1.2 - Social Media Duty

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"STOP! STOP! STOP!" Trainer Hwang stopped the music for the tenth time and whipped around towards Woo Jin who was panting from all the dancing. He stomped over to the trembling trainee.

"How many times must I tell you to keep count on the beat and go over the steps!" He yelled. Rin flinched at the trainers venomous voice and glanced over at Woo Jin who had his head down, looking at the floor. It's been about one week since they started classes and it wasn't easy. They were put in the same classes as IKON due to overcrowding in the other trainee classes. It started out a bit laid back but by the third day, the trainers went into the training seven fold. IKON were a little irritated by all the stopping but didn't voice out their complaints due to sympathy. They knew what it was like to be the new trainees and how hard it was the first time. It was especially hard for the two of them since they were starting in the intermediate class instead of the beginning class. Even if Rin was a choreographer, she had to remind herself plenty of times that she wasn't anymore and follow directions.

"I'm sorry..." Woo Jin apologized again. Rin wanted to stop the trainer from yelling at him but knew that action is extremely taboo in the Korean culture so she held herself back. Trainer Hwang heaved another sigh.

"Ten minute break." He said suddenly. Trainer Hwang knew that he was being a bit too cruel and decided to get a few minutes to cool down. He just didn't understand why he was so... dumb on counting tempos and the simple dance steps... They were so simple! He quickly left as the students just collapse on the floor. Rin went over to Woo Jin and patted him on the back.

"Woo Jin Oppa... you ok?" She asked in a cute manor. She did a bit aegyo to make him feel better but he just cringed.

"Aish, your aegyo is as bad as ever." He teased earning a light hit.

"Yah, at least I try!" She shot back with a smile. It was good that he could still joke despite being depressed.

"You'll get better." Bobby suddenly voiced as he sat next to Woo Jin. He simply nodded.

"Dancing is just... so hard for me..." Woo Jin said.

They continued to dance for another hour before having a ten minute break and moving to their next class. Their next class was Korean class. That class was pretty good for both of them. They do really well in that class so they never worried too much. It was the rap class where Woo Jin really excelled and Rin was... decent. Rin really tried but despite her love for hip hop, her voice was made for more R&B than rap. They had acting classes too. That was their least favorite class due to the scenes they have to act out. The scenes given to them are very cheesy and she cringes each time she has to do one. She was pretty glad that the teacher didn't have her play every female part since she was the only girl in that class. Jinhwan also played female characters. Vocal classes were always a blast but hard for everyone. They sang everything from classical opera to R&B. They were both getting used to their classes with Big Bang hardly showing up. They were busy working on their comeback album and it required much production. It was a Sunday when the CEO summoned Rin to his office. She entered and was surprised to see all the members of Big Bang there and 2NE1. Rin gasped and quickly held her breath from screaming causing everyone to laugh. Rin could not get her eyes off of Park Bom. Bom was so beautiful and has been on hiatus for such a long time. Being a blackjack, she felt the pain as the whole fandom did.

"Sunbae-nims." She bowed to all of them.

"Yah yah, Rin-ah. No need for the formalities." CL laughed. She patted the seat next to her and she sat. Ji Young kept quiet but looked at her. Would this girl even be ready to debut so early? He could imagine the hardships she would have to go through if the CEO really wants to go through with this and he didn't think it was right. Her and Woo Jin were older than the usual trainees they would take in but still...

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