The Fall Of Dumbledor

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Kay, Hayden, Esme and Linda were sat around Kage's bed in the Hospital Wing. "I can't believe Harry nearly killed them." Linda muttered. "Yah, I mean, they can be real gits sometimes but he doesnt have to attack them over it." Esme stated. Kay and Hayden were silent. They stared at Kage with blank expressions. "Whats gotten into you Gryffindor?" Linda asked as she nudged Hayden. "There's something we need to tell you." Kay muttered to them. Linda and Esme looked at each other in confusion.

It was midnight. Draco woke up and slipped out of the hospital bed to get dressed. He then walked over to Kage and woke her up. "Its time." He told her. Kage nodded and got dressed. She followed Draco out of the Hospital Wing and to the Room of Requirement . He walked up to an old wardrobe and pulled the sheet off it. He stepped back as it started to open and black smoke came out of it. "The Death Eaters are here." Kage muttered. Draco grabbed her arm and pulled her out of the room and towards the Astronomy tower where Dumbledor was.

Kage and Draco walked up the stairs to the top of the Astronomy tower. Draco pulled out his wand and pointed it at Dumbledor. "Good evening Draco, Kage." Dumbledor greeted. "Who else is here? I heard you talking!" Draco demanded. "I talk aloud to myself. I find it useful." Dumbledor told him. " are no assassin." He added with a sad look in his eyes. "How do you know what I am? I've done things that would shock you!" Draco shouted. "Like cursing Katie Bell in hopes that she'd bring a cursed necklace to me. Or placing a bottle of mead laced with poison to give to me." Dumbledor explained. "Don't push me! I've been chosen!" Draco yelled and lifted up his left sleeve to reveal the Dark Mark. "Then I shall make is easy for you." Dumbledor said as he pulled out his wand. Draco stood in front of Kage and casted a spell that knocked the wand out of Dumbledor's hand. The door at the bottom of the stairs opened and Dumbledor stares at the two Slytherins. "They got" He asked, referring to the Death Eaters. "The Vanishing Cabinet in the Room of Requirement." Draco said to him. "Genius. Draco...Kage....I once knew a boy who made all the wrong choices. Please don't be like him." Dumbledor pleaded. "We don't need your help. Don't you understand? We have to do this! We have to kill you! Or he's gonna kill us..." Draco said in tears. The Death Eaters came up the stairs and smiled at the scene. "Well look what we have here~" Bellatrix said crazily. "Good work Draco." She said as she kissed his cheek. "And you too Kage." She kissed her cheek as well. "Do it Draco. Now!" Bellatrix yelled. "No." Said Snape as he walked up the stairs. Draco and Kage quickly turned to him. "Kage...I didn't want you to be here." He said sadly. "I'm sorry Sev...but-" "you cant make promises you cannot keep....I know." He cut her off. "Severus...please." Dumbledor pleaded. "Avada Kedavra!" Snape shouted the Killing Curse. It hit Dumbledor and knock him over the balcony. Snape then grabbed Kage's hand and Draco's arm and pulled them back down the stairs and out of the Astronomy tower.

They walked down the halls and through the school. Kage and Draco clung to eachother in panic and Bellatrix destroyed everything in the Great Hall. They walked out of the castle and towards the forest. "Snape!" Someone yelled behind them. "He trusted you!" They all turned to see Harry Potter chasing after them. An explosion went off as Bellatrix set Hagrid's hut on fire. "Go on!" Snape told the Death Eaters. "Draco, take Kage and get out of here!" He ordered. Draco nodded and walked off with Kage glancing worriedly back at Snape and Harry.

Harry threw a spell at Snape but Snape deflected it. "Fight back! You coward! Fight back!" Harry shouted at him. Bellatrix threw a spell and Harry and knocked him down. "No! He belongs to the Dark Lord!" Snape stopped her. Bellatrix stared at him before walking off in the direction the other Death Eaters went. Harry stood up and threw another spell at Snape but Snape deflected it and made it go back to him.

Harry laid on the ground gasping in pain as Snape walked up to him. "You dare use my own spells against me." Harry stared up at Snape in shock. "Yes, I'm the half blood prince." Snape muttered before walking off and leaving Harry there.

All the students and teachers gathered around Dumbledor's body that played in the courtyard. Linda and Esme hugged each other as they cried while Kay and Hayden were silent. Harry limped slowly through the crowd and towards the body. Everyone fell silent as he fell to his knees and cried. Mcgonagall raised her wand to the sky and created a soft light. Everyone else did the same in respect to the fallen wizard. "They were one of them. All this time Draco and Kage were Death Eaters and we didn't even know." Esme whimpered. She then turned to Kay and Hayden. "Why didn't you tell us sooner?!" She yelled. Kay and Hayden glanced at each other before hugging her. "We're sorry." They whispered.

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