1.4 - First Fight Leads to New Friend?

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"What the hell, Rin?" Ji Young asked with a low voice. He never imagined fighting, especially from Rin. Rin stayed silent, locking eyes with him. He glared but her gaze didn't falter, which was making him more mad. "A fight!? Really!? You haven't been here for a month and you're already fighting! Do you know what kind of publicity this could get you!?" He took a step closer to her but she didn't flinch. "I may just hold off on your debut and keep you in the beginning class! If you want to move on, you will apologize to Su-" He started to say and that one word got a reaction from her. The word "apologize".

"Apologize!? I'm not apologizing to ANYONE! Especially not HER!" Rin fired back.

"RIN!" Ji Young suddenly pushed her to the wall, both hands next to her head. She was shocked from the assault but glared back. They didn't speak then. Ji Young was just as shocked as Rin on his actions. He normally would never lay a hand on a woman but yet he did... To a dongsaeng no less.

"I will not apologize..." Rin said lowly.

"Then consider yourself in this beginning class until you do..." Ji Young whispered. She squinted her eyes. He then sighed in frustration. "I should just kick you out now..." He said. Rin didn't understand why she said what she did but the anger took over for those few seconds... Just enough time to say the words that she'd be too stubborn to take back.

"Don't bother..." She said in English and in her thick New York accent. "I quit..." She said. Ji Young froze, shocked from her words. She slipped past him and he let her. She quietly left the dance studio, slamming the door on her way out and walked down the hallway, her footsteps getting faster and faster. She didn't bother to take her jacket with her. As she walked through the lobby, she saw the rest of the trainees getting a lecture from Hanbin. They all noticed her and Woo Jin called out to her. She ignored them and she heard their footsteps following her.

"Soo Rin! Wait!" She heard Hanbin yell out but she didn't slow down. As soon as she stepped outside, she began running. She didn't know where she was running off to but she just continued to run. She's always had this tendency to run off when she got into an argument or is sad and scared. She knows that she shouldn't run away from her problems but she does. She turned multiple corners before slowing down and soon coming to a stop. She cursed in English as a gust of wind went by her. She was dumb enough to leave without a coat. She was in 30 degree weather in a thin, loose long sleeve shirt, black sweat pants and sneakers. She knew it would be smart to go back and it was really cold so she did turn around but she didn't know how to get back. She hasn't really had time to navigate around Korea, let alone Seoul. She began to shiver from the cold. She reached into her pocket but it was empty. Realization hit her, her phone was with Woo Jin since it fell on the floor when they were dancing because her pockets had no zippers, unlike his. She began walking quickly, trying to see something familiar that would lead her back to the YG building or dorm building but she really hasn't been out in the neighborhood. As she was turning the corner lost in thought, she bumped into someone and she fell into the snow and ice. She yelped in pain at the impact and her sweat pants were now damp from the snow.

"OMO! I'm so sorry!" A male voice said. She felt a hand take her hands and pull her up gently. She followed the hand and was face to face with a very handsome Korean man. He was a few inches taller than her with dark brown hair. His cheek bones is what got her attention, such a unique facial feature.

"It's ok. I wasn't paying attention to where I was going." She said, keeping her head down. She could feel tears threatening to come out and the one thing she hated the most was crying in front of someone. She didn't know if she was crying from the pain or of irritation of the conversation with Ji Young. She never thought he would ever use force on her and that made her mad too. The fact that he wouldn't even listen to her side of the story... She quickly turned away from him. She began walking away again, not saying anything since her throat was threatening to reveal her state... She didn't want him to hear her voice falter. As the boy watched her walk away, he saw her shiver as another gust of cold winter air went by. That was when he finally noticed what she was wearing. Such thin clothing for this weather. He was so surprised to bump into her and then when he saw what she looked like, he froze. She was so beautiful... And different. She was a little shorter than his ideal type but the sound of her voice and her eyes darting away from him as soon as they made eye contact... It interested him. He made up his mind and ran after her.

"Hey! Wait!" He yelled when he reached her. He put a hand on her shoulder and when she turned, he saw her tears. Her eyes went big as she saw him so close but didn't move. After a few seconds of silence, he spoke up. "Come with me."


This is so short, I apologize. I wanted to create some kind of cliff hanger.

I think this will be my first fanfic I actually finish lol

Please comment, vote and share. I'll have more chapters up for you and I already got ideas for the other Big Bang fanfics.

Thank you

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