Vladimir Curseblood

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Kage walked into the potions classroom. It was filled with students quickly working to make a potion or else they would face Snape's wrath. She walked to the front of the classroom and noticed that Snape was not at his desk. "Anyone know where my father went?" She asked. Some students in the front looked at her. "He left muttering something about ink." Said a Hufflepuff girl. Kage nodded and moved to a cauldron that was sitting on a table behind Snape's desk. She sniffed the liquid inside and immediately identified it as Dreamless sleep potion. She drank so much of the stuff that Snape must have ran out. Kage noticed that the potion was done sitting so she started bottling them up.

"Um....Professor?" A student called.

"What is it child?"

"There's someone at the door."

Kage turned and saw a very familiar woman standing in the door way. "Esme!" Kage yelled out and practically tackled her in a hug. Esme giggled and hugged back. "It's good to see you again Kage."

"What are you doing here?"

"I've decide to take Hagrid's place in teaching Care of Magical Creatures. Hagrid will, of course, help me care or the creatures I get. But I will be teaching. You know what happened last time he taught a class." Esme explained.

"That was Draco's fault. He provoked Buckbeak." Kage said as she crossed her arms. The students were all listening now.

"Yes but Hagrid didn't act fast enough to help him. Thus, I will be handling that part."

Kage squealed and hugged Esme again. "I always knew you get a job involving animals! Hayden owes me 20 sickles!"

"You two betted on me?"

"He said you were gonna be a doctor and I said you were gonna work with animal. Obviously, I was gonna win!" Kage announce with a laugh. The students around them giggled at their teacher's childish antics. "Hey, do you mind helping me bottle up some Dreamless Sleep potion? I need to get it done before it sits for to long." Esme nodded and they both went behind Snape's desk to bottle up the potion. All the students went back to there potions as well.

After a while, Kage and Esme had finished with the potion and Kage turned to class. "Alright kids! Class is dismissed!"

"But Professor, we still have a minute left." A Ravenclaw pointed out. Kage shushed the girl and winked with a smirk. Everyone's face lit up and quickly packed everything up to leave. Once they were out, she started moving the potion bottles to the store room. "You spoil them Kage." Esme stated as she shook her head. Kage only laughed as she came back out to grab more bottles. "Do you need help?" Esme asked. "Absolutely not!" Kage answered quickly. "No one is allowed in dad's store room. His rules, not mine."

"But your going in there right now."

"I'm an exeption. I help keep track of the potions and help keep them stocked. Now, shouldn't you be heading to your own classroom?"

Esme laughed and nodded. "Yes I should. I'll see you at lunch Professor Snape."

"Goodbye Professor Solis."

Esme went to leave but when she opened the door she was met with a frantic Madam Pomfery. "Excuse me dear." Pomfery said before rushing passed Esme and walking quickly towards the front of the room. Esme shrugged it off and left.

"Severus!" Pomfery called out. "Father has gone out for a bit. Is there something you need?" Kage called from the back room. Pomfery recognized her voice. "Oh Kage my dear! Thank Merlin you're here!" She cried out. Kage emerged from the back room and saw the nurse. "Poppy? Has something happened? I've never seen you look so frazzled in my life." She pointed out.  "I need a Blood-Replenishing Potion ASAP!" Pomfery yelled in a panic. Kage nodded and went back into the store room before running out and giving the potion to Pomfrey. "Thank you!" The nurse yelled and practically ran out of the classroom.

Later that day, everyone was called into the Great Hall. Sleeping bags were lined up along the floor where the tables use to be. "Well this seems familiar." Hayden muttered when he walked in. He walked over to Kage, who was talking to Esme, and got her attention. "What's going on?" He asked.

"A killer has found his way into the school." Kage told him.

Hayden shook his head. "Again, this seems very familiar." He pointed out. "Who is it?

"I picked up a scent when I searched the halls. It belong to a man named Vladimir Curseblood. He was one of Voldemort's followers." Kage explained.

Lavender, the Twins and their group of friends were sitting in the corner talking about what was going on. Draven was constantly looking around the Great Hall from his spot on the floor. "Is something wrong hon?" Evan asked the panicked looking boy. "I can't find my Romeo!" Draven told them, practically in tears. Aiden suddenly stood up and everyone looked at him. "He stayed late in the library to finish up organizing. He might still be in there!" Ray stood up and looked at the group. "I'll go look for him. I got the sword of Gryffindor, I can defend myself." Draven stood up with him. "He's my Romeo. I want to come to."

"Fine but stay close to me." Ray ordered. Draven nodded and followed after the Gryffindor boy as they snuck through a back entrence.

The two crept quietly and quickly down the halls and to the library. Romeo was still inside pushing around a trolly full of books that needed to be put back on the shelves. "Romeo! What are you still doing here? Everyone was summoned to the Great Hall." Ray asked him. Romeo seem to look confused. "Oh Romeo! My Romeo!" Draven wailed as he engulfed the mute in a hug. Romeo seemed worried about him boyfriend. "I was worried that the killer had got you!" Romeo suddenly went from worried to alarmed and pointed at a dark figure that seemed to move towards them. Ray saw him and quickly pulled out the sword of Gryffindor for protection while Romeo and Draven clung to eachother behind him. Vlad chuckled. "I'm surprised a boy like you can summon such a weapon."

Vlad pulled out his wand and pointed it at the kids. "CRUCIO!" He yelled. Ray howled in pain and collapsed onto the floor, dropping the sword. He curled up on the floor, an unstoppable pain shot through his entire body that made him whither. Romeo and Draven were crying their eyes out as they watched. The two lovers shook in fear as Vlad pointed his wand at them next. But before he could cast the spell, a large black wolf ran out of nowhere and bit the man's arm. "GAH! Son of a..." Vlad flung the dog to the side and yelled the Cruciatus Curse again. Kage whimpered and fell over. She turned back into her human formed and struggled to get up. "CRUCIO!" Vlad yelled again, and again, and again. Kage's screams echoed through the library and halls. Vlad was sure that someone had heard her. He had to finish this quickly. "You DARE betray the Dark Lord! You DARE kill one of your own! I will avenge the Dark Lord. I will avenger Lucifer Grim! Avada Keda- AAAUHG!" Vlad yelled out as a blade pierced through his chest. Ray had stabbed him from behind. "Shut up." He spat before ripping the blade out and watched as Vlad fell limp and bled out onto the floor.

Just then, Snape, Esme and Hayden all ran into the library. Hayden hurried over to Ray and caught him when he was about fall over. "Are you alright?" He asked his son. "I am now." Ray said with a tired smile, the sword disappearing in his hand. "Oh! My baby!" Esme screamed as she squeezed Draven in a bone crushing hug. "I'm so happy you're alright!"

"Kage! Kage my girl wake up! Open your eyes!" Snape yelled as he cradled the unconscious girl in his arms. "Oh mommy it was horrible! That man casted the Cruciatus Curse on Ray! When Aunty Kage tried to save us, he casted it on her about five times before casting the killing curse!" Draven wailed. Esme hugged her boy close. "The killing curse?!" Snape shouted. "It's alright Uncle Severus. I killed him before her finish the incantation." Ray muttered tiredly as he watched from his father's arms. Snape let out a breathe of relief before picking his daughter up. "Come. All of you. We need to get you kids to the Hospital Wing. Professor Huss, stay here and watch the body."

"Yes Severus."

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