Pureblood Meeting

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Benji was laying outside in the garden of the Grim Manor. Kage was running around in her dog form and playing tag with one of their house elves. The Grim family had two house elves. Pinpy, you served and took care of the house and family, and Teddy, who served and took care of Kage. Because Merlin knows she can't take care of herself. Teddy ran over Benji and hid behind him. Running at full speed and unable to stop, Kage crashed into her brother. "Sorry brother!" Kage said followed by her crazed laughter. "It is alright sister. Just please be more careful." Benji told her. While they all laughed with each other, Zeta strolled out wearing an all to fancy gown. "Children, the Lesters are coming over for a business meeting so I want you on your BEST behavior." She told them while staring at her daughter. Kage just smirked at her mother. "Now go inside and get cleaned up. Both of you." She ordered. The children nodded and ran off somewear inside and upstairs.

Benji sighed as he relaxed into the hot water of the insanley huge bathtub. He was snapped out of his relaxation when a splash appeared in front of him. "Sister! Your going to make a mess if you that!" He spat. "Your no fun." His sister pouted. "Im sorry, but you know how father is. If we dont reach his expectations then who knows what he'll do to us." Kage sighed as she leaned back. "You know, sometime I think that daddy spends to much time with Lucius Malfoy." She muttered. Benji nodded and started washing his sister's hair. This was usual for them. They've always took baths together, ever since they were little. Now that Kage had her bandages off so she can bathe, Benji was able to see how bad her wounds were. He traced a long gash across her back with his hand and sighed. "I was worried about you. You took on a troll with Hayden, got paralyzed by a Basilisk, fought a hippogriff to protect Draco, and fought a werewolf to protect Professor Snape. They're were a lot of times I thought I would lose you." He said, almost in a whisper. Kage smiled and turned to her brother. "You don't have to worry. I've always been a trouble maker." Benji reached up and traced the edge of a deep cut that was over her right eye. "I'm your brother. Its my job to worry." He said the a chuckle.

Benji was stood by his wardrobe getting dressed while Kage was stood next to his bed as Teddy wrapper her in new bandages. "Thanks Teddy." She said when the elf finished. "Teddy lives to serve his kind mistress." He told her before disappearing. Kage got dressed and followed Benji downstairs. The first thing they saw was their parents talking to Lagina and Tamir Lester. "Kay!" Kage squealed as she ran over and gave her friend a bone crushing hug. "Benji, why don't you take your sister and Ms. Lester here upstairs." Lucifer ordered more than asked. Benji nodded silently, grabbed Kage's wrist and dragged her upstairs with Kay following. They reached Kage's room and quickly shut the door. "I sometimes forget how intimidating your father is." Kay told them. "Well I don't get why your father even bothers to come when him and daddy CLEARLY hate each other." Kage said back. A couple minutes pass when Draco walked into the room. "Malfoy? What are YOU doing here?" Kay spat. "My father came to talk to Mr. Grim. But we ended up meeting a blood traitor instead." He spat back, refering to Kay's dad. Kay shot him a glare and pulled out her wand. Draco did the same. "Guys! No magic outside of school!" Benji shouted at them. They both huffed and put their wands away. Tamir Lester opened the door and told Kay that they were leaving, so Kay said goodbye to Benji and Kage and left with her father. "So why did Lucius want to talk with daddy?" Kage asked the platinum blonde once Kay was gone. "He came to discuss the Dark Lords new plan." He told her. Kage and Benji glanced at each other. "Draco.....do you think we'll ever half to become Death Eaters like our dads?" Benji asked him. A look of sadness filled Draco's eyes. "If it's what our fathers want....then who are we to disobey?" He muttered.

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