He Knows

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Kage was, once again, sat on a table at a dance. She didn't quite know what the dance was for but she went to it anyway. Snape was stood next to her as he watched everyone dance with a scowl on his face. Neville hesitantly walked up to them to offer them a drink for he was one of the waiter at the party. Snape turned him down, of course, but Kage grabbed three. She thanked Neville as he nodded and quickly walked off. "Why did you grab three of them?" Snape asked her. "Because I'm thirsty." Kage said matter of factly. She looked over and saw Harry talking to a boy on the other side of a curtain. She pointed it out to Snape and he went over to them. Kage gulped down her drinks before quickly following. Snape pulled back the curtain and almost immediately, the boy Harry was talking to threw up on Snape's shoes. "You just bought yourself a months detention McLaggen." Snape sneered at the boy. "Not so fast Potter." Kage called to Harry who was trying to sneek away. Snape turned to face Harry. "I really think I should rejoin the party. My date-" "I'm sure she'll survive your absence for another minute Potter. We only wish to convey a message." Kage cut him off. "A message?" Harry asked. "From Professor Dumbledor he asked that I give you his best and he hopes you enjoy your holiday. You see, he's traveling." Snape told him. "Traveling where?" Harry asked him sternly. Snape didn't say anything though. He simply turned and left with Kage quickly following.

The doors to the party opened and Argus came in pulling Draco by his arm. "Get off me you filthy squib!" Draco yelled at him. "Professor Slughorn sir, I just found this boy lurking in an upstairs corridor." Argus said, walking up to the new potions teacher. "He claims to have been invited to your party-" "Ok, ok, I was only wondering!" Draco cut him off. Kage turned into her dog form and growled at Argus. "We'll escort him out." Snape told Argus as Draco yanked his arm from the man's grip. Kay and Hayden watched in confusion. "Certainly Professor." Said Draco. They then walked out of the room and into the hallway. Kage shot Argus a silver glare before following.

"Maybe I hexed that girl. Maybe I didn't. Whats it to you?" Draco snapped at Snape. Snape grabbed Draco and pinned him to the wall. "I swore to protect you! I took the unbearable vow!" Snape scowled at him. Kage turned back into her human form and watched them in worry. "I don't need protection! I was chosen for this! Out of all the others! Me! But I'm a failure!" Draco spat. "Draco...let us assist you." Kage told him. "No! I was chosen! This is my moment!" Kage went silent and Snape let go of Draco. "We promised we'd help each other get through this." Kage whispered as she looked to the ground. "I know Annie...and I'm sorry." Draco whisper back. Snape rested a hand on Kage's shoulder.

Hayden and Kay hid behind a wall and listen to their conversation. "We have to tell Harry." Hayden whispered to Kay. Kay nodded and then ran off back to the party.

The students were on the train out of Hogwarts for the holiday. Hayden and Kay were sat with Ron and Harry as they explained to them what they heard. "An unbreakable vow? You sure that's what Snape said?" Ron asked. "Positive. Why?" Hayden asked. "Well....it's just...you can't break an unbreakable vow." Ron stated. "We've worked that much out ourselves, Ron." Kay said sarcastically. "So what happens to you? What happens if you break and unbreakable vow?" Harry asked. "You die." Ron muttered. Everyone went silent.

The next day, after the holiday, Draco and Kage walked into he Great Hall to study. Draco froze in the walkway and stared at Katie Bell who was talking to Harry. Harry turned and locked eyes with Draco. In a panic, Draco grabbed Kage's hand and quickly walked out of the Great Hall. They did know that Harry was following. Draco walked up the stairs, down a hall and into a bathroom. He turned on a sink and washed his face. "Draco you hyperventing." Kage said worriedly. "I know Annie!" He shouted. Kage walked up to him and rubbed his back as he almost started to cry.

"I know what you did Malfoy!" Came a voice behind them. They quickly turned around and saw Harry with his wand drawn. "You hexed her didn't you?" Harry asked him. Kage pulled out her wand and shot a spell at Harry. Harry took cover and shot a spell back. The spell hit her and flew back and hit a mirror, shattering it. She landex on the ground unconscious as blood seeped through her bandages and onto the ground. Draco went into a frenzy and shot spells at Harry. Harry doing the same. Spells flew everywhere. Broken pipes and sinks flooded the bathroom. Harry threw a spell at Draco and hit him. Harry stood over the bleeding Draco. His blood mixing with the water on the bathroom floor.

Snape quickly walked over to Draco. He looked at Harry who turned and ran. Snape knelt down next to Draco and muttered a spell that healed him. "An..nie." Draco managed to say. Snape quickly turned around and saw his Slytherin Pyro who was also laying in her own blood. Why didn't his charm tell him that she was hit. Then, a gleam caught his eye. He turned and saw the dog tag sitting in the water. It broke off when she got hit. Snape moved over to Kage at healed her and put the dog tag back on. He made she to put a spell on it so it wouldn't break off again. Kage opened her uncovered eye and looked at Snape. "He knows." Was she told him before passing out again.

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