1.3 - YG Trainees

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"Why don't you just get a female trainee from our company? We have trainees and actors." Suga asked in frustration. BTS were all laying around their dance studio, recovering from an intense dance practice. Rapmonster has a mixtape coming up and will have to make a music video soon. He already has the song recorded but he was being extremely picky on the female act in the video. He looked at all the female talent in their company but wasn't satisfied with any of them.

"They won't work well with the concept..." Rapmonster answered. He ran his fingers through his hair in frustration.

"OMO! She's pretty!" Jungkook suddenly said, liking a picture on his instagram.

"Ooh! Who!?" Jimin slid over to him and V followed suit. He showed them a picture of Bae Soo Rin with Ji Young. Her face looked as if she was taken completely off guard but she still looked so beautiful. She had three posts so far.

Picture 1 - Gdragon welcoming me into the YG Family. Thank you so much and all support!!!

Her second post was a video of her doing a hip hop dance. It was her first time choreographing to a Korean song. She wore black leather sweat pants and a loose white shirt with sleeves that end at her elbows. She had a golden necklace around her neck with a dragon pendant, golden hoops and a black beanie with the word swag on it. She looked pimped out.

Post 2 - My first Choreography to khiphop! Jay Park's mommae.

Her third post was also a video but she was singing. She sang to Crush's "I Fancy You".

Post 3 - My favorite song so far xD

She had many comments under them despite just posting them a day ago. There were positive comments but there were also negative ones but they didn't read those. At this time, the rest of the members were surrounding Jungkook and listening in. Rapmonster remained by the mirror, staring at his reflection.

"What about this girl?" Jin asked. Rapmonster rolled his eyes.

"After the last girl you showed me, I don't think I trust your judgement on females anymore, hyung." Rapmonster said without looking back at them.

"She took a picture with Gdragon." V said.

"And she made her own choreography to Mommae..." Jimin added.

"She has an R&B feel." Suga commented. "I think she'd fit well." That's when Rapmonster went over to see what girl they were fawning over. He believed Suga the most on girls since Suga isn't one to compliment just to be kind. He can be a little cold, even to his fans but he's gotten better. They played both 15-second clips and he had to watch it a few times.

"I... I think this is the girl..."


"Hello..." Rin greeted the trainees. She was a little on edge since entering the class full of trainees. Her and Woo Jin were told to meet with the trainees and train with them for a week. They would all go through a test at the end of the week that decides whether they would stay in the trainee level 1 class or move on to level 2 or 3. IKON are in level 3 classes since their debut has already been scheduled. It was time to get students into the second level classes and since both Rin and Woo Jin were new, they decided to let them into the competition for debut spots. She counted about 13 trainees and ended up introducing themselves and listening to their introductions.

Kim Jisoo - 1995
Jennie Kim - 1996
Jang Hanna - 1996
Park Chaeyoung - 1997
Lisa Manoban - 1997
Cho Miyeon - 1997
Jinny Park - 1998
Lee Chaeyoung - 2002
Ha Jiseo - 1993
Katie Kim - 1993
Moon Sua - 1999
Jung Jaewon - 1994
Bang Yedam - 2002
Bae Soorin - 1994
Lee Woojin - 1993

It was harder making friends in Korea than America, that was certain. The only ones who seem to give her kind looks was Jaewon, Yedam and Jisoo. Sua frowned at her since she walked in but Rin tried to ignore it, not letting the negativity get to her. Woo Jin on the other hand made friends easily. They all liked him as soon as he walked in behind her. Maybe it was his looks? Because he was definitely not ugly and his rap was always mesmerizing. They began training together but she always felt those piercing stares. They just finished their dance routine and as she was walking with her water bottle in hand to refill, a hand suddenly slapped it onto the floor with a loud clud. Rin stopped and looked at the person who did it but she was already walking away. Rin sighed loudly, more in irritation that actual sadness and picked up her bottle. That was when Yedam appeared next to her.

"Is noona tired?" He asked with a smile. Rin smiled back.

"I'm fine. Just need to refill." She told him. She didn't want to tell anyone because she didn't quite believe it herself. She never imagined trainees being bullies but by the end of the week, she was sure. She didn't know that Jaewon noticed what was happening to her. He was never close to many of the trainees here and knew full-well why they were still trainees for this long. By his study of Rin and Woo Jin, they were really close and friendly. Maybe it was because they were from America but their kindness was very... Straightforward... It was the day before their little test when Rin lost it. The confusing part to Jaewon was that she didn't bully her but Woo Jin. Jin just finished a routine that Rin was helping him with and went back to his stuff to see water poured all over his change of clothes and his phone. One of the girls walked by and 'accidentally' knocked all his stuff to the floor. Everyone saw the whole thing but no one did anything. Their choreographer already left. Rin lost it.

"What the hell is your problem!?" Rin yelled in English. She was so angry that she forgot they don't understand English. She took a few angry steps towards the girl who pushed Woo Jin's stuff but he held her back.

"Rin-ah, it's ok." Woo Jin said, trying to calm her but it was ineffective.

"No... No it's not!" Rin yelled, trying to get out of his grip but he was actually quite strong. She glared at Sua who was acting innocent.

"I don't understa-" She started but Rin cut her off.

"Save it! I know you know basic english!" Rin spat back, returning to the Korean tongue. "I don't care if that's how you Korean natives treat each other but Americans don't put up with that bullshit!" Rin yelled. The trainees did nothing but watch. Jisoo was trying to calm her but Rin gets hotheaded really quick. That was when Ji Young and Hanbin walked into the dance studio to see what the commotion was about. Ji Young couldn't believe his eyes, seeing a very angry Rin.

"What's going on!?" Hanbin yelled. He couldn't believe that Rin was that type of person.

"Oppa! I don't know... She just started yelling at me!" Sua faked cried. "I think she's overwhelmed from all the practice she isn't used to." Woo Jin could practically hear a snap come from Rin. Jisoo heard it too and was shocked that someone could actually snap from being angry.

"That's bullshit!" She suddenly cursed. Rin isn't usually violent, never actually... But bullying was something her existence could not take. Ji Young flashed a very dangerous gaze at Rin making her shut up. He looked at Hanbin.

"Everybody out but Rin... NOW!" Ji Young yelled, scaring everyone in the room. Rin didn't dare look up as everyone did as they were told. Woo Jin wanted to say something but Hanbin pulled him away, giving him a warning gaze. Hanbin looked on edge and gave her a sympathetic look. Rin glared back at him until the door shut leaving the both of them alone. He stayed silent and so did she. They both stood in front of each other without saying a word but she could feel his piercing stare. She didn't want to look into those beautiful brown eyes of his but forced herself to. His gaze was quite scary. She felt anger all around her but his eyes remained dull and lifeless. As if on cue, another door shutting somewhere in the distance is when he began talking.

"What the hell Rin?"


I apologize to those who like Sua. The reason I made her like this is because I actually didn't like her attitude in Unpretty Rapstar and this is what I imagined her to be. I won't make her all bad but I wanted to create some conflict.

Let's see how Rin and Ji Young talk it out!

Comment, vote and share guys!!! I always share fanfics I like so I hope you guys do too.

Thank you so much for reading!!!

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