Chapter 5- Let's Pretend My Tears Are Raindrops

Start from the beginning

I plopped down in what was now two and a half feet of snow. It wasn't the wet and soggy type of snow that we got in Utah, if we got any snow at all. It was fluffy and crisp. I waited almost ten minutes for it to soak through my jeans, but my butt still stayed dry. I finally stood up when I saw a tree that stood out above all the other trees. It looked to be in the middle of the woods and was so tall that it towered above all the other trees.

As dumb as it sounds, I found myself comparing myself to the tree. It was an outsider. It was different from everybody else. We both had something to hide.

I was hiding the fact that I had a dead boyfriend and was really depressed.

The tree was hiding its steroid use.

All those things drew me to it. I wanted to see it up close. It looked so perfect from far I away, but I was willing to bet that if I got up close I could find something wrong with it. That's how I was. I hid my depression pretty well, but if I let someone get inside my head, they'd know how much I ached inside.

And that was why I decided to go find that tree.

It looked like it was probably only about a mile away so I figured I could find it by five-thirty and be back home by eight. It was four o'clock now. That would give me and hour of leeway. I put my hood up that was on my jacket and walked into the wind.

By the time I'd gone a quarter of a mile I was so cold that I felt like turning back, but I figured since I'd gone that far I couldn't turn back now. There was probably only 1 ¼ miles to go. I tucked my chin into my chest like a penguin and closed my eyes as I faced the wind head on. Every once in a while I'd look up and see that the tree was just a little closer and every time I looked up I got just a little bit more excited.

The one thing that I hadn't thought about when I'd made my plan was the fact that the sky got darker when it got later. With that, I felt stupider than I usually did. I was guessing that it was probably five o'clock or maybe quarter after. I was about to go into the woods, but I heard a howl. I gasped under my breath and backed up into a tree. When I saw that I was face to face with a...a...coyote, I screamed and ran in the opposite direction. I thought it was chasing me, but when I turned around a few minutes later I didn't see it anywhere. I breathed a sigh of relief and looked around.

I couldn't see the tree anymore. I'd forgotten about that, too. The fact that when you were in the forest you wouldn't be able to see anything that was even a little far away because trees were blocking your view of everything. I turned around to look out of the forest. I couldn't see the end of it.

It was only then that I realized that it was now completely dark outside.

Derek's POV

The phone rang. It was ten-thirty and Aunt Jessie and I were the only people up.

"Hello there, eh?" I heard my mom answer it. "No, why?" Her voice was suspicious. "That's horrible!" She said. "Yeah, he'll be right over." There was a pause. "No problem. It's no disturbance at all. Good luck, eh?" She set the phone back on the receiver.

Then she turned to me. "Run over to the Thomas's as fast as you can, okay? They can't find poor Sam. I'll go wake up Pa and we'll come a little after you with the truck."

"Okay." I said.

"Hurry up!" I grabbed my jacket and ran out the door.

Sam's POV

It had to have been at least ten o'clock by now, if not later. I had a feeling that I was guessing a little low on the time and it was really actually eleven. I was beginning to wish that I would've just stayed home and eaten mom's soup.

Come to think of it, I was getting kinda hungry. Was snow edible, I wondered. Or would you die? In Layton you couldn't drink any of the rain water or eat any of the snow because of acid rain and pollution. That's what you got for living in such a huge city, I guess. But was it like that everywhere you went? Then I wondered if maybe I should eat tree bark or something.

The reality of it was that I could die out here.

I told my mom that we shouldn't have moved to such a hick town. In a normal place this would've never happened.

I shivered when a breeze wiped across my skin. I felt frozen and cold and frozen and cold and frozen and cold and I just wanted to die. Brandon always got cold when he had cancer. I wondered if he could've possibly felt this cold.

After my few hours of searching for a way out I finally plopped down in the snow. I didn't know anything about survival and I was really tired. That left me kind of screwed. I began curling and uncurling my fingers in my pockets trying to move them so I wouldn't get frostbite. I'd heard myths about frostbite. Apparently it could do horrible things to your skin. I didn't want those things to happen to me.

Then I heard it.

A noise.


I jolted my body around and turned to see what wild animal had found me. When I looked at the shadow it left in the little bit of moonlight, I saw what it was.

A bear.

I screamed so loud that I left my ears ringing. Then I grabbed a tree and hung on tight. I heard the footsteps coming for me and I squeezed my eyes shut as tight as I could. Then I whispered the words that I'd rehearsed for my death: "I love you Brandon."

"Samantha, is that you?" Brandon heard me! I was dead. Boy, that was easy. I didn't feel a thing. If I would've known it was that easy I would've died a long time ago. "Sam? Are you okay? It's me, Derek."

Did you like it??

Sorry it took so long to put up. I told a few people that I'd probably have it up a couple hours ago. I got distracted. Sorry. :D


to the right we've got how

I picture Cassie to look.

Just subtract the haybails,

make her look crabby,

change the red stripes to pink,

bling her up,

lighten her hair artificially,

and add a mall.

And then you got her.

Let's Pretend My Tears Are RaindropsWhere stories live. Discover now