of the library, leaving only when it was the right time to dismiss myself. And no one would see me on the last day, I would take the day off. With the excuse that I had to leave early and take a flight home due to family issues.

I would really thank my athletic self right now. As I dumped the letters on the table, I thanked Tadashi's wanderlust as I sprinted out of sight. Just as the library door opened, I dashed in and planted myself there. Time passed slower than I thought it would be. Every time I closed my eyes and opened them, less than five minutes would pass. How lucky of it to be a longer day today. Really really my luck.

And worst of all, a growl escaped from my stomach. I was hungry, yet I couldn't slip out. Self-control, self-control.


I walked in late today, after this sleepy little sloth insisted I bring someone to school. And it wasn't a pretty sight. It looked like the SA before Nagisa came in, but it was so quiet. The deadly silent atmosphere could kill my ears. I could even hear the sloth's silent breathing, and he was a soundless sleeper. On the table, next to Akira's prized tea set, was a letter addressed to me, and another letter for the SA.

Everyone was reading their own letters. As I picked up the letter addressed to all of us, Kei crushed his letter with one hand. "Unbelievable, how did I not see this?" he muttered as his expression darkened and he turned away from the table, staring into space. My mood became the same as his once I saw the letter.

'Hey my Special A classmates!

I don't even know why I'm writing in such a happy mood. The time of my exchange program ends during the start of summer. I'm going back to Hawaii and please don't miss me or look for me. That is my job. There are letters for each and everyone of you guys. I guess this is farewell.

Takishima Nagisa Alberto'

If not for the sloth's presence, and my anger managing efforts, I would rip this paper and run straight the airport or her apartment. History seems to be repeating itself. The sloth was the one who broke my thoughts, waving the crisp white letter with my name on it.

'Tsuji Ryuu,

I finally knew your full name. It was really great to see you again. Too bad the joy was short lived. You've grown so much ever since I saw you at the age of eight. I am dying to tell you why. Being childhood friends and stuff really made me want to confide in you. It really does seem like history is repeating itself, doesn't it? This time, I'm the one that's writing. The one that's leaving. Again. I'm sorry I can't personally say goodbye. I just can't. It feels a little to painful to part like this. And whatever you do, don't go to the airport and find me. Do me a favour. I just don't want to disappoint or anything. And, it was really, really nice to finally see you again. I hope we can meet in the future. Hate me all you want, but please forgive me for my harsh actions.


She was leaving. And she told me not to find her. I felt heartbroken, and I didn't even know why. She can't leave like this. Not without an explanation. And we kissed. Did that not mean as much to her as it did to me? I thought we were more than friends. And I sound so clingy, as if I was a girl unwilling to let go of her crush or something.

"I don't even get the chance to say goodbye! How dare she leave!" Hikari exclaimed. I could hear the sadness in her voice as well.

Kei walked up to me and dragged me out of the greenhouse and into the Academy's garden.

"What did she write in your letter?" Kei asked and I stiffened, and my face reddened.

He chuckled. "Your emotions are so obvious. You like her."

"She didn't tell me why she left." I said as I made a desperate attempt to change the subject. It was the truth but Kei eyed me suspiciously.

"Nagisa's still here. She hasn't left yet." Kei smirked. We've never been on good terms, but I guess our friendship is okay. I nearly smacked myself in the face. The class register showed that everyone from the SA was present, and there was no way she could leave without an excuse permitted by the chairwoman.

"Did she ask you in the letter?" I asked, and I realised there was jealously in my voice. How could I even be jealous of her own cousin?

"No," he says. "not really. She only told me what she was going to do. And in the letter she wrote to me, she says she's not coming back. Ever."

Nagisa was not returning. Ever. And I knew it has got to do with Samuel, the guy that kidnapped Jun and Megumi. I knew that there was something wrong when he let us go so easily and tried to take Nagisa in exchange but failed. I don't want yesterday to be the last time I'll ever see her. Wait. That's not going to happen. No way am I going to let her go. Not when I finally met her after so long.

"I'm not letting my cousin go that easily." Kei suddenly spoke up, as if he read my thoughts. He seems like Edward Cullen in a couple of ways. Moody, mysterious and I hate to say it, smart.

"We should wait outside the gates. I'm sure we'll spot her." I said as Kei nodded in agreement. There were only eight students in the SA. Eight people with different uniforms. Not that difficult a task to spot. After much discussion, Kei and I agreed that I would be the most convincing person. After all, Nagisa loves animals and I have my aid, currently napping in my arms, his soft head resting on my shoulder.

Waiting was a bore. But before I knew it, the last few bells of school started ringing. Kei and I decided to leave early, and thankfully no one questioned us. As we stood behind the bushes waiting for dismissal, I counted down the time. And the final bell rang. I chuckled to myself as an all too familiar face hurry out of the school building.

To my absolute annoyance, the rest of the school population was out as well. Mostly girls that were after her, and boys. My eyes narrowed and I was beginning to think this really was a result of jealousy. I would love to thank Kei for his quick thinking but after some thought, I don't think I would.

Kei came out of his hiding place with a dazzling smile. Not a friendly one, but one that seemed as if you could be killed from looking at it. Yet the students that were supposedly chasing her swooned and went in Kei's direction.

I took my chance and advanced towards Nagisa.

"Hey!" She said as I tapped on her shoulder. "Ryuu? Oh. I need to go. I really have to. I'm sorry, I really am. I hope you can forgive me but I really have to go." I could tell she was glad to see me but it turned into a face full of sadness and guilt.

I softened just like that. How her blue eyes turned watery and her whole face of sadness and loss.

"You have to tell me. Nagisa, please. We should talk." I pleaded, my voice strained. She was shaking her head but he comforted her. That little sloth brought a smile to her sad face. Now I wonder whether an animal could convince her things a human could not.

"Fine." she replied, stroking the sloth. "But make it quick. I need to pack."

My lips quirked up into a smile as I wiped the single tear that rolled on her cheek. She gave me a small smile and we walked off. I gave my thumbs up to Kei, who might or might not notice, but I didn't care. My mission begins. To convince Nagisa not to leave for good. And if my sloth could speak, it would work faster.

{published 24/04/2014}


Nagisa's not the only one who needs forgiveness.

I'm so sorry! It's been more than a month since my last update.

Been really really busy with school and stuff, and exams are coming.

So, the next update's probably by the end of next month, and I promise

I'll try and update earlier, okay?

Do vote and comment, it's greatly appreciated ;D

Enjoy reading!

theonlyphyn <3

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