The Second Challenge.

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Everyone was standing on a huge dock out on the lake surrounding Hogwart. After competitors faut the dragons and got their golden egg. They then had to do their second challenge. Which was going deep into the lake and saving the student who had been taken my the merpeople. Kay and Hayden watched as the competitors got ready for their challenge. "Hey guys, have you seen my sister?" Benji asked as he walked up to them. They both shook there heads. "She's probably hanging out with Professor Snape again. You know how much he hates these kinds of things." Kay said. Hayden shook his head. "But...Snape is down there." Hayden said, pointing the potions master standing at the edge of the dock. "Didn't you hear? Kage and Solis have been chosen to be the bate for the competitors." Draco said from his seat above them. "My sister is down there?!" Benji practically shouted. He ran over to where the competitors were and over to Harry. "Potter, please! You have to help me!" Be begged. Harry looked at him worriedly. "Please, you must save my sister! Please!" Benji pleaded with tears in his eyes. "I-i'll see what I can do." He told the Slytherin before walking over to the other competitors. A whistle blew and they dived in.

Hours past, and the competitors started surfacing with the person they saved. Cedric Diggory, a Hufflepuff at Hogwarts, came up first. Then Victor Krum, a Durmstrang boy, came up with Emse. Kay and Hayden ran over to the edge of the dock and helped her up. A Beauxbaton girl came up with no one and said that she is retiring from the competition. A little bit longer past but there was no sign of Harry, Kage or Ron. Ron was also one of the people you have to save. Benji started to panic as was Draco and Snape. Soon, Ron hit the surface and swam over to the dock. Second after Ron got out of the water, Harry shot out of the water hold onto a shivering Kage. He landed on the dock and let go of the Slytherin Pyro. Snape, Benji and Draco all ran over to her. "Sister! Sister are you alright? Why didn't you tell me you were selected to be bate?" Benji said frantically. Kage chuckled lightly, she was obviously tired. "I never got a chance." She muttered. Draco wrapped a towel around her and Snape picted her up. She fell asleep immediately. Benji tuned to Harry and hugged him. "Oh thank you! Thank you so much!" He said than walked off with Professor Snape and Draco. "A-anytime." Harry stuttered out.

Snape and Kage were in Snape's potions closet looking for a potion to help with Kage's sleeping issues. "There is a Dreamless Sleep potion, but it dreams that are keeping you awake, is it." Snape said while reading the bottle. "No, it's not dreams. I just can't stay asleep." Kage told him. Just then Igor Karkaroff, The Durmstrang Headmaster, walked in suddenly and looked Professor Snape. "I want to talk to you. Alone." He stated as he glared at the girl standing next to the potions master. "If you have something to ask me then you can do so with her at my side." Snape said. He then reached over and tapped on the dog tag hooked to Kage's collar. "She works for me after all." He added. Igor scoffed.

Harry was walking down the hall way after visiting with Dumbledor. He heard a mans voice shouting in the room he was passing. "Its a sign Severus! You know what it means as well as I!" It shouted. The door was numbed open and Harry saw Igor showing Snape and Kage the Dark Mark on his arm. All three of them turned their attention to the boy and Igor quickly his the mark. He glared at the boy before stomping down the hall. Harry went to walk off but Snape stopped him. "Potter! What's your hurry?" He sneered. Harry turned his attention to potions master. "Congratulations, your performance in the Black Lake was inspiring." Snape told him with a glare. "Giliwead right?" Kage smirked. Harry nodded. "Genius." She teased. Snape walked back into his potions closet. "A rather rare herb, Giliwead. Not something found in your everyday garden. Nor is this." He said as he climbed a latter and grabbed a potion.

He climbed back down and held it up to Harry. "Know what it is?" Snape asked. "Bubble juice, Sir?" Harry said sarcastically. Snape shot him a glare. "Veritaserum, Potter." Kage told him with a divious smirk. "Three drops of this and even You-Know-Who himself would spill out his darkest secrets. The use of it on a student is, regrettably, forbidden." She added. "However, should you ever steal from my personal stores again my hand might just slip it into your morning pumpkin juice." Snape threatened. "I haven't stolen anything!" Harry shouted. "Don't. Lie. To. Me." Snape ordered with a glare. "Giliwead is one thing but other ingredients as well? You friends are brewing Polijuice potion and believe me, I'm going to find out why." He said as slammed the door in Harry's face.

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