A Quick Rescue

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"Let's try this again." The tall blonde lady drawled out who stood in front of the pyro.


Kage screamed as jolt of pain spread throughout her body for the hundredth time. The lady was surprised that the girl was still sane. But she knew that wouldn't last forever. "Now then...Ignium!" The lady yelled out. Kage let out a low growl as her eyes flashed silver. The lady smirked. "There we go~ now we'er making progress! Now, eyes on me." Kage's head shot up to stare her in the eyes, she looked as though she was waiting for orders. The lady let out an exited laugh. "Yes! Good dog! THATS what I like to see! And now.." The lady snapped her fingers and Kage's eyes went back to normal. Kage shook her head and mentally cursed herself. "Good dog. Keep this up and you just might get a treat!" The lady announced happily.

"Mother, we have visitors from the Ministry." Said the familiar little girl dressed in lollita. The lady nodded and followed her daughter up to the entrence of her manor where Harry Potter stood with some other Aurors.

"Good evening Miss Abnus. I apologize for showing up so suddenly but we wanted to ask if you seen or heard of any Death Eater activity." Said one of the Aurors. "That is alright. I understand that you are worried. I haven't heard or seen any Death Eaters. But I'll be sure to let you know if I do." Abnus said with a smile.

In the basement, Kage sat still in the chair. She was both pysically and mentally drained and tired. The door was left open, but Kage had no strength left to try and escape. "Well, thank you and we are, again, sorry for sudden visit." She heard someone say from upstairs. She couldn't recognize the voice. But she suddenly caught a wift of something VERY familiar. Her head shot up. The human part of her was to beat up to form words to yell for help. So she did the only thing her animal part could think of.

She howled.

It was loud, desperate, and bounced off the walls of the empty basement. Harry stopped in the entrance of the manor. As did the other Aurors. "What was that?" He asked. Abnus laughed a little. "We recently got a dog and he's not to friendly with strangers. So he's currently shut up in a room as to not disturb your visit."

The Aurors all nodded in understanding but Harry felt something...off. Territorial dogs would usually bark and growl. But this was howling, and it sounded...desperate. "Can we see the dog?" Harry asked. Abnus seemed taken aback by the question, but quickly composed herself. "Thats probably not a good idea. He can get pretty violent." She answered him with a panicked smile. Harry stared at her for a while. Before nodding and leaving with the rest of the Aurors. Once the door shut. Harry looked back at the house. "Potter?" Called out one the others. "I'm keeping an eye on this house. I have a feeling that Miss Abnus wasn't telling the whole truth."

Harry walked into his office to see papers thrown all over the place. A small elf was running around reading as many papers as he could. "What do you think your doing?!" Harry said annoyed. The elf jump and turned to the Harry. "Mr. Potter! You have a plan right? Mr. Potter knows where to find my master?" The elf asked desperately. "Your Master?"

"Master Kage! My master has gone missing! But the Harry Potter knows where she is, yes?"

Harry smiled in understanding. "I have a pretty good idea but I can't be sure yet. I'd have to find a way to get inside Abnus' house unnoticed so I could look around." The elf smiled. "Teddy can help! Teddy can get you into the house from here!"

"So your name's Teddy? Ok then Teddy, let's go save your master." Harry said as he took Teddy small hand. Teddy smiled happily and teleported them away.

The mansion was quiet. So Kage assumed that it was probably night. But she couldn't be sure. It's hard to tell from the basement. A sound echoed through the dark as her head perked up. Appearing out of what seemed like nowhere, Harry Potter and her little elf Teddy now stood before her. "Master! We have found you!" Teddy yelled out as he ran up to her and jumped into her lap. Kage hush him. "We must be quiet or we'll wake her." She told them. Her voice was raspy, as if it hurt her throat to speak. Harry untied her and helped her to her feet. He kept hold of her as she wobbled a bit. Her bandages were bloodied, torn, and falling off in some places. "Teddy, quickly. We need to get her to St Mungo's Hospital." Harry told the small elf. Teddy nodded and teleported them out of there.

"That was the fastest rescue mission I've ever done." Harry said with a laugh as he sat next to Kage's Hospital bed. Teddy had fallen alseep next to her under the white sheets. Kage smirked at him. "It seems Saint Potter has saved the day again. Well done Gryffindor." She teased. They both shared a laugh as the door open and Hermione walked in. "Hello Miss Minister. To what, do I owe the pleasure?" Kage greeted. Hermione smiled at the pyro. "It's good to see you old friend."

"Who are you calling old?!"

The three laughed. "As much as would love to catch up, I need to know what happened." Hermione interupted. Kage sighed. "I know."

Kage told them of Abnus and her daughter. How Abnus was working with the last of the Death Eaters to try to finish what Voldemort started. How she was trying to convince Kage into following in Lucifer's footsteps. "I'm sorry." Hermione finally spoke up. "You've been trying to leave your past behind but it just keeps coming back to haunt you."

"You have nothing to apologize for Granger. It's what I get for being a Grim."

"But your not a Grim! Your a Snape!" Harry argued. Kage smiled at him. "I appreciate what you're trying to do Potter but dont. It doesn't matter what my name is. As long as I share the same blood as Lucifer then I will forever be a Grim."

"Hey wait a minute. You said that Abnus teamed up with the Death Eaters to finish what Voldemort started right? So does that mean that she wasn't a Death Eater before?" Hermione asked.

Kage shook her head. "No. She wasn't a part of them but she did support their cause. She didn't really know any Death Eaters personally. She knew OF them and agreed with what they thought was right."

Harry finally caught on and looked at Kage. "So if she didn't know any Death Eaters then how did she know you and Grim?" Kage sighed at that question. "That's because she's my aunt. Abnus was Lucifer's younger sister."

"What?! Lady Abnus is your Aunt?!" Harry and Hermione shouted. Kage nodded. "Yup. I'm lucky Severus adopted me as soon as he did. Or else I would have been stuck in Abnus' care after Lucifer's death."

"I'll gather some Aurors and take Abnus and her daughter in." Harry announced.

"And I'll make sure they're sent to Azkaban for associating with the Death Eaters and torturing an innocent." Hermione added.

Kage laughed. "I wouldn't exactly call myself an innocent."

"Your an innocent to us. You're our friend Kage whether Ron likes it or not." Hermione said which made Kage laugh a bit harder.

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