0.6 - Dance Dance Dance

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"As warm up, we will all be doing Hotline Bling by Drake." Rin announced. There were a few whoos here and there and she smiled. "But... We won't be doing it together. Warm up groups will be going one at a time." She said. The class fell silent. "Matt, why don't you join us." A Caucasian boy stood up and walked to her. He was a lot taller than Soo Rin but smiled all the same. "We'll start off and come in after."

"Keep up and dance hard." Matt said, throwing is fist up in the air. Everyone else did the same while Rin just laughed at the action.

After they stepped off, three boys went in the center of the studio. GD and Taeyang were shocked at their movements. You don't usually see that type of dancing in Korea, even in the Hip Hop category. Rin would really bring a different audience with her style. Matt went to start the song over while Rin announced the dancers names.

"Here we got Ryan Kim," The Asian on the right raised his hand at his name, "Mikee Dublo," the black kid raised his hand at his name, "and Tony Rae." The last Asian kid on the left raised his hand. The students were the same age as Rin, some even older but they showed the utmost respect to their choreographer and Woo Jin was surprised. The energy in the room was amazing. The other students sitting on the floor were cheering at every performance. After they finished was when some more dancing started. Matt continued to work with them while Rin went over to the awestruck observers.

"I have to ask you to go now. Our performance can't be seen until the show..." She told them. They nodded understandingly and left but GD stopped at the doorway. He turned to her and smiled.

"I hope we'll be able to see your competition..." He said, more of a statement then a question.

"I'll send you tickets soon." Rin smiled gratefully. He then looked at her class and waved at them.

"Good luck on your competition. I'll be cheering you guys on." And with that, he left.

"Who was that?" Some students asked out loud.

"A couple of friends." She smiled before turning back to the class. "Alright, back to work."


"What about college!?" Her brother yelled. She got home and told her family the good news. Her brother just got back from a trip so he didn't know she made it. She thought he would be happy for her but instead, it was the opposite. He began yelling at her, saying negative things and she was officially mad.

"With this career, I won't have to go to college!" Rin shot back. Her brother looked more American than asian and had blue eyes from their father's side.

"CAREER!!!!??? That career is a JOKE!" He yelled back. He got up and walked away from the kitchen.

"Now now." Their father said but it was too late, Rin already got up and followed her older brother to the living room. She definitely got that confrontation personality from her mother.

"A JOKE! THIS IS MY DREAM!" She yelled. "Why are you so against this!?"

"I'm not against it! I'm against you wasting your time!" He yelled back.

"Wasting my time!?"

"It's not going to work out! You won't last long in the field!" He yelled. He suddenly stopped when he saw the look on her face. "Rin... I didn't..."

"So you think I'm not good enough..." She whispered, completely hurt by his words.

"Rin... That's not what I meant..." He said, walking towards her but she took a step back.

"But that's what you think..." She said. She glared at him then. "I don't care anymore... I'm going to do what I WANT to do for once..." She quickly turned around and walked to the door.

"Hey! Where do you think you're going!?" Her brother yelled, following her.

"Anywhere you AREN'T!" She put on her coat and her boots. Her dad stood in the doorway. She looked to him with a less intense stare. "I'll text you later daddy." She said sweetly before turning her back on her brother and leaving the apartment. She ended up going to the studio. No one was there but she had a key when she was first hired as a choreographer. She never had to use it till now. She entered the studio she worked in but didn't turn on the lights. Instead, she sat against the door and began to cry and cry hard. She cried for about an hour, her phone going off but in the end she just turned it off completely. She sighed and got up, her tears already dried but the sense of depression was setting in. She knew that she would fall apart again if she let depression take over so she quickly ran over to the music system and looked through the music in the playlist. She settled for "Titanium" by Sia. She began dancing. She's never choreographed a slow song as this but she was doing well, everything happening on the spot. She forgot that she has a camera set in the mirrors to record rehearsals and that it was set for 24/7. She just danced her pain away and soon she was feeling better after the song ended. She then turned everything off and left. The cold air was piercing through her jacket but she just ignored it. She texted her dad, telling him she was on her way home. She didn't want to cause her dad any worry, her brother on the other hand... She sighed, not understanding why he was so against her decision. She knew he would try to make up but not take back the things he said. She finally sent one more text to her father saying that she doesn't want to talk to her older brother and that she would ignore him. She then walked back home. Normally she wouldn't be out so late and it is dangerous but she didn't care at the moment. She was still angry and wouldn't let up. She reached her apartment and was greeted by her dad. She hugged her dad and he patted her on the head.

"Where is he?" She asked.

"He left." He answered. She sighed and hugged her dad tighter.

"Do you think I'm good enough for this..." She asked. He smiled.

"I think you can take on the world..."


Why is her oppa being such a jerk...?

Lol idk and I'm the author

But yeah, her brother has black hair from their mom but has blue eyes from their dad. They don't look related but they are. Many mistook them as a couple in highschool in which they quickly told them that that wasn't the case.

Please read, vote, and share and I'll do my best to update regularly.

Bye bye

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