0.5 - Early Debut

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"But... that's too fast!" Rin exclaimed after hearing CEO give them his plan for her. CEO shook his head at her shock.

"No it's not. You have everything that is needed to debut already. We just need to work on an album and music video and you'll be fine." He said. Ji Young was shocked at his decision too. She's going to debut right after Ikon? He doesn't know how well the K-netizens will react to that. Youngbae sat in silence and observed Rin. She was definitely cute, not like the little lolita that Lee Hi is but she has a good body that netizens will probably fall for. He saw that she didn't use much make up so she would be one of the more 'pure' idols in their family. It would be better if her hair was longer and not dyed.

"Can I ask something?" He asked, gaining everyone's attention. He looked to Rin. "Why did you dye your hair? It may be a bit too bold before your debut." Rin shook her head.

"I didn't dye my hair." She said. They all looked at her in shock.

"Eh!? That's your real hair color!?" CEO asked in surprise.

"Lies." Ji Young insisted. She just kept coming in with more surprises.

"It's true!" She insisted. "My mother is Korean but my dad is Polish. I got my blonde hair from my dad." She said. She was a bit offended by their shock but understood that asians usually only have black hair. It was silent for a few moments, the three successful people were thinking. She saw CEO suddenly smile.

"That's even better! Such a unique person in YG!? The fans will be ecstatic!" He exclaimed. The other two nodded.

"You will definitely be unique." Youngbae insisted. Ji Young smiled, very happy they found someone so unique. Rin smiled sheepishly, giving up. CEO then looked to Woo Jin who was looking at Rin's hair.

"And... Woo Jin..." He looked over to CEO and gulped. "You'll be in the same class with Rin. Your voice is good but needs just a bit more power. You may be in different dance classes. We'll see when you go to Korea." He said thoughtfully. Woo Jin nodded, slightly looking disappointed and Youngbae saw it.

"Don't feel too bad. I wasn't that good with dancing when I first started." Youngbae told him. Woo Jin smiled. Rin put her hand on his knee for comfort and he looked at her. She smiled at him and it did make him feel better.

"Yeah, he was a terrible dancer, worse than TOP." Ji Young insisted.

"Hey! I wasn't that bad." Youngbae glared playfully at his best friend. They all giggled at the two joking around. CEO then continued.

"We will be here for one week more before leaving to Korea. I suggest you spend that time with your family and friends, say your proper goodbyes." He said. The both of them nodded. He then got up as a young man walked in. "This is Joo Jae Seong and he is in charge of your profiles so he will be asking you some questions. Some questions may be the same as your application. I have an important meeting to go to now but I believe these two Big Bang members will be staying." Ji Young and Youngbae nodded. Both Rin and Woo Jin stood up and bowed as he left. It was then that Jae Seong sat where the CEO sat and looked at the two. He didn't smile at them, mostly trying to mimic the conditions of an interview by paparazzi. Rin seemed nervous at first but then she suddenly smiled which caught him off guard. Jae Seong usually scares the trainees for a long time but she went straight into the acting that idols need to do. Woo Jin on the other hand looked extremely nervous. He was surprised they even chose him because he seems too timid for YG. Both Youngbae and Ji Young just watched them, observing their behavior under pressure.

"Bae Soo Rin, you pass. My only note is to start off with a smile no matter the intimidation." He said sternly. She nodded. "Jong Woo Jin, you need more work. Whenever approached, you must always smile. As an artist, you are a role model for people everywhere so you must make sure your image is perfect." Woo Jin nodded. "Now..." He turned to Rin first. "I will interview you first to set up your profile." He said and she nodded.


The interviews went by smoothly. Rin was already used to interviews since she did them for the dance studio showcases. Woo Jin had a bit of a hard time with his but was encouraged by Rin's cheering. Ji Young was jealous of their already playful relationship. Rin always smiled and joked with Woo Jin but with Ji Young, she becomes reserved. They finished up around 6:52pm. Rin sighed as she looked at the clock.

"That's great." She said.

"Not gonna be late?" Woo Jin asked. Both Ji Young and Youngbae were confused on what they were talking about.

"Nope. I hate missing days. I have to make sure they know the steps before I leave. They have their dance competition this week right before we leave." She told them. They all keep forgetting she's a dance teacher.

"Can we watch your class?" Youngbae asked. Rin thought about it for a second.

"Only if you put on your disguises. I don't want any distractions of my students." They nod and put their disguises back on which was really good. The clock struck 7pm and students began walking in. GD, Taeyang and Woo Jin went over to the corner and sat down against the mirror, making sure not to be in anyone's way. The students looked at them when they walked in but shrugged them off as Rin came back in her dancing attire.

"Hey teach." They all greeted her. She smiled and greeted them back. There was a total of 10 students. They all sat on the floor and waited until all the students arrived. They remained quiet as Rin stood before them.

"These are spectators so please pay them no attention." She said, gesturing to the 3 boys on the floor. They nodded and turned back to her. "The dance competition is only 2 days away not including today. The real rehearsals start tomorrow. We will go through all performances tomorrow but for today, we will only be doing our group performances." They all nodded. Ji Young really was surprised at her change in nature. She was really sweet and girly during the interview but here she was, being a leader. She held this aura of authority that not many people had. "Make sure you get here exactly at 8am and not a minute later. Every minute you're late is 20 push ups as you walk in, am I clear?" The class answers with a "yes."

"We have been winning for the past four years so let's keep this streak going." They cheered and so did she. "Alright, let's start."


So I'm re-reading all my previous chapters and fixing my typos.

Sorry if it's inconvenient.

I'll comtinue on with this story...

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