You Only Live Once (Connor Murphy x Fem!Reader)

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Requested: _Glyx_
Prompt: 303 "Were in the middle of a thunderstorm and you want to stop and feel the rain?"
Info: Connor is my favorite character (Besides for Jared) in DEH, so dis gonna be fun 😂🤣

I heard the pitter patter of rain on the window, causing me to jump. I gasp happily and run from the couch to the window.

"Connor! Look, it's raining!" I yell happily to him. Thunder roars and lightning flashes, startling me. I turn and see Connor in his normal outfit, a jacket and black jeans, walking towards me.

"It's not raining. It's storming." He says, his voice cold. I roll my eyes and kiss his cheek. I run towards our room and quickly grab a rain coat and boots. I look out the window again before slipping the boots on and jacket over my current clothes.

As I sprint down the hall way and to the stairs, I see the rain began to splatter harder on the window. I sigh a bit, but I still wanted to go outside.

I see Connor still at the window, staring at the little drops on the window. He looks over at me, not noticing the jacket at first. Then he does a double take. He stares at me and walks toward me.

"So, we're in the middle of a goddamn thunderstorm and I'm guessing you want to go out and feel the rain." I nod happily. He groans and puts his fingers to the bridge of his nose. I giggle and kiss his cheek.

"Come with me!" I gasp. He shakes his head and starts to walk away. "Please Connor?" I whine. He sighs and gives in. He walks up the stairs and goes to our room. He comes back with a jacket and boots on his feet.

"Yay! Your not being a sour puss!" I smile and kiss his cheek. He chuckles and follows me as I run into the rain.

It smacks my face like a bullet and makes me jump. I yelp and run back to the cover of the porch.

"I told you." He smirks. I roll my eyes and throw up my hood. He looks at me as I grab his hand. He looks panic stricken for a minute before throwing up his hood. Connor sighs, annoyed as crap. I run this way and that, laughing happily.

I look and see Connor sneaking back to the house. I huff a sigh of annoyance and run after him. I grab his arm, spinning him toward me. I lean him down and kiss his lips. I can tell his eyes are open for a second before he closes them.

"You only live once Connor, make the most of it." I say while he's still on a high from the kiss.

"Yea.. you do."

DOUBLE UPDATEEEE! I hope you guys liked the one by 135little or ThatOneGal21 (She's on ThatOneGal more I think). Be sure to check her one shot book out dudes!

Love you all and as always, Keep Reading!


(Yo, I love the rain, this is one of my favorites omg yEssss ~Ami)

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