2.5 - Soul Writing

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"I... I have no idea what to write..." Rin admitted to the room that consisted of her boss, trainers and sunbaes.

"That's what we're here for." Teddy answered with a kind smile. It was the same answer all new trainees say when they are given the opportunity to debut. They all waited for CEO to start speaking. He simply observed Rin thoughtfully.

"I wouldn't have accepted you into YG if I wasn't certain that you could make it, I believe you can." He announced. "Of course, we will continue your training, maybe a year or two until debut... And I'm still not sure if I should put you in a group or have you as a soloist... like Lee Hi... Or give you a duet like Akdong Musician..."

"Surprised you have already met Namjoon from BTS and you're even a friend of Mark. You're just full of surprises." Teddy laughed. Rin smiled at his praise.

"Dance wise, you are ranked one in my class." Her dance trainer said. "But I knew that as soon as I heard you were a dance choreographer. I've watched your group performances on youtube so that already gives you international fans." They all nodded.

"And you have a beautiful voice, different from your dancing. You aren't like Jay Park in which you would dance hip hop and sing hip hop..." Her vocal trainer added.

"It would be nice to have you learn Japanese." Another teacher said. She hasn't met him yet until today since both her and Jin were fluent in Korean.

"If I decide to debut you as a soloist... You'll be called... Melody, but even that is up for debate" CEO said. Rin's eyes widened at the name.

"That sounds beautiful..." She answered.

"That's because you have a beautiful voice." Teddy answered. CEO then nodded, getting up and everyone gets up with him.

"Teddy, I expect you to help her out on this. Bring in Ji Young if you have to and Lydia Paek. She'll help with the beats and such." Teddy nodded. "Dismissed." They all left his office, Teddy right behind Rin. He lead her to Studio 1A, the studio he always uses. He doesn't usually let many trainees into his studio, barely ever but he already considered her as an artist. They both sat on the couch and he handed her a notebook. It was light blue with a kawaii elephant in the middle.

"You can use that to brainstorm lyrics and ideas." He said, also handing her a pencil. She took it gratefully and wrote her name in the inside cover. She then turned back to Teddy who was staring at her. "Any ideas?" He asked and Rin nodded.

"I've never written a song before..." She mumbled and he smiled. He leaned over.

"I'll be honest here... you may have to dig deep into your heart to come up with these lyrics... Think of a time that brought out many emotions... Sad memories, happy memories... You could think of anything and use those emotions to make songs. You don't even have to make rhymes yet but... It takes time and sometimes the cracking of a heart to write one." He told her. Rin looked down as she had some flashbacks. She then sighed.

"This is going to be difficult..." She answered. Teddy leaned away and smiled.

"No one said being an idol was easy." He laughed and she laughed with him. She stared at her paper for a few minutes, not trusting herself to write. Of course she had something in mind but... she didn't want to dig up those memories. Teddy saw her struggling and smiled. He then got up, patting her back. "Here." He handed her a key. She took it, staring at it weirdly before looking back up at him. "You can use this room even if I'm not here to write if you need, just remember to lock it when you leave. I have an errand to run so I'll see you around." He also gave her his number. "Text if you need to talk." He said, leaving her alone in his studio. She looked around the studio, not trusting herself to speak, just to look. She honestly never thought she would end up living her dream as her ultimate bias but here she was, about to become an idol yet... yet she can't write a single song. She cussed under her breathe as she got up. She attached the key to her key chain that is always connected to her pants and locked the door, heading back to her dorm. As she walked, she remembered that Jin wasn't at the dorm yet, giving her all that alone time to think of things here at the building. As she was exiting the studio section, she accidentally bumped into a large figure.

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