Malfoy Manor

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"I can't believe we're going home!" Ray shouted. They had finally finished they're 3rd year at Hogwarts. Ethen was reading a book by the window in the Griffindor common room while everyone else sat by the fireplace. "It feels like it's been forever since we've been home!" Aiden added.

Ethen rolled his eyes. "It's only been a year. You guys are acting like we've been gone for ages." Everyone chuckled at that. A couple Gryffindor girls stared group as they walked by. Draven noticed this. "I-I think your housemates are worried." He stuttered. "What makes you say that?" Ray asked. Draven gestured to the three Slytherins currently in the room. Evan was curled up in Scorpius' lap at the end in the couch and Ethen had looked up from his book. "Oh" Ray added.

Ethen closed his book, took off his glasses and stood up. "Come Evan, Scorpius. We still need to pack." The two nodded and stoop up to follow.

Kage and Hayden were by the train, waiting for their kids. "Dad!" A bunch a voices yelled out. Kage was tackled by Lavender and Evan while Ethen just strolled over and Hayden hugged Ray who ran up to him. "I'll see you at home dad!" Ray yelled out before boarding the train. Kage's kids did the same. "I'm still finding it hard to believe that you're a parent." Hayden chuckled while shaking his head. Kage got up of the ground and pouted. "Hey, I can be serious when I need to be!"

Lavender, the twins and Scorpius all shared a train car while Aiden, Ray, Romeo and Draven left to find another. Lavender and Ethen sat on one side while Evan clung to Scorpius on the other. "Are you guys coming to our house for Thanksgiving? Father already invited over the Potter and Granger-Weasley families." Scorpius asked. Lavender nodded with excitment. "Yah! Mom owled us about it! We're definitely going!"

"Dad was wondering if...maybe....Snape could come too?"

"I don't know." Lavender said, uneasily. "Grandpa isn't usually one for get-togethers."

"He's going." Ethen exclaimed. Everyone turned to stare at him. He noticed and rolled his eyes. "You know our father. She doesn't take no for an answer. Grandpa is going whether he wants to or not."

(Time skip!)

Evan and Albus approached the Malfoy manor with their families following beside them; except Harry, Ron and Rose Weasley who fell behind as a result of their uncertainty. The manor was huge like Scorpius described it; however, it lacked the feeling of royalty and resembled more of a haunted feel.

Albus felt anxious for some reason and his family resembled a similar emotion except for Linda and her kids who seemed VERY happy and excited to be there.

The families finally approached the manor's doors.

Before they could do anything, the doors opened and they were greeted by a very nervous looking Draco who smiled warmly. "Welcome Potters, Weasleys and Snapes!" He said this with no distaste or ridicule of any kind and motioned them to enter. Linda and her kids gave Draco a warm hug and the rest of the adults shook his hand in greeting. "Where is Annie? Is she not coming?" Draco asked, a little disappointment shown in his voice. "Oh don't worry Darling, Kage will be showing a bit later. She's just currently working on dragging Severus out of his house." Linda explained with a smile. Harry, Ron, Hermione and their kids seemed very awkward standing in the entranceway as they watched Linda and Draco chat away and catch up on thing. Suddenly, Draco turned and yelled out " Scorpius! Our guests are here!" Soon Evan spotted a head full of nearly white hair coming down the stairs in a fast pace. As Scorpius approached, Evan's heart plunged as his boyfriend was wearing a dark blue shirt with a deep v-neck, exposing the skin on the top of his chest.

Scorpius let out a huge, beautiful smile full of perfectly straight, white teeth and embraced Evan in a strong hug. Evan grinned even though no one could see him and he squeezed Scorpius back. Scorpius' height allowed him to rest his head comfortably on top of Evan's and he couldn't help but sniff his hair and sigh in admiration at the familiar smell of something sweet mixed with Vanilla. Evan in return slid his arms up Scorpius' back to link them around his neck comfortably.

