Chapter 3

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Your POV

"Ugh here we are again in Starbucks." i groaned "Girl shut up, Starbucks is the best!" i sighed and then waited for her in a table. I feel like going to a beach and just enjoy the smell of salt water, warm breeze hitting my face and feeling sand between my toes. I sighed and just waited for Dinah to come back, "Y/N!" i jumped and turned around seeing Lauren and Camila "Oh hi..." Lauren smiled and then whispered something to Camila's ear before sitting next to me. "Are you alone?" she asked i shook my head "Um... no i'm actually with a friend- Dinah- i mean a friend." i stuttered, oh fuck that was embarrassing! Shit, i look like an idiot now! I look away from her trying to just get rid of the feeling. But then i heard giggles "Dinah's your friend?" i nodded shyly she smiled "Alright, well can we join you two?" she asked then looking at me in the eyes, oh my god her eyes gorgeous. She's beautiful.

I cleared my throat and shut my eyes turning my head away, i took a deep breath and nodded "Yeah... i think that's fine." she chuckled "Great!" she then sighed "Ugh it's so hot in here."  I turned to her and my eyes widened as i watch her taking off her jacket in slow motion, oh fuck she's hot. She then ran her fingers through her hair while smiling at me, oh gosh everything she does is like in slow motion. "Here you go- oh. Hi Lauren." Dinah greeted Lauren giggled "Hey Dinah, is it okay if Camila and i sit here with you two?" Lauren asked Dinah then raised her eyebrows "Camila is here too?" Lauren nodded "Yeah. Is that fine?" Dinah nodded "Yeah sure." Lauren smiled and then soon Camila came and sat next to Dinah.

I squint my eyes at Dinah cause she's looking all nervous and flustered, is she okay? Dinah looked at me like she was freaking out 'Are you okay?' i mouthed she shook her head. "Hey are you okay?" Lauren asked Dinah who froze since everybody is now looking at her "Uh yeah... it's just really hot in here." Lauren nodded "I agree. Take off your jacket then." Lauren said as she leaned towards the table. "I'll help you." Camila said as she started to help Dinah "I-I... i can do it" Dinah stuttered Camila giggled "Okay!" Dinah sighed and took off her jacket. "Okay so are you two busy?" Lauren asked Dinah and i "No" we both said she nodded, "Cool! So Camila and i was wondering if we could go to the beach today?" Camila asked "Oh uh sure." Dinah said Camila and Lauren smiled and then they started to drag us to the nearest beach.

As we got to the beach Camila literally stole Dinah away from me so now i'm alone with Lauren, i sighed and then just sat on the sand looking at the blue ocean. It's so beautiful... but not as beautiful as Lauren... wait what. I shook my head and just stared at the water, "So you love the beach?" i heard Lauren ask i looked at her and smile "Yeah..." she giggled and then sat next to me. "I love the beach too, it calms me down." i nodded and then just stayed quiet. "So Y/N... um... i found out that Brad bullied you again at school when i wasn't around?" i frowned and sighed "Oh yeah... i'm not supposed to be talking to you." I said then slightly moved away from her.

I saw her roll her eyes and scooted closer to me "Don't be ridiculous. I'm not his." Lauren said I sighed "But he might..." I frowned "Hurt you again?" I gulped and nodded. "He won't be going near you that's for sure." She said "Not when I'm around." Lauren said looking at me. Well then I'm dead. Cause she won't be always beside me anyway, why does Brad have to be a bitch? Why can't he just leave me alone and let me just talk to Lauren. Like what Lauren said she is not Brad's, she is single.


Lauren's POV

I walked inside my room with Camila and she went straight to my bed and laid down "Today was fun." Camila said i sat down on my bed looking at her "Yeah. It's weird... i haven't really talked to them before." i said she sighed "Same, but they do seem really nice." i smiled "They are nice, just shy. I really want to get to know Y/N, she's interesting." Camila giggled "You like her?" i looked at her weirdly "Please Camz, i'm not gay." (A/N: WE ALL KNOW SHE'S BISEXUAL! I know, i know.) "Lolo, it isn't wrong liking a girl you know?" Camila said "Well my parents said it's wrong liking the same sex." i said, my parents strongly dislikes lesbians or gays. I don't support them being homophobic because people do deserve to be happy with whoever they want to be with. "It's bullshit. Come on now, do you think it's wrong?" i sighed "No, people should be with someone they love." Camila nodded "Correct. Now, you don't have to follow their rules." i groaned "Camila, i live under their roof so therefore i have to follow house rules." i said shrugging.

