Potions Accident

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(I got bored. So I thought about about it, and I've come to the conclusion that I loved writing the Harry Potter story so much that I'm now gonna write random chapters about the next generation's time in Hogwarts. Like I said, there gonna be random. So I don't know how many more chapters I'm gonna write.)

Evan skipped down the hallway with Ethen, Scorpius and Lavender following behind him. "This is my stop! Say hi to grandpa for me!" Lavender said to her brother's before walking into her Transfiguration class. Ethen and Evan nodded to her and continued on their way to Potions. Just then Ethen's nose started bleeding. "Shit." He cursed under his breathe. He took off running down the hall and past Albus Potter. The Slytherin watched him turn into the boy's bathroom before turning to Evan and Scorpius. "What was that about?" He asked his house mates. "He gets bloody noses randomly all the time. We took him to the healers but they couldn't find anything wrong with him. I happens at least three times a week." Evan said as he waved him off. "You heading off to Potions too Potter?" Scorpius asked as he grabbed Evan's hand. Lacing his fingers with the other's. "Yup, and we better hurry before Professor Snape hexes us." They all nodded and made their way down into the dungeons towards the class.

Everyone took there seats and waited for their teacher to show up. Snape then burst through the doors which made the class go silent. "Who can tell me....what Amortentia is?" Snape drawled out. Scorpius raised his hand. "Yes, Mr. Malfoy?" Snape called to him. "It's a love potion. Love Potions are brews which cause the drinker to become infatuated or obsessed with the person who gave it to her/him. Love potions are considered to be powerful and highly dangerous. Amortentia is the most powerful love potion in existence." Scorpius answered. Snape nodded. "Correct, ten points to Slytherin." The Griffindors all groaned at that. The door of the class opened once again and Kage walked in with Ethen. She pointed to a seat behind Evan and Scorpius. Ethen walked over to sit down. "Ethen...you're late." Snape sneered at his grandson. "I can vowge for him Sev. He had another one of his episodes." Kage said as she sat on Snape's desk. Everyone stared at the blonde girl sitting on Snape's desk looking at some parchment. They were waiting for Snape to say something about it but he didn't to their surprise. A loud thunk echoed throughout the class and everyone turned their attention to Evan who fell asleep. Scorpius tried to nudge him awake but it didn't work. "Evan Monney Snape!" Kage yelled at him. Evan's head shot up and looked around frantically. He soon calmed down when his mind finally processed where he was. Snape huffed and turned to his daughter behind him. "He got that from you." Kage only chuckled.

Everyone had started brewing the potion. Kage walked around the classroom as Snape was doing paperwork at his desk. Scorpius was sturring his and his partner's potion when Kage walked up to them. "Finishing up?" She asked. "Yah, we just added the last ingredient." Scorpius exclaimed as he continued to stir. "What's it smell like to you?" Kage asked him. Scorpius gave her a confused look. "The potion is suppose to smell like whoever you love. So....what's it smell like?" Scorpius leaned over the cauldron and took a deep breathe. "It smells like....vanilla." He answered. Kage gave a knowing smile. She turned to her youngest son who was across the class and partnered up with Aden Lester. He was starring at Scorpius lovingly. Just then the cauldron next to him exploded and screams echoed through the class. Snape quickly stood up and Kage ran over. Evan was curled up on the floor, tightly gripping his right arm.

Kage, Snape, Ethen and Scorpius were quickly at his side. His eyes were squeezed tightly shut and he whimpered in pain. "Evan honey, let me see your arm." Kage cooed softly as she knelt down. Evan rolled over to reveal him right arm. A burn went from his wrist to his elbow. Snape walked off then came back with a small glass container filled with a light green cream. He knelt down and started rubbing some of the cream on Evan's arm while Kage held it still. "There. That'll help with the pain." Snape said as he stood up again. "Ethen. Take your brother to the Hospital Wing." He added. Ethen nodded and help his twin out of the class. Kage sighed and stood up. "You forgot powdered moonstone." She heard Snape say. She turned to the two students whose cauldron exploded. "I will see the both of you in detention." He added with a glare that made the kid's blood run cold.

Ethen and Evan hung out in the Hospital Wing while Madam Pomfrey wrapped up Evan's burn. Lavender burst through the doors with Scorpius with her. "Are you ok?!" She asked frantically. Evan only smiled. "I'm fine! Really!" Scorpius walked over and kissed him. Evan blushed and kissed back. "I froze when I saw curled up in pain like that." Scorpius whispered as he pulled away. "EVAN!!!" A bunch of voices screamed before Ray Huss, Romeo Grim, Aden Lester and Draven Solis ran in and tackled him in a hug. "Boys! Let him breath!" Lavender yelled as the room filled with laughter.

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