The Yule Ball

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The next day, Snape was walking down the hall when he heard a boys voice around the corner. "My name is Kevin Callel. I'm the Durmstrang boy that created that giant snake made out of fire that you loved so much." (A/N I dont actually know the boy's name so i made it up.) He said rather confidently. "Oh yah! That was really cool! So, is there a reason you stopped me on my way to food?" Kage asked. "Actually, I wanted to ask if you would go to the Yule Ball with me." He stated. Snape froze and he silently scowled at the idiotic boy who was trying to flirt with his Slytherin Pyro. "No." Kage said dulley. Kevin chuckled at this. "I don't think you know who I am." Snape could practically hear the smirk in his voice. "And I don't think you know who I am." Kage scoffed. She then pulled out her wand and pointed it at the boy. She was about to yell out her Incendio spell when a hand was placed on her shoulder. "Now, now. I don't think the Durmstrang Headmaster would be pleased to hear that one of his student was torched by a member of Hogwarts." Snape said rather calmy. "Professor, this girl was about to hex me! Don't you think she should get in trouble for her actions?" Kevin said as he glared at Kage. "I believe it is my decision on whether or not a student should be disciplined, Mr. Callel. NOT yours." Snape sneered. Kevin scoffed and walked away. Kage looked up at Snape with a smile. "You've been affully protective lately Severus." She pointed out. "As much as I hate to say it, I've lately been finding myself seeing you as a daughter rather than a spy." He muttered. He then glared down at the girl and quickly added "and if you tell anyone that I said that then I'll deny it!" Kage only giggled at the potions master and followed him to the Great Hall for lunch.

Everyone was getting ready for Yule Ball. Kage and Benji was sat in Gryffindor common room watching as Esme and Kay look through dresses, and in Kay's case, anything nice to wear. "I always thought Kay was more of a tomboy." Benji whispered to his sister. "She's still a girl, brother. Besides, she's not wearing a dress she's just wearing something nice!" Kage whispered back. Hayden then came downstairs in black tux and walked over to wear Benji and Kage sat. Kage whisked when she saw him. "Look at you~ so who did you ask to the dance?" Kage asked with a smirk. Hayden blushed. "L-like I'd tell you!" He stuttered out. Kage only laughed. "Benji, you're all dressed up. Did you ask someone to the dance?" Esme asked. Benji suddenly blushed darker than Hayden did and avoided their eyes. Kage smile at her brothers embarrassment and looked at Kay and Esme. "My cute baby brother hear got asked out by a Durmstrang boy~" She teased. Esme squealed and hugged Benji while Kay and Hayden just had huge smiles on their faces. Everyone walked down the stepped and met up with their dates. "Kage? What are you wearing?!" Draco practically screamed. "Um...clothes?" Kage answered sarcastically. "I'm well aware that you're wearing clothes!" Draco spat. "But why are you wearing just slacks and a nice shirt? You're suppose to wear something really nice not semi nice!" Kage rolled her eyes and smiled at her dramatic friend. "I'm only going in to watch! I don't have a date anyway!" Kage exclaimed. She then turned on her heel and skipped into the Great Hall where the dance was being held.

Kage sat on a table in the corner of the room and watched as people danced. Not AT a table. ON a table, and Snape was apparently the only one who noticed this. "What is with this girl and sitting on tables." He muttered as he strolled over to her. "Hey Severus!" Kage greeted once the potions master reached her. He sat down on a chair AT the table and scoffed at the kids as they danced with their partners. It was no secret that Snape despised the Yule Ball. For both obvious and personal reasons, he didn't enjoy watching all the doe-eyed students trip over their own feet, much less the noise and cheeriness that seemed to possess anyone who walked in.

He glanced up at his Pyro and thought that he would see the same distaste. But what he saw instead made him worry. Kage, rather than having her usual smile plastured on her face, watched all her friends dance with a sad look in her eyes. "I've always loved watching people dance. You can always see what kind of connection the two partners have. Whether it's love or just pure friendship." She muttered without even thinking. "You were asked to the ball but you turned him down. Why?" Snape asked. Kage looked at him with a smirk. "Yeah, like I'm gonna agree to go to some dance with someone I don't know." She scoffed. Snape was about to say something but Kage cut him off. "Plus he was a guy. I don't exactly fancy guys." She said almost unautable. Snape stared at her for a minute before standing up and offered her his hand. He almost laughed at how dumbstruck she looked. Almost. "I thought you didn't like to dance, Professor." Kage stated with a deviouse smile. "While I admit it is a waste of my...very valuable time," He paused, extending a hand to her. "There is always an exception." Kage had the biggest smile on her face. "Are you seriously going to dance with me?" she asked. "Unless you'd prefer not to." His hand began to retract from hers, but she quickly grasped it. "Are you kidding? The dark and bruding dugeons bat just asked me to dance! No way in hell am I gonna pass this up!" She stated. "You can be such a dramatic child." He murmured, placing a hand on her waist and the other holding her hand. Kage's moved to his shoulder, watching him carefully. "I'm just being honest." Kage chuckled, allowing him to lead the dance when the song began. Snape's movements surprised her. He had a dark elegance to him and grace that she almost envied. Kage was thankful for it though, considering she wasn't the most adept dancer. "Don't look at your feet." Snape corrected her softly when her eyes fell to the floor. They snapped back up to look at him, a surprisingly calm expression on his face. "You needn't worry about your steps. Lest you overthink it and step on me, which I won't be happy about." "No pressure there, huh." Kage smirked. "It's not as easy as you make it look." Snape roles his eyes. "If you would stop thinking about the steps and just do them, it would save you a lot of trouble."

"" Kage repeated, and he nodded, sweeping her across the floor with gentle guidance. "It's the same advice that a young Lily Potter gave me when she taught me to dance. ...Against my will, mind you." Kage laughed. "Of course." She grinned, imagining what it must have been like to see a young Snape learning to dance. "I'm surprised you still remember how to do it." "How could I forget? It was easily one of the worst days of my life." He scoffed. "But...also one of the best, I'm sure." Kage said in a teasing tone. It was no secret to her that Snape still held feelings for his first real friend, and first love. He glared at her for a moment before he spun her around, the both of the finding yourselves in the center of the dance floor. Kage had yet to notice the dozens of students watching her and the potions master. Even Dumbledore was watching with a twinkle in his eye. "Why I see you as a daughter I have yet to find out." Snape sneered at the Pyro. "You love me." Kage teased, earning that small, pinched smile he always had a knack for, just as the song came to its final notes. He glanced towards the musicians, before carefully adjusting his hold to the small of Kage's back and dipping her ever so slightly. And for the briefest moment, everything was silent. Until...

"Wow! That was amazing!!"

"Did you see how they danced? That was so beautiful!"

"Who knew Snape was so good at dancing?"

"It's weird, isn't it?"

"Weird, but it's so cool too!"

"I wish you'd dance with me like that, Ron."

"Oh, come on! I wasn't even supposed to bring you, Padma!"

"Dear me, it seems we've brought attention to ourselves." Kage joked, an amusused smile on her lips. Snape raised her back up, and took her hand, leading her back off the dance floor. "At the very least, you got your dance. I hope it was everything you wanted it to be, because we're not doing that again." He said has he glared at the other students. Kage laughed and sat back down ON the table.

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