The Start Of A Depressing School Year

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Kage and Draco were sat together in the dining part of the Train. Kage was asleep as always and Draco was in a pissy mood. The train stopped and everyone started getting up to leave. Blaise and Pansy turned to Draco who didn't move from his seat. "You guys go on ahead. I want to check something." He told them. They nodded to him and left the compartment. Harry, who was hiding his invisibility cloak and watching Draco, saw him lean over and whisper something in Kage ear. She then woke up and nodded to him. Draco stood up and grabbed both of their bags from the shelf above them and walked towards the door. He closed it and then pulled down the blinds which caused every blind in the compartment to go down and cover the windows. "Didn't mommy ever tell you that it's rude to ease drop Potter." Kage scoffed as she quickly turned around and casted a spell that cause a suitcase to fall on Harry's head and knock him out. Draco handed their luggage over to Kage and stilled over to Harry. He pulled the invisibility cloak off him and kicked him in the face. "Enjoy your trip back to London." He scoffed, then covered the boy back up with his cloak. He walked back over to Kage and grabbed his back then they both walked off the train. They got into a carriage and rode over to the school. "Do you think he knows?" Kage asked Draco. "Lets hope he doesn't." He muttered.

The carriage came to a stop and Filtch started checking the luggage. Draco helped Kage from the carriage since her body was still beat up and wrapped in bandages. Filtch pulled out Draco's walking stick and held it up. "What's this cane here then?" Draco stomped over to him and yanked it from his hands. "Its not a cane you twit it's a walking stick." Draco spat. "How do I know it ain't some weapon?" He asked. Kage and Draco glared at him. "Its alright Mr. Filtch. I can vowge for Mr. Malfoy." Said Snape as he walked up to them. Snape quickly took notice that Kage didn't hold her usual smile when she saw him. Instead her face was empty and her eyes seemed almost lifeless....and he knew why. "Kage, Malfoy. With me." He said then walked of with them following.

Draco walked into the Great Hall with Kage close to his side. Everyone quickly took notice that the perky girl longer perky. "What's wrong with Grim?" Ron asked. Harry shrugged his shoulders. "You mean you don't know? Its all over the Prophet!" Neville told them. The Gryffindors all turned to listened. "Kage and Benji's mother was murdered by their father. Turns out he was a Death Eater. He was sent to Azkaban last night." Neville told them. "Kage has been stuck to Snape and Draco's sides ever since." He added. "Where's her brother?" Hermione asked. "He's staying with Kay's family and away from the Death Eaters." Hayden informed them as he sat next to Neville. "We still don't know if he's coming to school this year." He stated. Dumbledor called for everyone's attention and waited till they all looked at him. "First off, let me introduce the newest ember of our staff. Professor Horace Slughorn." a man at the staff table stood up and waved to the students. "How many DADA teachers do they plan on going through?" Kage asked Draco. Draco shrugged. "Maybe they're going for a new record." Dumbledor only smiled and continued. "He has agreed to resume his post as potions master. Meanwhile, the post of Defense Against the Dark Arts will be taken by Professor Snape." All the Slytherins clapped for Professor Snape while the other whispered among themselves. "As you know, each of you was searched appon your arrival tonight and you have the right to know why. Once there was a young man who, like you, sat in this very hall, walked this castle's corridors, stepped under it's roof, seemed to all the world a student like any other. His name, Tom Riddle." Whispering broke out in the Great Hall but Draco and Kage stayed silent. "Today of course, he's known all over the world by another name. Which is why when I stand, looking out upon you all tonight, I'm reminded of a sobering fact. Every day, every hour, this very minute perhaps. Dark forces attempt to penetrate this castle's walls. But in the end, their greatest weapon, is you. Just something to think about. Now off to bed with you!" He finished. Draco sat there for a bit before getting up himself. He glance down at Kage who was still sitting there, looking as if she was deep in though. "Annie." He called to her, gently shaking her out of her trance. He gotten into the habit of calling her by her middle name. "Come on pup. Lets get to our dorm." He said to her. She silently nodded and stood up. Draco took her hand and led her out of the Great Hall. On the way to their dorms, Draco stopped to use the bathroom, leaving Kage out in the hall to wait. "Hey Grim. How you doing?" Harry asked as her walked up to her with Ron and Hermione at his sides. "Is there something you need Potter?" She asked quietly, avoiding the question. "I just wanted to know if you were alright. I mean, with what happened to your mom and all." Kage gulped and avoided the Golden Trio's eyes. "Leave me alone Potter." She spat. "Look I just to know if you're al-" "Didn't you hear her? She told you to leave her alone!" The three Gryffindors all turned to see Draco leave the bathroom and stand protectively in from of Kage. "We're just worried about her Malfoy!" Ron snapped at him. "Well, don't be! She doesn't need you three making her life worse! Come on Annie. Lets go." Draco said as he grabbed Kage's hand and walked off.

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