Animagus' And Werewolves

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Benji was sat on a bench in the courtyard with Kage asleep in his lap. Their friends, along with Draco, looked at them from a distance. "I never. After all those times people have called her names and insulted her, she never had a reaction." Kay said more to herself. "Because whatever we said was nothing compared to what she was telling herself." Esme whispered. Hayden gave everyone an odd look. "Has anyone noticed that sleeps a LOT." He pointed out. "Of course she does. She hasn't had good sleep since she was a kid! So as a result, she's always tired." Draco snapped at them. "I know the feeling." Esme muttered. "How do you know that?" Kay asked. "I asked her and she told me." Draco stated. Esme stepped up to him. "How much do you know about her?" Draco only scoffed. "More than you, obviously."

As it got dark, they all walked back inside, still bickering to each other, and into the Great Hall. Students in sleeping bags lined the floors. Esme walked up to Dumbledor and asked what was going on. "Do not worry about it children. Just find a sleeping bag with your houses and get some rest." He told them. They looked at each other confused, but did as they were told. Hayden saw Benji walk in and went up to him. "Where's Kage?" He asked. "Snape came and got her." Benji yawned and went over to find a sleeping bag. After a few minutes, Snape wakes in with a familiar ghostly black dog at his side. Her silver eyes and collar shining in the moonlight. She seemed back to her normal self despite what happened in DADA. "We've looked down in my dungeons and there was no sign of Black. Nor anywhere else in the caslte." Snape told Dumbledor. "I didn't expect him to linger." Dumbledor stated. He walked through the Great Hall, checking on each student he passed. "What of Potter? Should he be warned?" Asked Snape. "Perhaps. But for now, let him sleep." Dumbledor told him while looking at Harry. "Kage." The dog's ears perked up at her name and looked up and the potions master. "Tomorrow you stay with me. I do not trust your curious nature when there is a killer on the loose." He sneer. Kage smirked and nodded. Snape glared at her unnerving smirk but didn't say anything.

The next day, the student in DADA were talking umong themselves while waiting for their teacher to arrive. Kay leaned over to Esme. "Where's Kage?" She asked. Esme shrugged. Just then, Professor Snape walked in with Kage at his side. Kay rolled her eyes. "Nevermind, I found her." She muttered as Esme giggled. Snape waved his wand and closed all the windows. He stood at the front of the class and Kage on the teachers desk next to where he stood. "Turn to page 394." He muttered. "Excuse me Sir, where is Professor Lupin?" Harry asked him. "Thats not really your concern. Is it Potter?" He sneered at the boy. Harry glared at him. Ron looked at the page Snape told them to turn to. "Werewolves?" He said in confusion. "But Sir, we're not ment to start nocturnal beasts for weeks." Hermione pointed out. "Quiet." Kage growled at her. Harry and Ron shot the Pyro a glare. "Now, who can tell me the difference between an Animagus and a Werewolf?" Snape asked the class. Hermione and Esme raised their hands. "No one? How dissapointing." "Please Sir, an Animagus is a wizard who elect to turn into an animal. A werewolf has no choice. With each full moon, when he transforms, he no longer remembers who he is. He'll kill his best friend if they crossed his path. Furthermore, the werewolf only responds to the call of his own kind." Hermione spoke up. Esme facepalmed as the Gryffindor spoke out of turn. "That is the second time you have spoken out of turn Granger. Are you incapable of restraining yourself or do you take pride in being an insufferable know-it-all?" Kage asked her with a smirk. "She's got a point you know." Ron whispered. "Five points from Gryffindor." Snape said. The Gryffindors all groaned and glared at Snape and his dog. "She can be a real git sometimes." Kay whispered to Esme. Esme only chuckled.

"As an antidote to ignorance and on my desk by Monday morning. Two roles of parchment on the werewolf with particular emfises on recognizing it-" "But sir I have Quidditch tomorrow." Harry cut him off. This time it was Kay's turn to facepalm. "Then I suggest you take extra care Potter." Snape sneered at him. "The loss of a limb wont get you out of this one." Kage told him with her Slytherin smirk. Harry glared at her once again. "You know, there are times where those two are far to much alike." Ron whispered to Harry.

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