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"The Yule Ball is today. Didn't you say you were going with that Ravenclaw girl?" Hugo asked as he sat on his bed. Ray and Aiden were sat on Ray's bed, doing homework. "Shanilla got sick from the cold weather and cancelled." Ray muttered. Aiden stretched with a giggle. "Well you can still come with me and Lavender. We're planning on raiding the food table." Ray laughed and nodded. "Sure."

"Well it sounds like everyone is going with someone. Scorpius is going Evan, Romeo is taking Draven, I'm taking Ethen and you two are going with Lavender." Hugo said.

Ray sat up from laying on his stomach. "Actually, Romeo and Draven aren't going. They're planning their own little ball in the Room of Requirement."

"Yah. They're shy. They don't like crowds." Aiden agreed.

"Have you guys found anything to wear?" Hugo asked. Ray sighed and fell onto his back. "No." He muttered. "I haven't been able to go the Daigon Alley to get anything."

Aiden looked at Ray. "You can always wear one of my suits."


"Yah! I got all kinds of clothes you can choose from!"

"That's not surprising. You look good in everything." Ray muttered. Aiden smirked and moved to loom over Ray who was still laying down. "So you admit that I'm hot?" He flirted. Ray smiled and pushed Aiden away from him, causing the sandy-blonde to giggle. "Shut up you flirt. It was a complitment."

"And you guys wonder why everyone thinks you guys have sexual tension." Hugo said as he shook his head. Ray sat up and gave him a confused look. "What?"

Hugo chuckled. "It's nothing."

Everyone started getting ready for the ball. Kage sat on one of the tables as she watched the teachers set up the Great Hall. "You could help you know." Hayden said as he looked at Kage. "I was ordered to sit and stay."She said with a smile. Esme walked over to the them. "Then I order you help." She spat as she put her hands on her hips. Kage shook her head and pointed to her collar. "I don't belong to you. I don't follow your orders."

"I didn't want her helping with such delacate decorating." Severus muttered as he walked up to them. "Everything currently in the room is flammable. I don't want our hard work going up in flames because she's trigger happy." Kage pouted and crossed her arms. "You're so mean."

Once the Great Hall was decorated, the students started pouring in. "Yay! Food!" Lavender and Aiden yelled at the same time as they ran over to one of the food tables. Ray giggled and followed after them. "Don't you guys think you should cut back on the eating?" He asked. Aiden faked offence and immediately struck a sassy pose. "Are you calling me fat?!" He said loudly. Ray blushed and started to stutter when people started to look at them. " that's not what I-"

"How DARE you! I'm slim and I know it and I'm happy about it!" Aiden practically announced. "O-ok, ok." Ray said, trying to shut him up. "What ever happened to the Ray who said I hot?" He asked. Ray fidgeted in his spot. "Aiden please-"

"What? You want me to keep my voice down?" Aiden asked. He then hooked a finger under Ray's chin and smirked. "You weren't to worried about being quiet last night~" Ray seemed to embarrassed to form words at this point. Lavender was practically choking on her food she was laughing so hard. "We're not dating!" Ray shouted, flustered. Aiden chuckled and patted Ray's head. "Relax mate. I'm just messing with you."

The group of friends all decided to sit at on of the circle tables while other students danced and had fun. Evan furiously watched Scorpius from across the table.

The girl was model pretty, all tanned skin and long legs, her hair a natural honey-blonde flowing down her back and her big brown eyes were framed by long black lashes. She was a Slytherin pure-blood, and when her eyes clocked on to Scorpius' silver hues, she gasped and gave him a wide smile showing off her gleaming white teeth. Interest alight in her eye as she stuck to the young Malfoy.

The night went on with her giggling to Scorpius and asking him questions, and him replying in a rather awkward manner, unsure why the girl was paying attention to him, then gentle touches that she placed on his arm, running slim fingers up and down— her delectable breasts pressing up against Scorpius as she reached for a cup.

Everything about her irritated Evan, her smile more shark like than friendly. Her perfume smelled more sickly than sweet, clogging his throat and making him gag. He watched them both with narrowed eyes from his spot across the table, taking long pulls of his butterbeer. Scorpius, he had to give credit too, was looking confused. He looked like he didn’t understand why this girl was fawning over him, his silver eyes twitching as the girl let out another high pitched giggle, Evan’s bluish-grey eyes moved over the table to take in everyone else’s facial expressions; to say they were scared didn’t cover it. Most of them were practically shaking as they knew she would face the wrath of the youngest Snape. Ray leaning over Aiden to whisper apologises into Evan’s ear.

Finally the Yule Ball was over, and they made their way back to their separate houses. The girl—Hannah?—Hailey?—Heather?, whatever her name was, following behind them trying to walk beside Scorpius who decided to glue himself to Evan’s side, it was something that made pleasure curl deep inside Evan’s stomach. In the Slytherin common room, it was going on to midnight. Ethen, Evan and Scorpius had a big day ahead of them tomorrow with classes, they all decided to call it a night. The girl turned to Scorpius and briefly touched his thigh, leaning into whisper hotly against his ear.

Rage bubbled inside him, making his whole body shake. How dare this bitch touch what was his. How dare she think she was worthy of Scorpius' attention, his care, his body.
Evan growled deep in his chest and moved to wrap his arms around Scorpius' waist, locking his eyes with the girl’s before licking a long stripe up Scorpius' long, pale neck causing him to gasp and tremble, closing his eyes and tilting his head to allow Evan better access the girl's eyes bulged in realization. Her face flushed a brilliant crimson at the noises Scorpius was emitting.

Evan had pulled Scorpius in the boy's dorm and pushed him on his bed. He then crawled on top of Scorpius who was a blushing mess. The curtains on the bed closed and Ethen casted a silencing charm on them so their noises aren't heard by anyone else in the dorm. He then sat on his own bed and read his book.

Evan was sat on Scorpius who was pinned to the bed. He kissed him. Hard. Wet. Frantic. Ginding him into the bed in firm, devastating pulses.

He wants this feeling inside his chest to go away, doesn’t want it to taint Scorpius. But no amount of kissing the other made it disappear. Evan moves back, his lips shiny and wet with saliva and he cups Scorpius' pretty platinum blonde head with the hands “I’m sorry” he starts running his hands tenderly down Scorpius' pale neck “I’m angry right now — and I don’t know if I can control myself with you.” 
Scorpius' silver eyes widen, his eyes taking in Evan’s shaking body and the way his hands are clutching at his face. He’s such an idiot for not noticing before, the woman was hitting on him and it made Evan territorial. He didn’t even notice until she had whispered in his ear.

Scorpius smiled gently and sat up. Holding Evan close to him. "It's alright baby." He whispered, making Evan shiver. "I trust you."

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