My Model (Raphael x Reader)

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Raphael couldn't help himself sometimes.

He was prone to overprotectivness and, yes, even jealousy. But how could he not be?

He was dating a sexy, gorgeous goddess!

A woman who was so beautiful She was even employed as a lingerie model. She beauty graced advertisements and catwalks alike, all around the world. She was sexy and stylish and his.

But sometimes, he lost sight of that. Like right now for instance.

He was staring at pictures from your latest photo shoot, one you had done with another model. A male model. And seeing you drapped across this strong, sexy human was...annoying. You were clad in only the sexiest lingerie, black and slinky, and tall heels.

Raphael frowned and looked away. The two of you together...made sense. Two models gracing the world with their beauty and glamor. But you and him? You were like beauty and the beast but without the curse. He would look like this forever...insecurity began to creep in and he had to take care of it.

Raphael left the lair, leaping from building to building until he reached your apartment. He could see you through the big windows, walking around in that lingerie. You always said the best thing about your job was the free stuff...and he had to admit, he apprenticed it too. What he didn't appreciate was some stranger pawing your sexy body.

Raphael growled to himself and lept onto your fire escape, slipping through the open window.

You hadn't noticed him yet.

The turtle crept up behind you and placed his hands on your waist. You gasped but soon recognized the touch and feel of rough green hands.


"Ya lookin' good, baby..."

He had something to his voice...lust, you knew very well, but also...something else.

"Ya always look good. I bet what's-his-name agrees."

It took you a moment to think about that, to make a connection. When you did you immediately turned around and said,

"Raph, you don't actually think that-"

He cut you off with a hard kiss, his hands pulling you closer to his chest. You were surprised at first. But soon closed your eyes and enjoyed the kiss. Raphael picked you up and, with a few bumps and near tumbles, he finally made it to the couch.

He pulled away and looked down at you. You were beautiful, so beautiful. And you belonged to him. He needed to show you that...He grasped the soft, silky lingerie in his large hands, exploring the soft material. And he ripped it off. He tossed the scrapes of fabric away, pulling off the bottom piece after.

"You're MINE." he growled.

He kissed you again, biting your bottom lip just so.

"You're MY GIRL."

He went for his own armor, pulling it off and tossing it all aside. You were naked and he was too.

TMNT x Reader Imagines // Book Two.Where stories live. Discover now