Chamomile Tea

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"I'm tired of waiting. That mutt is useful to us! We need her to join our cause! Curseblood was able to get into the school but he waisted his opportunity for petty regenge."

"Do you wish for me to carry out this task?"

"Yes. She goes on hunts every morning in the Forbidden Forest. That's your only chance to catch her alone. So DON'T screw this up!"

"What about the boy?"

"The boy? Ah yes. The boy." The cloaked figure got up from her desk and turned to stare out the large window behind her. "The boy seems to be troubled by what Curseblood did to him. The Cruciatus Curse seemed to have put him on edge." She then turned back to face the other. "Grab him as well! He is useless to us now. But a bit more torture should fix him right up." She then let out a psychotic laugh which sent a chill down the man's spine.

Kage and Ray walked down the halls of Hogwarts early in the morning. "Aunty? Where are you taking me so early."

Kage let out a chuckle. "I want you to join me." She stated. "Neville always gets up early to check on the plants in the greenhouse."

"Professor Longbottom?" Ray questioned. "Are we going to see him?" Kage nodded with a smile. They reached the Herbology class and Kage opened the door. They walked in and Ray saw Neville setting up a tea set at one of the tables. "Ah! Good morning Kage! Is young Huss join us this time?" Neville asked. Kage nodded and guided Ray to the table. "I figured it would help him too."

Ray was confused. What would help him? What were they doing here? Kage seemed to catch on to the boy's confusion. "Ever since I almost burnt down the school, Neville and I had started meeting eachother to have some Chamomile Tea." She explained.

Ray stared at the cup of tea that Neville had poured him. "What's Chamomile?" He asked. Neville handed a cup of tea to Kage before andwering. "It's a plant that I grow here in the classroom. It helps calm and relieve anxiety. It also help calm your nerves." Ray nodded and took a sip of the tea. His eyes lit up as he licked his lips. "This is really good!" He stated before happily taking another sip making the two teachers laugh. "I've heard about your nightmares. Is it about what happened with Vladimir?" Kage asked. Ray nodded.

"It's a recurring dream. We're in the library and it's dark. I have the sword of Gryffindor with me and I'm running around looking for Romeo and Draven. But then I hear screaming-" Ray looked up at Kage. "I hear YOU screaming." He said. Kage flinched slightly and stared at Ray. Neville was listening closley. "The screams just get louder and louder until I finally find you. Vlad is standing over you while you're curled up in pain. I can see Romeo and Draven laying still on the floor next to. I think they were dead."

"Ray." Neville calls out but goes unheard.

"I try to run to you but my body won't move. I try to yell out to you but my voice won't work."


"Then I see Vlad lift his wand again as you try to get up....and I hear him yell out....


"Avada Kedavra."

The sound of glass shattering filled the room and brought Ray back from his trance. Kage's hands were shaking as she stared at the cup she had dropped on the floor. "By the stars! I'm so sorry Neville! I didn't mean to-"

"It's alright." Neville said. He then waved his wand and the cup repaired itself and settled back onto the table. Ray watched his Aunt in confusion. He's never seen her so...frazzled. "Ray." Neville called out again. This time, Ray looked up at him. "It seems that it's not the Cruciatus Curse that's getting to you. But the thought of what would have happened if you were not quick enough."

"Such a thought is normal." Kage muttered as she stared into her refilled cup. "Severus is often thinking about what could have happened to me if he did not take me from my home." Ray was shocked at this. Kage was adopted?

"And I am often troubled with the thought of what could have happened during the war." Neville admitted. "Such a thing is nothing to worry yourself over. But it is important that you don't let such thoughts eat away at your mind. Or else you'll never be able to move past it."

"And you'll be drinking Dreamless Sleep on a daily bases." Kage muttered more to herself but didn't go unheard by the others.

"So-" Ray started. " Are you saying that I should just....stop thinking about it?"

"He's saying that you should own it!" Yelled out a voice form the entrance of the classroom. Aiden came strolling it and up to Ray. "Dude, what you did was totally badass! You shouldn't be letting what could have happen tear you apart when what DID happen was you saving Aunt Kage's life! Which was, by far, the coolest thing I've ever seen you do." Aiden said with a sassy hand on hip. Ray smiled at him before realization hit him. "How did you know where I was?" He asked. Aiden seemed to fidget nervously. "I...uh....might have been following you."

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