Study Of Magical Creatures

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"Are you ready?"


"Oh come now, you've had it on since your third year."


"So it's time that it comes off. I'm sure you've healed enough that it's stopped bleeding."

"Fine. But if it acts up again-"

"Then I'll reapply your medical cream and wrap it back up."

Kage nodded and stood still as Snape reached behind her head and untied her bandages. They fell from her face and Snape pulled his hands back a bit, but still keeping them next to her face. Kage looked up at him to test out her eye. It was still dark. She couldn't see anything with her right eye. It had become a dull greyish white unlike her normal blueish grey.

Snape sighed sadly and gently cupped her cheek with his hand, tracing the large scratch with his thumb. "I forgot that your eye had gone blind."

"I did too." Kage muttered as she reached up to touch the wound. She winced slightly and quickly dropped her hand. "It must still be tender. It's probably best that you don't mess with it. Let it get some air and harden up." Snape told her. Kage nodded and looked down at her left arm which was still completely wrapped in bandages. "I don't think those are ready to be removed." Snape said.

Just then students started entering the class room and taking their seats. Kage took her seat on Snape's desk while Snape started putting a potion recipe on the blackboard. The students had gone quiet as they all stared at the Pyro. "Professor...what happened to your eye?" A Gryffindor boy asked. "That's none of your business, is it Mr. Evergreen." Snape said with a sneer that quickly shut the boy up.

Esme's class of Ravenclaws and Hufflepuffs had just settled themselves in her class as she walking in with a cage. A sheet was draped over it so no one could see what was inside. She put the cage down on her desk and turned to the class. "Now, do you kids what to learn about the usual magical creatures, or do you want to learn about the more exciting creatures?" She asked with a smirk. The kids all looked at eachother with smiles. Esme turned and pull the sheet off of the cage. The kids all gasped when they saw the creature inside. "This is a Runespoor! The Runespoor is a three-headed snake native to Burkina Faso in Africa. Runespoors are commonly six to seven feet long, with orange and black stripes. Since they were very easy to spot, the Burkina Faso Ministry of Magic had to make several forests Unplottable for the Runespoor's use." She announced as she started to open the cage. "Now this one is just a baby but it is still dangerous for those you don't know it." She explained.


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The kids all went pale when their teacher started speaking Parseltongue to the three headed snake. The snake moved to look up at Esme.


The snake nodded and slithered up her arm, around her kneck and settled on her shoulders. Esme turned back to the class with a smile. One Ravenclaw girl raised her hand and Esme turned to her. "According to the writings from Parselmouths, each of the Runespoor's heads serves a different function." She stated. Esme nodded. "That's right. The left head is the planner, it decides where the Runespoor is to go and what it is to do next. The middle head is the dreamer, it is common for a Runespoor to remain stationary for days lost in glorious visions and imaginations, and the right head is the critic whose fangs are highly venomous. It evaluates the efforts of the left and middle heads with a continual irritable hissing. It is common to see the far right head missing, as the other two heads often band together to bite it off when it criticises the other two heads too much. Because of this, the Runespoor rarely lives to a great age." She explained as she walked around the class so the kids could see it better. "The Runespoor bears its young in eggs that it produces through its mouth, and is the only magical beast known to do so. Runespoor eggs are very valuable in making potions to stimulate mental agility and have flourished on the black market for several centuries." She added.

"I heard that Runespoors are usually associated with Dark Wizards." Muttered a Hufflepuff. Esme nodded. "Very true Madeleine. The Runespoor has long been associated with Dark Wizards, and what is known of their habits is due in large part to the Parselmouths that have conversed with the creatures."

"Professor, how are you a Parselmouth?" Madeleine asked. The question caused Esme to laugh a little while she put the snake back in the cage. "Ah yes. Parseltongue. The language of serpents. Well it's hereditary you see. I got it from my father who was also a Parselmouth. Now keep in mind, not all Parselmouths are Dark Wizards. My father was not a Dark Wizard, neither am I nor my son. But we are Parselmouths." Esme said as she turned back to class.

"Now, I've asked for the help of a certain blonde potions teacher to help me with this next topic." Esme stated just seconds before the door swung open and Kage strolled in. Esme looked at her in shock, as did the other students. "Kage, you got your bandages taking off." Esme said softly. She was now able to see just how bad she was wounded. With the large scratch over the Pyro's eye and the fact that it had gone blind. "Yup!" Kage yelled with a smile. "It feels a bit weird but I'll get use to it."

"Right, so our next topic is Grim Wolves!" Esme announced. "Why does Professor Snape need to be here for that?" Asked a Ravenclaw boy. Kage smirked and turned into her Animagus form. The kids all gasped in shock when they saw it.

"First years." Kage yipped out that made Esme giggle since she was the only one who could understand the dog. "The Grim is an omen of death, which is reputed to bring about the demise of the person who encounters it. The Grim takes the shape of a large, black, spectral dog. Perhaps the most well-known of omens, the Grim has earned infamy throughout the Wizarding world and is considered to be one of the worst, if not the worst, omens around." Esme started while the kids listened.

"Folklore says if you see one, you will die." Stated a Hufflepuff boy who sat in the front row. "My uncle claimed he saw and he dies the next day!" A Ravenclaw sat in the back shouted. Esme nodded. "Which is why I could not bring a real one in. Kage here is merely an Animagus. Though her being a Grim Wolf may cause bad things to happen at times, her Animagus form is not as dangerous as the real thing." Kage turned back into her human form after Esme was done explaining. "Is that why you're covered in Bandages Professor Snape?" Asked a student. Kage chuckled. "I got into a lot of fights with dangerous creatures when I was a student."

"Ain't that the truth." Esme muttered with a smirk as she rolled her eyes.

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