Hugo watched all this happen and turned to Evan's Twin who was stood next to him. "Hey Ethen, how come you never run into my arms like that?"

Ethen's face immediately lit up and shot Hugo an embarrassed glare. Hugo only laughed.

Everyone was settled in the dinning room while house elves started bring in their food. Suddenly the front door stood open and two dripping wet, cloaked figures walked in. Draco and Harry quickly lifted their wands but one of the stranger's drew their's first and shot a spell that knock their wands out of their hands. "Protective as always I see." The taller stranger drawled out. The shorter seemed to look up at him and giggle. "Force of habit."

"It's about time you get here!" Linda yelled. The smaller one flipped up their hood to reveal familiar blonde, bedhead. "Just be happy we managed to get here! It pouring outside!" Kage practically shouted with a grin that showed off her K-9 like teeth. Draco and Harry picked their wands back up and put them away. "You boys are so paranoid! Now sit down! The elves made you a nice meal that deserves to be eaten! Not left out to get cold!" Linda snapped like the mother she is. Everyone, even the adults, listened to her and quickly sat down at the table. The elves soon brought in two turkeys for the dinner. "Why are their two?" Lily, Harry's youngest, asked. One elf put their turkey in the center of the table so everyone can reach it. The other elf put their directly in front of Kage who already started drooling. "I thought ahead." Draco said with a chuckle. "I feel like I should warn you, she eats like an animal." Snape said with a sneer. "I AM an animal dad." Kage smirked. Everyone had started eating has soon as she ripped a leg off her turkey.

When everyone finished, the house elves came back and cleaned up the plates. Everyone was at the entrance getting their coats and stuff on. Snape had finished tying Kage's cloak on when Draco walked up to them. "I wanted to say thank you for coming. I know I use to be terribly rude to you lot..."

"And violent."

"And cruel."

"And vile."

Harry, Hermione and Ron cut it.

"And just downright unpleasant." Snape added. Everyone looked up at him. "Don't look at me like that. You were all unpleasant really."

"Even me?" Kage asked him with puppy dog eyes.

"YOU especially." Snape said as he grabbed Kage's hood and pulled it over her head.

Linda went up to Draco and put a hand on his shoulder. "There's no need to thank us darling. Kage here was a total bitch at times too."


"The point is, you did what you had to do to stay in good graces with your father. Again, Kage has made the same mistakes.

"I'm standing right here you know."

Linda chuckled and kissed her wife on the cheek. "Oh, hush. You know we love you anyway."

"We?" Kage asked. Linda nodded. "Of course! Me, the kids, your father-" She cut herself off when Kage mindlessly flinched at the mention of her father. As if it were instinct, Snape put his hand on Kage's shoulder that instantly calmed her down. Everyone else but Draco looked confused. "Oh honey, I wasn't talking about HIM. I was talking about Severus. I'm sorry if I struck a nerve." Linda said gently. Kage was silent. The hood of her cloak casted a shadow over her eyes. "We're leaving." Snape order. Linda nodded and followed after them as they left the manor. "Come along kids!" Linda called.

Scorpius embraced Evan before he left. "I'll write to you." He told him. Evan nodded and kissed Scorpius on the cheek before taking off after his family. Ethen was gonna follow as well but paused. With a huff, he turned and kissed Hugo on the lips. Hugo was startled at first, but he soon melted into the kiss and cupped Ethen's face with his hands and leaned in to deepen it. Ron practically had a heart attack. Once they pulled away, Hugo was practically out of breathe. "Where did that come from?" He asked. "You said you wanted more affection." Ethen said as if it were obvious. He then turned and ran to catch up with his family.

"What the hell was that?!" Ron shouted. "Oh shut it Ronald. I for one think that Hugo's little relationship is adorable." Hermione said after smacking Ron on the shoulder. "Thanks. I guess...." Hugo muttered. Scorpius turned to his father who was staring at him. "Uh....surprise?"

"Go to your room. We'll talk later." Draco order. Scorpius was quick to follow out the order.

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