Sirius Black

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That night, Hayden and Harry were sat on Harry's bed looking at the Marauders Map that the Weasley twins had given them. "Thats odd." Whispered Harry. "Whats odd?" Harry signaled for Hayden to follow as they snuck out of their dorm.

Harry explained to Hayden they he saw someone on the map that is supposed to be dead. They watched as it showed the person walk past them and down another hall. But they didn't see anyone near them. Harry glanced at the map and saw that Snape was walking their way. Harry quickly put the map away and turned the to run but a familiar black got blocked their path. "Shit." Hayden said when he saw her. Kage barked at them and they turned around only to be face to face with the potions master. "Potter. Huss. What are you two doing wandering the corridors at night?" He asked them. "If you don't mind I would appreciate it if you would lower your wand." Snape did so but only a little. "Turn out you pockets Potter." Said Kage behind them, now in her human form. Harry glared but did as he was told and pulled out the Marauders Map. "What is this?" Snape asked. "Its a peice of parchment." Hayden spat. "Open it." Snape ordered. Harry opened it and Snape tapped it with his wand. "Reveal you secrets." He said. Letters appeared on the parchment and Snape told him to read it. "Messrs Moony, Wormtail, Padfoot, and Prongs offer their compliment to Professor Snape and requests that her keeps his abnormally large nose out of peoples business." Harry read out loud. Kage snickered and Snape glared at him. "Why you insulent little-" "Professor." They all looked behind Snape and said Lupin walking up next to him. "Well, well, Lupin. Off on a little the moonlight?" Snape sneered. Lupin only smiled at him. "Harry, Hayden, you alright?" Lupin asked. The two boys nodded. Snape snatched the parchment away from Harry and gave it to Lupin telling him that it's full of dark magic. "I seriously doubt it Severus. It looks to me as though its merely a parchment designed to insult anyone who trys to read it." Lupin laughed. "Nevertheless, I shall investigate any hidden qualities it may possess. Harry would you come with me please?" He asked then walked off with Harry following. "Kage, take Mr. Huss back to his dorm." Snape ordered. Kage nodded and led Hayden away.

"What the hell were you thinking? Sneaking off in the middle of the night. Have you forgotten that Sirius Black is in the castle?!" Kage yelled at Hayden as they made their way to the Gryffindor tower. "Harry said that he saw someone on the map. Someone that is supposed to be dead." Hayden explained. "And who, exactly, did it show?" Kage asked. "Peter Pettigrew." Said Hayden. Kage's eyes widened. "I see. Well you better head to your dorm. I have to meet back up with Severus." Hayden turned to look at her. "Snape didn't seem to have a reaction whenever you spoke during DADA yesterday. So its true then? Your really working for Snape?" Kage smiled at him. "I thought we went over this our first year." "Well, yeah but you two weren't on a first name bases back then." Hayden explained. Kage only patted his head with a smile and skipped off. Leaving Hayden looking rather confused.

The next morning. Harry, Ron and Hermione ran outside and watched as a headsman beheaded what they assumed was Buckbeak. Ron hissed in pain and dropped his rat, Scabbers. "Ow! He bit me!" He turned around and ran after his rat. "Scabbers! Come back!" Scabbers ran all the way to the Whomping Willow before Ron grabbed him. Ron was sat on the ground holding Scabbers when he looked up and saw a black ghostly dog behind Harry and Hermione. "Guys! Behind you! Its Kage!" He called out. Harry turned around and saw the dog. "Thats not Kage." Harry muttered as the dog ran past them and after Ron. The dog grabbed Ron's leg and dragged in under the Whomping Willow. Harry and Hermione ran after him. They entered some kind of shack and went up to the second floor. The saw Ron sat in the corner. "Harry! Its a trap! He's not a dog he's an Animagus!"

They turned around and saw Sirius Black. Hermione stood in front of Harry. "If you want to kill Harry you'll have to go through us!" "No. Only one will die tonight." Sirius told them. "Then it will be you!" Harry shouted and he tackled Sirius. Lupin then ran in and yelled a spell that knocked Harry's wand from his hand. Harry quickly climbed off Sirius and Lupin helped him up. "No! I trusted you and your his friend?!" Hermione shouted. She then turned to Harry and told them that Lupin is a werewolf. That's why he's been missing classes. "How long have you known?" Lupin asked her. "Since Professor Snape sent the essay." She explained. "Enough talk Remus, let's kill him!"


"I did my waiting! Twelve years of it! In Azkaban!" Sirius pleaded. Lupin glanced at Harry before handing his wand to Sirius. "But can you wait just one more minute? Harry diserves to know why!" "I know Why!" Harry cut Lupin off. "You betrayed my parents. Your the reason they're dead!" Lupin shook his head. "No Harry it wasn't him. Somebody DID betray your parents but it was somebody, until quite resently, I believed to be dead!" "Who was it then?!" Harry asked. "Peter Pettigrew!" Sirius laughed. "He's in this room! Right now. Come out, come out Peter! Come out a play!" He shouted insanely. Just then Snape came in and disarmed Sirius. Kage, of course, was at Snape's side. "Vengeance is sweet. I hoped I'd be the one to catch you." Snape said with a deviouse smirk. "Severus-" Lupin quickly shut up when Snape pointed his wand at him. "If you'll excuse us, Remus and I have unfinished business to attend to!" Sirius snapped. Kage pointed her wand at Sirius' throat. "I COULD kill you, you know. But why deny the Dementors? They're so longing to see you." She said with a wicked smile. Sirius stepped back as Kage stepped forward. "Do I detect a flicker of fear? Ah yes, a Dementor's kiss. One can only imagine what that must be like to endure." She said with a terrifying giggle. "It is said to be unbearable to witness, but I'll do my best." Snape added as he watched his enimy wither in fear at the end of his Pyro's wand. "Ms. Grim please." Lupin pleaded. Harry grabbed Hermione's wand and shouted a spell that knocked both Kage and Snape against the wall and unconscious.

"Harry! What did you just do?!" Ron shouted. "You attacked a teacher." Hermione said worriedly. Lupin explained that Peter Pettigrew was Ron's rat. He turn Scabbers into is true form. Sirius and Lupin we're about to kill Peter but Harry told them to give him to the Dementors in stead. The stood out side next to the Whomping Willow. Then, the full moon came out and Lupin withered in pain. "Remus my old friend! Have you taken your potion tonight?" Sirius asked him. He tried to hold Lupin still but he couldn't stop the transformation.

Lupin turned into a werewolf and knocked Sirius back. The werewolf turned to the golden trio and moved towards them. Snape walked out, unaware of the werewolf. "There you Potter." Snape scoffed. The werewolf roared and Snape turned around. He moved the three behind him to shield them from the beast. The werewolf lifted it's claw to attack Snape but Kage luged at him in her dog form. "Kage!" Snape shout at her, but she didn't hear. She restled with the beast and soon Sirius joined the fight, also in his dog form. It was a werewolf VS two Grim Wolves. Snape and the three Gryffindors watched in horror as a fight raged on in front of them. Flashes of Blood, teeth and black fur was all they could see. Howling was then heard in the distance and caught the werewolf's attention. The werewolf ran off towards the sound and disappeared into the night. Harry chased after Sirius who limped into the forest and Snape ran over to Kage who collapsed from exhaustion. Kage turned back into her human form and picked her up once again. "I'm starting to think that you like nearly getting yourself killed." Snape scowled at her. Kage only chuckled.

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