0.8 - Dance Competition Part 2

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"Don't you think we should have put on disguises better than this?" Youngbae asked. Him and Ji Young just entered the audience where the competition was taking place. It was outside, much to Ji Young's dismay. Everyone was in large coats and he felt sorry for the dancers. The forecast said that snow would probably fall during the competition and it was freezing cold. Both were in huge coats along with winter hats, sunglasses and face masks.

"No one recognizes us anyway." Ji Young said nonchalantly. They were being led to their seats by a small teenage boy with a smile. Youngbae observed his surroundings while Ji Young was busy looking for Rin. It's been so long since he was able to walk around the public without getting bombarded by fans or paparazzi. Even when he heard from Jiyoung about the trainees, they were fans yet they knew boundaries. He really missed the feeling of... Normalcy...

"Ji Young! Over hear!" They hear a female yell over. They turn around and Ji Young recognizes her as Rin's roommate. Youngbae was afraid they were recognized until he saw Jiyoung smile and walk towards her. He followed.

"Samantha, right?" He asked. She laughed.

"Just Sam is fine. Here to support?" She asked as they took their seats next to her. Ji Young sat next to her while Youngbae sat next to him.

"Of course. She's a talented girl. I wonder how she'll perform today." Samantha laughed. "This is the first competition that the top five dance studios will be competing against each other. I'm excited. They never lost a competition before and I hope they don't." Sam informs while looking up onto the stage. Her aura seemed to be a bit more serious.

"I didn't introduce you, this is Youngbae." Ji Young showed her Youngbae who was also looking around. He turned around at the mention of his name. Samantha was the type of girl he never really talked to. He was usually not very social with foreign girls, especially blondes. He always felt low self esteem when he met one since they were so beautiful. He nodded his head and did a light smile.

"Are you the guy that sings that Ringa Linga song?" She asked. They were surprised she knew.

"You listen to Korean music?" Ji Young asked. Samantha shook her head.

"Not really, but she played this one song I really liked and I even searched for the music video. You look like the guy in the video." Samantha answered honestly. Youngbae appreciated her honesty.

"I see. Well, that's me." He said with a sheepish smile.

"Wow! Really!? That's so cool. I was literally obsessed with that song for the longest time." Samantha laughed. Despite the awkward atmosphere, Samantha acted as if there was none. She suddenly took out her phone which was an iphone. "Selfie?" She asked.

"Sure." Ji Young answered. He took off his disguise the same with Youngbae and poised with Sam. Same held a bright smile while throwing the peace sign. Ji Young did the same thing while Youngbae did one behind her head as bunny ears. She snapped the photo.

"Is it alright if I post this?" She asked.

"We don't mind but I warn you that our fans are a bit... Hyper..." Youngbae said in the nicest way possible. He knew that many Korean fans don't approve of them hanging out with westerners and he personally didn't care but he didn't want her to go through the cyber-bullying.

"That's fine. I have fans of my own and I don't understand Korean nor plan to so..." She went off and posted it on her instagram. Both Ji Young and Youngbae tagged themselves in her picture and reposted it with different captions.

@samstyle.love - bumped into these people at the competition audience!

@xxxibdrgn - Chilling with Samantha and Taeyang for this hip hop dance competition.

@youngbae - We made a new friend. It's nice to meet you, Samantha.

Sam smiled at the thousands of comments that were coming in, most she didn't understand but the kpop fans that were also her fans were commenting how lucky she was. She laughed before turning off notifications so she could record the performances in peace. The lights then dimmed and the crowd went wild, especially Sam. Ji Young and Youngbae were shocked a girl could even scream as loud as she did. A tall man ran out in a red blazer with sequins and black slacks. He looked Hispanic and had beautiful green eyes to contrast with his dark brown hair. Many of the girls screamed as he stood before them.

"How are you guys doing toniiiiight!!!!???" He yelled. The crowd screamed. Ji young and Youngbae just watched with amusement as the crowd was going wild. "Ya'll hyped enough!?" Another wave of screams followed. He laughed and motioned with his left hand to quiet down the crowd. "Alright alright. My name is Isaiah and I'll be your MC for the night. I want to tell ya'll a bit about this competition. I know most of ya'll been here since year one but our audience grows each year so there'r some new kids here." He laughed. He was slowly going into his usual ghetto way of speaking but he quickly went back to sounding somewhat professional. "HHNYC, Hip Hop New York Competition, is a place where the best of the best dance crews and studios come to compete against each other. This will be the first year we have expanded to the whole state of New York instead of just NYC." The MC continued on with the names of the sponsors and introduced the judges. "Our first judge is Jawn Ha!" He yelled. Music started playing then and Samantha recognized the sing is "Get Outta Your Mind" by Lil John. An asian guy ran onto the stage in a black t-shirt and black and white basketball shorts with a cap. He began dancing and the crowd went wild. Samantha was singing along and even Jiyoung and Youngbae were bobbing their head back and forth.

(The link to watch the choreography is - www.youtube. com/watch?v=P8 RSUJVCYsM)

Jawn Ha waved at the crowd before taking his seats to the in front of the first row where the judges would stay to watch. "And our second judge is Kingjaz!!!! The real-life robot!!!!" Another guy ran onto the stage and "First of The Year" by Skrillex began playing. Everyone was going wild with his exact movements that mimicked a machine.

He went over and sat next to Jawn Ha. The two fist pumped and waved at the crowd again. The two kpop idols were really excited since they don't see much hip hop dancing, especially with this much powerful passion. "We have three choreographers who made something special for us! I welcome Yuki Shibuya, Canillo Lauricella and Robert Lenart!!!!" The crowd went wild as three people ran onto the stage in the order of their names. Jiyoung and Youngbae were surprised that it was a japanese girl and that Camillo was a boy. "Turn Up The Music" by Chris Brown began playing. The crowd went wild as they interacted in the dance and their facial expressions.

"And now! We will official start the competition!"


Just finished this in study hall. I really wasn't planning on making this competition so long but it has become a real obsession. I love hip hop but am sad to see not many korean hip hop artists who dance with fiery passion (my opinion). Next chapter will be coming to you fast... As soon as I finish this 20 page research paper

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