Need a Little Help? (Donatello x Reader)

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Imagine Donnie fidgeting next to you.

You’re reading a book, which is quite normal, but somehow…arousing.

Maybe it’s the way your leggings cling to your things, clutching every incredible curve. Or the way your sweater sleeve falls fown, showing off your shoulder (oh, how he wants to kiss it) and the soft skin of your neck (he’d kiss that too).

Perhaps it’s the way your fingers flip the page when all he can think about is your fingers wrapped around his-oh!

Donatello had been unable to control himself, churring ever so slightly. You looked up from your book, to his face, and then down from the not-so-small tent in his pants.

“If you want my attention, all you have to do is ask.” you said cooley.

“Darling…please…” he whispered urgently.

Now tell me, do you tackle him? Or tease him?

TMNT x Reader Imagines // Book Two.Where stories live. Discover now