2007!Donatello NSFW

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Donnie is always shy when he first starts something but falls into it pretty quickly.

Your first kiss had him shaking but soon enough you’re kissing all the time.

First makeout session? He’s a mess but then…he starts to enjoy it. Not only that, he gets good at it. He learns what gets you going and, oh, does he love to learn.

“How do you feel about this, dove?”


~Then he springs a boner during one and he’s like oh fuck. Because he’s never had sex but…he thinks that he might want to. He thinks he might really want to.

He just doesn’t know what to do about it.

“Y/N, fuck, I…fuck!”

~It’s his first time. His first girlfriend.

And Donatello is beyond nervous. What if he’s too big? What if he hurts her? What if she’s not attracted to him sexually speaking?

~Like, Donnie, babe, you’re a hottie. You’re a 100! Chill, Don, chill.

~You’re first experience is when you’re cuddling on the couch, you’re practically on his lap, maybe a little too close. And maybe, just maybe, your hand finds a certain…something poking out.

He had really been hoping that you wouldn’t notice and he could slip away to deal with it.

“Is that a screwdriver in your pocket or are you just happy to see me?”

“Y/N! I-I’m sorry, I-”

“Relax, Donnie…unless you don’t want to.”

He wants to, he really wants to. And that’s the story of how Donatello gets his first hand job.

~He starts to get more bold. If he gets a little too hornywhile visiting, he might ask for a little help. One day, when you’re giving him a blow job he suddenly realizes…he’s never touched you.

“Oh, god, darling…keep-keep going…just like that…”

~Confession time: he looks up tips online.

Because this turtle wants to go down on you and he wants to do it right.

He wants to have you screaming for him.

~He totally does btw.

After another blowjob, Donatello suddenly pushes you back and says,

“Now let me take care of you.”

Next thing you know, he’s eating you out with a vengeance and, oh god, you’re squirting all over. And he is so fucking smug about it.

TMNT x Reader Imagines // Book Two.Where stories live. Discover now