Draco "Ferret" Malfoy

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Kage entered Snape's class and took her seat on his desk. Snape, without looking up from the paper he was grading, smirked at how she's the only child who isn't afraid of him. "Can you explain to me why you are skipping class to interrupt my break?" He sneered, quickly hiding his smirk away. "Yes, I can. Someone told me to go to Hell, you see. Couldn't find it for a while....but now I'm here." She stated with a surprisingly straight face. Snape gripped his quill so strongly that it snapped as glared at the blonde girl sitting on his desk. Kage smiled and patted his head. "I'm only joking Sev! You know I love you!" She said as Snape rolled his eyes. He stood up and walked around the table to stand in front of her. "Malfoy has recently informed me that Professor Moody had you do the Killing Curse in DADA today. Is this true?" He asked. Kage nodded and started swing her legs like a child. "And you, dare I say, performed the curse perfectly, yes? No flaws?" Kage nodded once again. "My girl where in the world did you learn how to perfectly perform such a curse?" He said as he grabbed both of Kage's shoulders. "Daddy taught me!" Snape's eyes filled with anger. "Has he taught your brother as well?" Kage shook her head. "You see, I'm a month older than my brother. So daddy had started teaching me long before he was born! Mama knew what daddy was planning this time and managed to keep my brother from it. But she was to late to protect me from the things daddy taught." She explained. As she told her story, Snape was pacing back and forth in front of her. "Kage I want you to promise me that you will NEVER perform such a curse again." He ordered. Kage's smile vanished and her eyes saddened. "I'm sorry Severus." She said in a whisper. Snape looked at her with wide eyes. "But I can't make promises I cannot keep."

Kage and Draco were sat in a tree in the courtyard. Draco's goons were sitting around the base of the tree. "Hey look, there's Potter and Huss." He told Kage. "Saint Potter looks distressed." She pointed out. Draco and Kage smirked at each other. "Why so tense Potter?" Kage called out. "My father and I have a bet you see. I don't think your gonna last 10 minutes in this tournament." Draco added. Harry glared at the platinum blonde. Draco jumped out of the tree with Kage following. His goons stood up and followed them. "He disagrees. He thinks you won't last five." "I don't give a damn what your father thinks Malfoy!" Harry spat as he walked over and shoved Draco. "He's vile and cruel and your only pathetic." Hayden added before he and Harry turned to walked away. "Pathetic? I'll show you pathetic." Draco scoffed as he went to pull out his wand. Soon Moody came out of nowhere and casted a spell that turned Draco into a ferret. "That'll teach ya to curse someone while their back is turned!" Moody yelled out ah he stomped over to Draco and picked the ferret up. Kage turned into her dog form and angrily barked at the professor. Mcgonagall quickly walked over to Moody you had his wand pointed at Kage to keep her from doing anything. "Is that a student?!" Mcgonagall shreeked, pointing to the ferret in Moody's grasp. "Technically it's a ferret." He said looking at her. With Moody distracted, Kage jumped up and bit Moody's wrist. Driving her sharp teeth into him and puncturing the skin. Moody hissed in pain and dropped Draco. Mcgonagall waved her wand and turned Draco back to normal. Draco quickly stood up and glared at Moody who threw Kage off to the side. "My father will here about this!" Draco yelled him. "Is that a threat?!" Moody yelled back. He then ran after Draco who was running around the base of the tree. Kage ran over bit Moody's leg making him stumble and let Draco get enough time to run away. Once Draco was gone, Kage turned back into her human form. Moody quickly turned around and pointed his wand at the girl "Why you little-" "Alastor!" Mcgonagall cut him off.

"Expelliarmus!" Was shouted by someone in the crowd which knocked Moody's wand out of his hand. Everyone turned to see a very angry Snape who quickly walked over to Kage and pulled her behind him in a protective manner. "Don't you dare point that wand at her you lunatic." He spat. Kage looked up at him in shock, as did everyone else. Mcgonagall walked over to them and glared at Moody. "We NEVER use Transfiguration as a punishment. Surely Dumbledor told you that." She told him. Moody looked to the ground. "He might have mentioned it." He muttered. "Well, you will do well to remember it." She stated before walking off. Snape glared at Moody for a while before putting a hand on Kage's shoulder and guiding her away. Moody glanced at the potions master leaving form and then turned to Harry and Hayden who had the biggest smiles on their faces. "That girl, Kage Grim, is he always that protective of her?" He asked the two Gryffindor boys. They both nodded. "Ever since first year." Harry said. "Kage told me that he's like a fatherly figure to her. Since her actual father isn't much of a father." Hayden pointed out. Harry looked at him for a moment but didn't say anything.

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