Getting Ready

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Benji woke up to something heavy landing on him and waking him up. "Wake up brother! It is time to "
rise and shine as the muggles say!" The raven-haired boy sat up and looked at his sister. Her short blonde hair ridden with bedhead and stuck in every direction. "If father hears you saying that then he'll hex you." His sister only smiled and stood up. "Come on. We need to pack and get to Daigon Alley." Said Benji as he got out of bed. Kage looked at him confused. "To get our school supplies? Don't tell me you forgot?!" Kage's eyes widened and she ran towards her room. "D-did not!" She stuttered. Benji sighed and shook his head. "Forgetful little git." He muttered.

Kage ran down the stairs and into the dining room, almost running into her mother. "So down child! Someone might get hurt!" Said Zeta as she gracefully avoided her energetic daughter. "Sorry, mum!" The girl yelled back. Benji came down the stairs immediately afterwards. Saying good morning to his mother before stepping into the dining room. at one end of the table, sat his sister who was chowing down on her breakfast. Last the other end, was their father, Lucifer Grim. He was sat silently, drinking his tea and reading the Daily Prophet. Lucifer put down his paper and stood up walking towards the front door. "Are you two ready to go?" He asked in a rather dull tone. The siblings both nodded and they headed out the door.

Kage and Benji walked into Ollivanders, hands held tightly together. Benji didn't want to risk having his troublesome sister run off somewhere so he grabbed her hand and hasn't let go. He looked around. No one was at the front counter. "Heeeellooooo~" sang Kage in a childish manner. Just then, a man appeared from somewhere else in the store. The man looked at Kage and Benji for a second. "Ah yes, I've been expecting the two of you to come in soon. Good afternoon Mr. Grim, Ms. Grim."

It took a while for Benji to get his wand so Kage began to space out while she waited for her turn. After Benji got his wand, Mr. Ollivander turned to Kage. "Well that's one down. Now to look for a wand for you Ms. Grim." Mr. Ollivander then went back to one of the shelves that held thousands of wands, he came back with a few different boxes. "Try this one. Red wood with a Phoenix feather core, 12 1/2 inches." Kage gave the wand a flick but nothing happened. "Appearently not. Alright, try this wand. Maple wood, with a dragon heart string core. 9 1/2 inches." Again, Kage gave it a flick. But this time, a few boxes in the store fell off the shelves. "No, no that's not it either. Hmm. Okay, let's try this one. Ebony wood with a Unicorn hair core. 12 inches." Kage gave it a flick and she was surrounded by a strange light and wind started to blow. "Yes, perfect! It seems that the wand that did not choose your brother, chose you. Interesting." "How much for the wands?" Asked Benji. "15 Galleons each. So 30 Galleons total." Kage and Benji gave Mr. Ollivander the money and when they turned around they saw their father watching from the window.

After all their shopping was done, Lucifer took Kage and Benji to Kings Cross Station. Lucifer then looked at his watch and said he had to go or he would be late for something. He then gave Kage and Benji tickets for a train. The ticket said it was for the Hogwarts Express on platform 9 3/4. They boarded the train and found a compartment with a girl with two girls and a boy. "Mind if we sit with you?" Asked Benji. "Not at all!" Said the girl with dark brown hair. Kage and Benji sat down next to the boy and across from the two girls. "I'm Hayden Huss." Said the boy. "This is Esmerelda Solis and Kay Lester." The girl with dark brown hair, named Esmerelda, blushed as she waved. "Please, just call me Esme." Benji hooded in acknowledgment. "My name is Benjamin Grim, but you can call me Benji. This is my sister Kage." "Yo!" Greeted Kage with a big smile. Kay slightly glared at the two. "I know you two. The Grim's are wealthy purebloods." Benji only waved her off. "Don't worry, we're nothing like our father." Kay only nodded.

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