"Wait, so if not. Will you actually admit to yourself that you're crushing on Y/N?" i glared at her "We literally just met Camila." i said Camila shrugged "Whatever Lolo. But i think you two look so cute together." i shook my head. "Like i said, i'm not a lesbian." i said going through Instagram, "You can be bisexual." Camila said "Camz, I like guys okay? Anyway, why are you asking me these kinds of questions?" she shrugged. "Are you bisexual?" she giggled "Maybe, maybe not." my eyes widened "Woah what the fuck?! Since when??" she laughed "Okay, so i may have been crushing on a girl and i have her in most of my class." i scrunched my face. "It's not me isn't?" i said hesitantly she looked at me with disgust "NO! YOU ARE MY BEST FRIEND AND I WILL NOT LOOK AT YOU LIKE THAT!" Camila screamed and then i covered her mouth. "You don't have to be so fucking loud!" i groaned.

"Sowwy, but you're not my crush. That'll be disgusting....ew." i rolled my eyes "Whatever, can you tell me then?" she smiled and then lean towards me to whisper to my ear. I waited for a few seconds until i heard her whisper her name, i gasped when i knew who it was and then pushed her. "OH MY GOD." Camila blushed "Shhh... now please don't tell anyone." my jaw is still wide open and she just laughs and closes my mouth. "Come on Lolo, let us have dinner!" Camila said grabbing my wrist then pulling me downstairs. 

- Friday -

Your POV

I was on my way to PE but someone had pulled my backpack causing me to fall back, "Lauren is mine, understand bitch?" Brad said smirking "But you're her ex..." i said in a quiet tone. He glared at me and then pulled me up by my shirt "I am not her ex, i am her BOYFRIEND!" he screamed in my face, "So you better back off or i won't hesitate to go to your room and kill you." i nodded slowly and then he finally lets me go. I thought i was free but then he pushed me against the lockers forcefully before walking away, i should have known that's gonna happen. Why am i getting bullied now? Ever since Lauren started talking to me Brad has been bullying me, i hope he stops bullying. 

I arrived at the gym with my PE clothes on and as soon as i joined the class everybody kept staring at me "Why were you late Ms Y/L/N?" i sighed "Um... i had-" "Whatever. Be here on time soon!" i jumped and heard giggles from my classmates. I looked down sadly and sighed, i didn't even get to finish my sentence. "Okay go choose a partner and practice playing volleyball with them!" the PE teacher said they all cheered and started getting into partners and i was left out. I'm always left out when they said to get into partners, usually if this is Science of Math i'll do the work by myself but then this is PE. "Well go on Y/N, choose a partner! There are a lot of people who doesn't have one." the PE teacher said, i sighed and suddenly felt anxious. I started walking over to a group of girls and they just looked at me like i was a piece of trash, so i stopped and just sighed.

"You guys have a partner?" i asked shyly "We're all partnered up." one of them said i then looked at her confused "But you guys are only three." i said they rolled their eyes at me. "Don't you get it? We don't want you with us. Now go die on a hall or something." a girl said before giggling with her friends, i bowed my head and then just sat on the corner of the gym. This is why i hate PE, i have no one and everybody hates me even though i haven't done anything wrong to them. I just want high school to be over. Finally the bell rang and it felt like years waiting for the bell, i went to my locker to get changed but noticed my clothes aren't there. I got confused and started to look around and saw those three girls smirking at me, oh no this is bad. "Looking for this?" one of them said holding up my clothes i frowned she stretched her arm to hand me the clothes and as i was about to get it she pulled her hand back and they started to rip my clothes. 

"NO!" they laughed and started to cut my clothes with scissors, "Oh one more thing!" she then got her coffee and spilled it all over my clothes. At this moment i was crying, i don't know why bullying started happening to me. I was invisible before, no one bothered me but now it felt like everybody is bullying me! They walked away and i just walked out of the locker room i turned to my left and saw those girls talking to Brad. Did he... "Well done girls." i heard him say, of course it has to do with him. I sighed and was about to walk away but someone pulled my hair "Take this as a warning Y/N. It can get worst." Brad threatened, i gulped and then started to walk away. I started to walk back home with tears sliding down my cheeks, i didn't care if people looked at me all i want is to go home.

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