4.2 - Why?

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"I say... take the time to find yourself." Rin concluded. She sat on the couch, legs crossed with a cup of ginger tea in her hands. Sitting next to her, facing her is a new face. His name is Taehyun, from the boy group Winner.

He didn't know why he just told someone he just met all his worries but... he felt so much calmer because of it. It wasn't exactly the reaction he expected either. He watched as she sipped her tea. He made it for her. He had no idea she was a trainee under their company, nor did he know that they actually let her dorm with a guy. He's heard the saying that people from the same place stick together but he had no idea YG respected that desire.

Taehyun sighs.

"I've been looking for a long time..." He said. Rin smiled and patted him on the shoulder.

"It's okay. I may not know how close people are in Korea but back in America, performers are pretty close. They should understand and they may even be able to help you. It builds a stronger relationship." She said to him. She felt a little weird giving advice to someone older, but he didn't seem to care. She was much more mentally mature than he was, despite her age.

"I guess so..." Taehyun answers, still unsure.

"Take your time. There's no time limit to finding yourself." She smiled. "Anyway, thank you so much for what you did. You saved me life." She thanked him. Taehyun smiled awkwardly.

"It was nothing. Sorry for creeping in like that..." He muttered. He was very shy, not something she expected out of a performer but she could relate. She was a shy person when she first started also. After talking to each other, Taehyun decided to leave to let her rest, giving her some words of encouragement as she is still a trainee and left. Rin sighed as she finally was alone. She laid on the couch, completely wrapped like a caterpillar wrapped in a cocoon. Just as she closed her eyes, her door slammed open with a voice.



Rin knew that voice from anywhere. She opens her eyes to see Jaewon in front of her.


"Why do you want me to check on Rin? She's coming to class today." Jaewon asked. Jiyong pulled him aside when he stepped in the building and asked him to run by Rin's dorm.

"I heard from Woojin that she's sick." Jiyong informed. Yes, this alarmed Jaewon... but something else alarmed him more. His sunbae's reaction to the news.

"So why don't you go?" He asked. Jaewon could feel a weird feeling creeping up. His suspicions may be right... Sunbae may have feelings for his student.

"Just do it. I have too much work to do to check up on her." Jiyong snapped, quickly turning around and slamming the studio door in his face. You could hear Teddy scolding him for property damage. Jaewon slightly smiled at the thought of his hyung falling for someone as her but quickly shook it off. Jiyong wouldn't be careless enough for that.

END of Flashback

"As you came and visited I, a sick person, I expected a much quiet and gentle greeting." Rin mumbled as she sat up with a sigh, rubbing her ear.

"Sorry." Jaewon mumbled, walking in and closing the door. He took off his shoes and walked over to her. He was in his usual practice attire; adidas sweat pants and a large shirt to match. He was just looking fly... While Rin on the other hand, was definitely looking like she was sick.

"Who are you flexing for?" She joked, making Jaewon roll his eyes.

You, DUH!

"How are you feeling?" He asked, ignoring her joke.

"Like shit." She replied. She suddenly gasped, covering her mouth and looking at him, horrified. Jaewon was shocked of her language before he started laughing and laughing hard.


"Stop!" Rin whined back but he couldn't. Her face was priceless and just so damn cute. He couldn't even stand anymore. He crouched down and continued to laugh. She pouted before throwing a pillow at him.

"Okay, okay." He said, standing up, regaining is composure. He went over to her but she raised her hands to keep him away.

"Don't come any closer! You'll get sick!" Jaewon laughed.

"It's no problem for me. I need a break anyway." He said, plopping down next to her. Now that he is calm from the laughing... he realized that he was in an apartment... alone with her.


"Why are you here, anyway?" She suddenly asked. Jaewon scratched the back of his head... thinking if he should tell her or not.

"... Jiyong sunbae told me to." He said,

"Oh?" She seemed really surprised. Jaewon was a little suspicious of the two. He's heard the CEO and GD talk about her. GD thinks she could debut very soon and wants to collaborate with her. They stayed silent for a bit. It wasn't exactly an uncomfortable silence.

"Question..." He started. She turned to him with a questioning look.


"... Is there something going on between you and GD?" He asked. He secretly hoped there wasn't. He was persuaded that it was for the right reasons... but deep down...

"No!" She suddenly exclaimed, shaking her head rigorously. That was all Jaewon needed. He was very good at observation. He knew that her response meant that she probably likes him... but who wouldn't. It's GDragon of all people.

"If you say so..." He ended up saying, his heart slightly breaking. She saw his face deflate and took it as a different meaning then what he intended.

"Don't look so glum." She said, playfully pinching his shoulder. "It's not that I don't like GD." She said. She ended up keeping her eyes on the one poster she had on her wall. It was a GD One Of A Kind poster that she had. "We're from two different worlds... I know it wouldn't work out between us." She said. Jaewon knew he shouldn't ask but he did anyway. Funny how he may like her... yet he's trying to convince her that it was okay to like GD.

"Why do you say that?"

"... Because I look up to him. He may not know it... But he's the reason I was able to become who I am today. His music saved me... I wouldn't be good enough for him..." She said, her eyes dropping down low. Jaewon was surprised at what he was seeing. Maybe it was because she was sick? She's usually very confident in everything she does. He's never seen her once look depressed, always working hard and smiling through the struggles that they faced through their training. Whatever was happening, he didn't like it.

"YA!" He yelled suddenly, scaring her. He put a hand on her shoulder and made her face him.


"You're beautiful! Okay!? You're amazing! You work hard and you're so talented! I-... Don't speak of yourself lowly!" He yelled, actually very upset. Rin was surprised but soon smiled, putting a hand on his head.

"Thank you... Jaewon..."


Wow it's been a long while! Hey guys! College is going great! I've been doing better in my classes versus my first year and I actually find Organic Chemistry enjoyable if I know it ha ha ^^

As you saw, I posted many different novels. Check them out. I will be continuing them in my free time.

I also would love it if you guys would check me out on instagram and message me. I need friends T-T

Username - Annisa.Nowicki

I've been more motivated to pursue my dreams and aspirations. Just have to motivate myself to go to the gym and I'll be Gucci

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