Forever A Grim

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(I'm to lazy to create another character so I took a picture from google.)

"I DON'T CARE HOW BUSY YOU CLAIM TO BE! I WANT HER FOUND AND BROUGHT BACK TO ME!" Linda hollered at Harry. She was currently in Harry's office in the Ministry of Magic. Hands placed on his desk as she leaned forward. Harry leaning back in the process. "I don't think yelling at us is gonna make us do as you say." Ron stated. Standing next to Harry's chair behind his desk. "You said she went out willingly right? Well what if she's with them? She was a Death Eater too after all." He added. "I'd watch what you say Weasel." Linda spat. Ron flinched a little. Still a little scared of the Slytherin. "Calm down Ron. Linda is just upset. She DID just lose her daughter and husband all in one night." Harry explained. "But one can be brought back!" Linda said. "Please, I NEED her back."

Harry sighed and nodded. "I'll do what I can." Linda smiled and hugged Harry from over his desk. "THANK YOU!"She yelled out with a smile. She turned and skipped from his office. "Are you really going to look for that Pyro?" Ron asked. Harry nodded and started going through his reports to see if there were any recent Death Eater sightings. "I know you never liked her Ron but Kage was never a bad person. She just got mixed up in bad things."

Ron shook his head and walked towards the door. "Well whatever you do, I'm with you mate." He said before leaving.

Ethen and Evan sat together at one of the tables in the library, flipping through the pages of Hogwarts Recorded History. "There has to be a pattern somewhere. Clues as to what else they had planned." Evan muttered as he scanned the pages. "Dad once told me that Voldemort's main goal was immortality. He had a fear of death that's so great, he mangled his soul to keep his body alive. Ruling the wizarding world was a secondary goal. He was power-hungry." Ethen added, pushing his black, thick-rimmed glasses up with a finger. "Boys?" A voice called to them. They turned to see Esme walking up to them. "It's pass curfue. What are doing here?"

"Nothing." They both stated as Evan shut the book.

"There's nothing in Hogwarts that's gonna help you find you father, boys. I'm sorry." Esme said with a sigh as she put a hand on their heads. "Why don't you two head to Severus' chambers? I'm sure he'll let you sleep in your father's room. Maybe then you actually get a good night's rest."

The two nodded and stood up to leave. Esme put the book away and guided them out of the room. The twins walked up to Severus' chamber door and nocked. Rustling and footsteps were heard inside before the door swung open to a reveal a very annoyed potions professor. His face noticably softened when he saw the boys. "What are you two doing up?"

"Can we sleep in dad's room?" They asked. Severus sighed and nodded. Stepping aside to let them in. Ethen and Evan walked into their dad's dark room and curled up in the bed's black silk sheets. Severus had gone back to his own room to try and fall back asleep. "Hey Ethen?" Evan whispered out.


"Mom went to go talk to Potter Senior. Do you really think he'll help us find dad?"

Ethen nodded. "Potter got along pretty well with dad from what I heard. So I'm sure he'll do his best to find her."

"Good......I miss Lavender."

Ethen wrapped his arms around his brother and pulled him against him. "I miss her too." Soon, they both fell asleep. Curled up in a tight embrace on Kage's large empty bed.

Kage sat tied to a chair in a dark room that she was all to familiar with. The deafening silence and lack of sight would have made anyone else panic. But she was strangly calm. She knew where she was. She could recognize the scent anywhere. Suddenly a door at the far end of the room swung open, casting a spotlight on the Pyro. A young girl dressed in lollita walked up to her. Short blonde hair in curled pigtails and beautiful chestnut eyes seemed to match her smirk. "Kage Snape. Or should I say..... Kage Grim. The Wizarding World's little goofball. My mother remembers you from when you were a pup. Such a newbie. Still on the rise of becoming her father's perfect little Death Eater. Oh, but look at you now...."

"I don't follow." Kage sneered. The girl only chuckled.

"You don't see the greatest joke ever? You don't see where you're headed?"

"Well I was going to head home."

"You had everything Grim! Money, power. You even had Lord Voldemort's approval. But you gave it all up for those pathetic friends of yours. But now, as a cost, your mind is eating away it's own sanity and you choose to hide it for these, so called, friends. Choosing to keep a smile on your face and play the bumbling fool. But how long do you think it will last. How long will the same joke play before it gets old? How long until they turn on you?"

"Are you implying that they will grow bored of me?"

"You hold that attention in your claws Grim! You get yourself a good laugh and feed the beasts that will never be happy. But eventually the joy will die. It always dies."

Kage rolled her eyes. But it didn't go unnoticed by the girl.

"That's where they start to see you fail. You know who I mean. You've seen how fast they turn to clawing and biting into one another. Their little squabbles become public arenas through selfish need. Hard work? Ha! Friendship? Bah! Why create when it's so much more fun to destroy? You tell you self that 'I'm above it. It won't happen to me.' But what this world doesn't break, it kills. You spend all this time getting slapped around until one day, the audience stops laughing and the humor washes over. You'll look back on your life and you'll wonder how you thought you'd ever stay loved."

Kage stared at her for a moment before looking down. Her hair casting a shadow over her eyes. "Join us Grim. We can finish what Voldemort started. We'll purge the Wizarding World of those disgraceful Mudbloods and Blood Traitors!" She announce before breaking into a fit of crazy laughter. "And don't worry~" She started sweetly. "We can get revenge on those friends of yours as well."

Kage clenched her jaw. Her eyes going silver. The chair she was tied to refusing to let her body change. The girl simply stared at her in amusement. "So the rumers were true. Lucifer's offspring can turn into the Omen of Death? Way to stay true to your name~"

"GRIM IS NOT MY NAME!" Kage snarled. Flashing her K-9s.

"It may not be." The girl mused. "But that doesn't mean your not one. You may bare the last name 'Snape' but you will forever be the offspring of Lucifer Grim. That is something you can never change. You have his pure-blood status, his blonde hair, his talent with forbidden spells. Your the spitting image of him. I don't think anyone can look at you without thinking about your father."

Kage froze. Silver eyes turning back before going dull. She was right.

Hogwarts: School For Witchcraft and Wizardryحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن