I end up tapping his contact and typing a message.

Hey, I was wondering if you'd like to talk.

My finger hovers over the send button, debating on whether I should tap it or not. After a bit, I delete the message and lock my phone. I lean my head back on the couch covering my face with my hands and sigh heavily. Why is it so hard for me?

I hear a sudden knock on the door and get up to open it wondering who it is. I open the door and see Hailee standing there with a smile plastered on her face. "Hey, Haiz. How's it going?" I smile.

"All good, but there's no time to speak because I need to show you something." She says before grabbing my hand and pulling me down the stairs. "Wait, Haiz! Where are we going?" I ask trying my hardest not to fall down the stairs since she's walking real fast with her hand tightly clasped to mine. "You'll see." Is all she says. What the hell?

She takes me to the area between the two buildings. "Okay, I can't accompany you any further from here so you'll have to carry on by yourself. Good luck and have fun." Hailee says getting me even more confused now. What the hell is she talking about?

"Oh, and don't forget to give me all the deets when you get back." She says then gives me a quick hug and walks away quickly. I throw my arms up in the air then let them fall to my sides. What in the name of chocolate banana milkshakes is going on?

I shake my head in disbelief and decide to just go see what's waiting for me around the back. I turn around the corner to the area behind the student building.

I stand in my place shocked to see Shawn out of all people standing there with his back against the wall. With annoyance building up inside me, I stomp over to him.

"What are you doing here?" I ask crossing my arms over my chest. He turns his head towards me and his eyes get as big as saucers when he sees me.

"Wait, I think I'm supposed to be asking you the same question." Shawn says. "Well, Hailee told me that there's something she wanted to show me." I say.

"She told me the exact same thing. Wait, you know Hailee?" Shawn asks furrowing his eyebrows and I nod slowly. "Yeah, but how do you know her?" I ask. "Childhood best friends." He says casually and I nod. That sneaky Hailee.

We stand in an uncomfortable silence for a minute before he speaks up.

"While we're here, I want to say a few things and will very much appreciate it if you listen to what I have to say." Shawn says and I nod. "Go on."


Hailee's P.O.V.

Alright, change of plans, people! I'm gonna let Shawn and Mila to speak to each other personally and resolve their problems on their own. But I'm not leaving these two alone without getting inside information on their whole conversation. Besides, I don't know what to expect from these two; they could just run off in separate directions and pretend this whole thing never even happened! And I'm supposed to be there to prevent that!

So right now I'm standing behind them but very, very far from them; I'm standing at the side of the school building while they're behind the student building and I'm listening to every single word they're saying!

"Wait, you know Hailee?"

"Yeah, but how do you know her?"

You're probably wondering how I'm listening if I'm that far off. It's simple, really.


"Oh, and don't forget to give me all the deets when you get back." I say then give Camila a quick hug, slowly inserting my fingers into her collar and clipping a speaker on it during the process.

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