She Is Truley Troublesome

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Esme walked along the edge of the lake in the forbidden forest. She listened to the animals and the sound of the wind through the trees. She stopped walking and face the water. Esme pulled out her wand and drew a glowing white symbol in the air and yelled "Mortem!" The symbol then flashed red and disappeared.

Meanwhile, Kay and Hayden were sat in the Gryffindor common room with Kage and Benji. They were studying their notes for an upcoming test while Kage was past out by the fireplace. "Shouldn't we wake her up? She has to take the test as well." Asked Hayden. "If you want to be the one to wake her up then be my guest. But don't come crying to me if she hexes you." Muttered Benji as he turned to the next page of his notes. "She never pays attention in class anyway, how many curses could she possibly know?" Asked Kay as she leaned over Hayden to grab her inkwell. "She knows a lot." Benji stated, looking over at his sister. All of a sudden, Kage shot up in a sitting position and stared out the window wide eyed. Everyone stopped what they were doing and looked at her. Kage stood up and ran out of the Gryffindor common room.

Seconds past after Esme casted that spell when she heard an animal running towards her. She turned to the direction where Hogwarts is and saw a familiar black dog. "Kage." She said in a soft voice. The dog skidded to a hault and sat in front of her, wagging it's tail and panting. "This was a test to see if the spell would work." She knelt down in front of Kage and patted her head. "It appears to be a success." She giggled. Kage barked and licked Esme's cheek. Esme stood up and started walking back to Hogwarts with Kage on her heal.

They were walking down the hallway towards the library, but stopped when they heard an all to familiar cackle. "Taking the Blood Traitor out for a walk, Solis?" Laughed Draco as he walked towards her, Crabbe and Goyle at his sides. Esme's face didn't falter. She still had that same calm expression. Kage growled at Draco and his goons. "If you must know, we're going to the library. I need to catch up on my reading." Esme explained. "You Ravenclaws are always reading. Its no wonder nobody likes you. You care more about books than friends!" Crabbe and Goyle laughed at Draco's common while Draco smiled evily at Esme. Kage bared her teeth as she took a step forward towards Draco. "Don't." Esme spat. Kage froze but didn't take her silver glare off Draco. "I can take him." Kage told Esme. Esme only glared at her. "I know, but I will not risk you getting into trouble because of him." Draco watched in confusion as the two spoke to each other language? He wasn't really sure. It just sounded like a bunch of random yips and barks to him. He opened his mouth to make a snide remark. "Mr. Malfoy." A deep voice cut him off. Draco turned around and saw none other than the head of his house. Professor Snape. "I trust you aren't causing trouble again?" He asked with a sneer. "I wasn't doing anything!" He spat. Snape glared at Draco then felt a tug on his cloak. He looked down saw a black dog staring up at him and wagged her tail. "Ms. Grim. You shouldn't turn into your Animagus form whenever you please." He scoffed. Kage quickly turned back and smiled. "Sorry Snape!" Esme cleared her throat and everyone turned to her. "Can I go now? I still want to go to the library." She said with a annoyed tone. Snape nodded and Esme walked off. Snape then sent Draco and his goons back to the dorms and look back down at his Slytherin Pyro. "Potter walked up to you during lunch." This caught Kage's attention. "What did he ask you?"

Kage walked over to the window ledge and sat down. "He wanted to know how to get past Fluffy on the third floor." She stated rather bluntly. "How do you know about that?" Snape asked. He glared when Kage smiled at him. "Nothing happens in this school that I won't eventually find out." She responded. And at that moment, Snape realized something. His Slytherin Pyro is bit more troublesome then he had previously thought.

"So, how much do you know?" Snape asked. He was currently sat at a table in his private chambers. Kage was sat across from him. "At the moment? I know about Fluffy, and the Sorcerer Stone." She then stopped chew on a raw strip of bacon that Snape had gave her and looked up at him. "I also knew about Quirinus Quirrell." She said with a wicked smile. Snape started at the blonde girl in front of him. He had heard the other students talking, but never knew why they made such a big deal about them. But now that he can see them up close, he knew why. Everyone was so fascinated with her eyes. They were a greyish-blue with a golden tint. It was a rather unique combination. Snape stood up and walked towards the fireplace. "Do you know why Professor Quirrell was after the stone?" He asked with his back turned to her. Kage chuckled darkly and tore a peice of bacon in half, violenty, with her K-9 like teeth. "Of course i do." She stated. Snape sighed and turned to her with a hard expression. "You will not tell anyone about this. Do you understand?" Kage only smirked at him. "Entirely."

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