Stressed!Turtles x Reader

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All of the turtles get stressed and all of them have their own reasons.

Leonardo tries to be a good leader and a great brother at the same time; Raphael carries the world’s problems on his shoulders; Donnie works for hours on end, hoping his inventions will keep his family safe; and Mikey just wants what everyone wants. To be loved and accepted.

It’s not easy being green, you know.

And while you can’t solve every problem but you can try to help them deal with the stress.

Leonardo needs full control.

He needs you to be tied up and naked and to go along with your little “games.”

He needs to hear you call him sensei (oh how that word sends shivers down his spine…).

He looks at you, drinking in the image. Your beautiful body looks even more perfect in the candle light but its the rope that excites him. Your hands tied nearly above your head and a blue blindfold stretched across your eyes…absolutely gorgeous.

He kneeled over you, kissing you softly before whispering,

“Do you remember the safe word, hana?”

“Yes, sensei.”

His hands wandered across your smooth skin as he thought about what he would do to you today…he plays with his darling flower, stimulating your clot and grinning as you nearly moan.

“Shhh…no noise tonight, remember?”

It was going to be a long, hot night.

Raph needs you to be strong.

Because he’s a big guy and, even though he’s holding back, he’s still rough as fuck.

Not that you mind.

He needs to hear that he’s the best, that he’s a king to you. He just wants to feel like he’s worthy…

He you to bend over for him (let him see that ass…and spank it too…) and let him have his way. He’ll be grunting and growling and calling you every name in the god damn book as you scream.


“Ya like that? Ya want more? Tell me what ya want!”

The whole city can probably hear him but he doesn’t give a damn about them right now. He thrusts hard into and your whole body shakes.

“You, sir, I want you! Oh my goood-”

He’s fucking you harder now and he wouldn’t be surprised if the bed broke. But he doesn’t care.

All he cares about is you and him and this, right here.


Donnie needs you to play along.

His needs can be a bit strange sometimes and, yes, he does tease you more then he should.

But he would never do it if you didn’t enjoy it…

Donnie has shoved everything off of his metal desk and replaced it all with you. You’re looking up at him, excited and ready.

You look so beautiful…

His fingers are teasing you through your panties and oh my god you need more, you need him.


“Yes, dove?” he asks calmly.

“Please, Donnie, no more games! Oh!”

He smiles. And very, very slowly removes your lacey panties. He takes a moment to enjoy that veiw before sliding a finger into you.

You moan and gasp and he churrs.

This is exactly what he needs.

Mikey needs comfort.

He needs you to be close, to hold him and kiss him and just to be there. He needs to hear<br>

“I love you.”

So you say it. Over and over again as you ride him. You’re both moaning and he’s tugging on your nipples as you fuck. Loudly.

Because Michealangelo does not know the meaning of quiet.

“Oh! Oh, babydoll, just like that! Oh my goood!!”

“Mikey~you feel so good?”

He smiles. He loves hearing you say that, loves it too much.

“Yeah, baby?” he gasps, “how good? How much do you want me?”


That’s enough for him. He rolls over, pressing you into the mattress and going to town on you. Every sound, every scream just makes him go at it harder and faster.

And honestly, he wants to go all night long…

TMNT x Reader Imagines // Book Two.Where stories live. Discover now