Chapter 24

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Lauren's POV

"What do you mean you fucked up Lauren?" Dinah asked me, i couldn't stop crying i need something to distract me. I need Y/N beside me. I need to tell her the truth! But then like Brad said he has the power. "Please tell us Lauren." Normani said placing my hair behind my ears "I-I can't..." i cried, i shook my head "I can't tell you. I'm trapped..." i whispered. They looked at me still confused and worried and all i did was just think about Y/N. "You mother fucker!" we heard, we all stood up and i looked at Kylie nervously. "Why the fuck did you do that huh?!" Kylie said shoving me again and again, i didn't fight back i was just sobbing. "K-Kylie, please! Stop" Y/N begged as she tried pulling Kylie away from me "No Y/N!" Kylie shout "P-Please... just stop. Kylie please." Y/N begged again. Kylie looked at me angrily and i just curled into a ball, "Let's go please." Y/N said pulling Kylie's arm. "I'm not going anywhere until she explains!" Kylie snapped, "What the fuck is happening here?!" Camila asked with Ally beside her. 

Fuck! Now everybody is involved! Everyone looked at me then to Y/N, since we were both crying.  "Did you two had a fight?" Ally asked us, i gulped and looked at Y/N who looked away instantly. "Dinah, please bring me home." she said sadly, i stood up and tried to go near Y/N but Kylie pushed me. "No!" Normani pulled her away "What is the matter with you two!" she asked me, then turned to Y/N. "Lauren broke up with me." she finally said, now all them glared at me and i just sighed groaned "I didn't want to! But i had to!" i screamed before getting me stuff and ran out of the school. I got to my car and cried AGAIN! Like i said i can't stop crying! This is too painful, i've never cried this much before. Y/N is really important to me but i had to let her go. This is the worst pain ever. 

Dinah's POV

I looked over to Y/N and saw her sobbing again, as the best friend i immediately hugged her "We're going to my house okay? You're sleeping over." i told her, she nodded weakly and i helped her to my car. "I'll call you Mila." i told my girlfriend who nodded still worried. "Get in Y/N." i said helping her inside the car, as she went inside she curled into a ball and hugged a pillow crying silently. I sighed and stared at my best friend for a while, what happened to them? Except the fact that they broke up, i just want to know the reason. I gotta talk to Lauren. I went to the driver's seat and started driving to my house. When we got there, Y/N was now out of tears she just looked....numb. I helped her inside and to my room, i let her lay down on my bed and she just sat down staring at the blank wall. I sighed and held her hands "Do you want something to eat? We can eat ice cream? We always eat ice cream when we were sad remember? When we were kids." i said looking at her. She looked at me and gave me a weak smile "No thank you." she said quietly, i frowned "Y/N you need to eat something." i said, she shook her head.

"You know what, imma stop asking you." i said she looked at me confused as i stood up "I'm going to make us some lunch without burning the kitchen of course AND we are watching Pretty Little Liars okay? I know you love that TV show and i know you're hungry so stop being stubborn cause your best friend is taking care of you." i said kissing her forehead. My heart jumped when i saw her smile, i knew i did a good job cause at least i made her smile! I love Y/N, she's my best friend/sister. I'll always have her back and will always be in her side no matter what, and i know she'll be there for me too. We have been friends for years, we understand each other. 

Your POV

It's been 20 minutes now and i was reading a book while waiting for Dinah, my mind kept going back to Lauren whenever i'm reading and it annoys the crap out of me! I sighed and opened my phone but frowned when i saw my lock screen. It was Lauren and i, i opened my photos and saw photos of her and i. I played a video when we were in the playground and she accidentally fell off the swing, we looked so happy. My heart aches again, i'm missing her so bad. I want Lauren back... i want her hugs, her kisses, her cuddles, i just want her. Dinah came back and placed the food on the table "No, no, no, no. No phones! Especially, no Lauren right now." she said getting my phone, she wiped my tears and hugged me tight. "Y/N you will get over this okay? I believe in you, you are a strong person. I want you to toughen up and calm down. Tomorrow, you will go up to Lauren and fight for your relationship okay? There is no way you two will be separated." she said i nodded and sniffled. "O-Okay..." i said weakly, "Good now go eat your macaroni and cheese and i'll play the PLL." she said i nodded and started eating my food. 

To be honest, i was hungry. After 15 minutes i finished my food and was now eating dessert, i looked over to Dinah and she just smiled at me "I knew you were just stubborn." she said caressing my cheek. I smile and ate some ice cream "Thank you Dinah, and i love you." i said she nodded "I love you too. I hope you feel better now?" i nodded " A little bit." i said she smiled and stood up. "I'm just gonna call my girlfriend okay?" she said i nodded and then she went out of the room. I wonder what Lauren is doing at this moment, but i promise you Lauren i will try and fight for us. 

- Next Morning -

"Hey chick, you ready to face Lauren?" Dinah asked me as we got in her car, i sighed "I'll try and know the reason why she broke up with me." i said she nodded and we were now on our way to our school. Once we arrived we walked in the hallway and saw Lauren looking like a mess, basically like me. "Go ahead girl." Dinah said i nodded and walked to Lauren. She closed her locker then jumped when she saw me "Can we talk?" i asked her she looked around and then to me "Y/N please, don't make this hard for both of us." she said shaking her head, she was about to walk away but i pulled her back. "Lauren, i am not backing out. I want to fight for our relationship." i said she shut her eyes tight and sighed "Y/n please." i shook my head "No Lauren. Stop giving up on us. Tell me the real reason why you broke up with me." i said "Shut up" she said glaring at me. "No!" she groaned "Y/N, stop it. The others might hear you." she said through gritted teeth, "What? Are you actually giving up  on us?" she gulped and look at me seriously. 

"I'll admit i still love you okay? But you have no idea what i'm going through, this is harder than an actual Math problem Y/N. Trust me, i really really love you-" "Then why did you do this?" i cut her off she was about to answer but her phone vibrated. She looked at it and then rolled her eyes "Y/N, just please... leave me alone okay?" she then walked away. I sighed and saw Brad winking at me i glared at him before walking to English. "Oh fuck, i have English with her." i mumbled i face palmed myself and just sat on my normal seat, minutes later the students are entering the classroom. My eyes then met the green ones, we stared at each other for a while before she looked away and saw in the front, i then saw Ty sitting beside her. I saw them talking and Ty glancing at me, i looked away from them and just focused on my book, Lauren i will fight for us. Please fight for us too, together we will make it. 

- Lunch -

Lunch has finally came and i was starving, i went to the cafeteria and sat with the girls. "Is Lauren sitting with us?" i asked them "No... she's now sitting with her cheerleader friends." Camila said and we all looked at Lauren who was laughing with her other friends. "Did you find out why you two broke up?" Dinah asked, i shook my head "No. She said i have no idea what she's going through." i said shrugging they sighed. "This makes me really sad, just saying." Ally said they all nodded too, "Honestly i'm still heart broken but i am fighting for our relationship." they smiled and we all started talking about random stuff. My eyes kept glancing at Lauren though, and i feel like she was doing the same cause sometimes we lock eyes but look away immediately. I look at her again and saw her looking back at me but suddenly Brad nudged her and she broke eye contact. I sighed sadly and looked away and never looked back. 


A/N: Sorry for the mistakes. ✌🏼

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