3.1 Ideas For The Future

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"Isn't that a bit... excessive?" Rin's manager asked as they sat in the CEO's office. CEO just called Rin and her manager for an emergency meeting that included a talk about her progress as a trainee, her social media accounts, her debut and... her activities with RapMonster of BTS. He suggested for her to take a few days off from training to go to BigHit and get to know BTS. Rin was down... but her manager... he wasn't.

"How so?" He asked. Rin stayed silent as she watched the two talk about it.

"If you truly want her to debut by the end of this year or beginning of next year, we have to get in all her training, plus her promotions... I don't think we have any time..." Her manager exasperated.

"Well this would be her promotions. Think about it, Rin's going to practice either way. We don't have to make her practice because from her work ethic from America and from what I've been seeing, our other trainees have improved exponentially since she's arrived. She's always the first one in the dance studio and last to leave by... hours. She can handle being in Bighit to work with Namjoon for his mixtape and maybe as an opening act for their tour? I haven't worked every detail yet but it is the time frame of BTS' break. I want to debut Ikon first." CEO said. The manager sighed.

"And what of Rin? That's a little risky to debut her right after Ikon. Her fanbase isn't as large as Ikon and she may even get anti-fans due to Bangtan's popularity." Her manager said. CEO nodded.

"I understand that. That is the exact reason why I want her to perform on stage more. She already has a big fanbase from America due to her status as one of the best and youngest choreographers in NYC. She has a pretty acceptable personality and knows how to carry herself on stage." He then looked to Rin. "How did you learn how to act in front of cameras?" He asked.

"I was always around cameras since joining that Dance Academy. I was a dancer before they promoted me as a choreographer. I followed GDragon too. I followed his example and became easily liked." She told him. He raised his eyebrow at her answer but did not press on. He had word from a friend in the paparazzi that there is rumor that the two were dating. He didn't ask the two but asked the other members of Big Bang. He didn't mind GD dating but Rin was still young and hasn't even debuted. A scandal of the two dating could be the end of her career before she even started. He turned back to the manager.

"I will be sending you a schedule of what I want her to be in. She could act in a small web drama, collaborate in an MV, and be in variety shows. I'm also thinking of starting a variety show for her... But I haven't decided if she will be a solo artist or part of a group yet." CEO finished. The two bowed and exited his office. The two walked in silence but then the manager suddenly stopped causing Rin to accidentally bump into him.

"Ah, I'm sorry." She said as rubbed out her nose that slightly hurt from the impact. The manager was a lot more fit than he looked. He then turned to her.

"I'm sorry about this. I... I just want everything to work out for you. If you feel over-worked, please do not hesitate to tell me." He said.

"Eh? I'm totally fine about it, excited actually. Why this thought?" She asked.

"You just look tired is all. Have you been getting enough sleep. I heard that you would be at studio until two-am and your schedule starts at eight everyday... Save that lack of sleep for your after-debut days." He laughed. He rubbed her shoulder and the two began walking again. "What is your dream, if you don't mind me asking. I know you want to be an idol but you've been doing this waay before you became a trainee."

"Hm... I went to a performing arts school from middle school to the end of high school. I originally only did dance but then I auditioned for a musical and was pulled into the music department and soon the communications and theatre. I guess it was just my life and still is..." Rin looked down at her hands, memories flashing in her mind. "Music is the one thing that has kept me sane..." The manager felt that there was more behind her words but didn't ask since he didn't want to press her for information. She would tell him when she was ready. As the walked into the lobby, ready to head out was when someone called her name. She looked around, completely confused as did the manager but she than saw who called him.

"Junhoe!" She said, running up to him as he did to her. "What's up?" She hasn't seen him or the rest of Ikon for some time now. He was beaming up at her.

"We'll be debuting soon!" He exclaimed.

"By soon, he means in three months." Another voice sounded. The voice sounded familiar and she was met by Bobby and Hanbin. "It's been a while." Bobby said. She hugged them all as the manager stood by.

"It has and yeah, I heard from the CEO. I'm so happy for you. Are you ready to be more awesome than you already are?" She joked. The manager ended up driving all of them back to their dorms. He dropped them off and told Rin to get some rest since she'd be going to Bighit tomorrow in which she nodded. Junhoe, Bobby and Hanbin ended up hanging out in her dorm.

"Where's Woo Jin hyung?" Hanbin asked.

"He's out with Jaewon right now. They're working on this duet rap together." They nodded.

"So what's been happening lately? There's rumor that you'll be collaborating with someone soon." Bobby asked, getting straight to the point. They were all sitting on the small couch in front of the TV that wasn't on at the moment. She already had some tea for them and they were just chilling. The three boys sat on the couch while she sat in a single chair.

"Yup. They're a group from Bighit. I'll be heading over there tomorrow and was told to just train from there since it will be such a hassle going back and forth for training." She told them. They nodded.

"Lucky. They're really good." Junhoe commented. the others nodded in agreement.

"I know. They came a few days ago while we were having our all-out dance practice after class. We got to see them dance and did a few together." Rin added. They talked for a bit on their music before leaving. Woo Jin walked in as they were leaving and they all said their goodbyes. Woo Jin looked extremely tired and even fell asleep on the couch in which she just put a blanket over his sleeping figure and left him, going into her own room and falling asleep on her futon.

* * * * *

This was done really quick as a fill in for the next big story. I believe it will be a regular chapter but then there will be chapters with parts for each unit of an event.

I am really in love with BTS' 'Save Me'.




I went last year to see Vixx and... I have college so I have to save money to not live off of Ramyun...


Like it? Vote, Comment and add to a reading list? Whatever you want to do. I never dreamed of having so many people read this. I personally think it could be better but when I already have a new story typed out, waiting until I finish this before I begin to post it. It's more organized than this fanfic. I'm so sorry for the messy story T-T

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