Liquid Luck

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Scorpius was pacing back and forth in front of the lake. Albus, Evan and Ethen were sitting against a tree watching him. "Will you stop worrying. You're gonna be fine." Ethen said annoyed as he glanced up from his book. "I can't help it! This is my FIRST Quidditch match! What if I mess up? What if they kick me off the team?!" Scorpius ranted in a frantic tone. "Honey, you passed tryouts. They're not gonna kick you off the team if something happens in your first game." Evan said as he tried to calm his boyfriend. Albus just chuckled. "I don't know. He IS going against Gryffindor. And my brother is the seeker."

"You're not really helping right now, Albus" Scorpius spat.

Albus only smiled and waved him off. "Im only teasing. Besides, you're over reacting! James isn't as good as he says he is." Ethen groaned, stood up, and walked over to Scorpius. He them slapped the platinum blonde which caused him to stumble back a bit. "Scorpius!" Evan shreaked as he ran to his boyfriends side. "No. I needed that. Thanks." Scorpius said with a smile as he held his burning cheek. "I didnt do that to help you. I did it to help me. You were whining like a child and it gave me a head ache. Typical Malfoy" Ethen said dully as he ignored the glare his twin shot at him. Ethen sighed and crossed his arms. "But if this is bothering so much then why not take a good luck potion?" He suggested. "Good luck potion?" The other three said confused. Ethen rolled his eyes and sales over to his bag and pulled out his potions book. "Honestly Evan, I at least expected YOU to pay attention in Potions. Since both our Father AND our Grandfather teach it." He said with a huff. Evan crossed his arms and stuck his tongue out at his twin. Ethen flipped through the pages of the book trying to find what it was what he wanted.

"Felix Felicis, more commonly known as Liquid Luck, grants whoever drinks it unusually good luck." He read from the page. "That's it! I can use Liquid Luck!" Scorpius said with a big smile. "Liquid Luck is one of the hardest potions to make. It has to be cooked for 6 months on an extremely complicated formula, and if you make a tiniest mistake, the consequences are severe." Ethen continued. "How the hell are we going to make it? The potion takes 6 months to cook and the Quidditch match it today!" Evan said as he looked at the book his brother was holding. "Who said anything about making it? We'll just take one from Professor Snape's store room." Albus said as he stood up and dusted off his pants. "Of course YOU would come up with such a plan Potter." Scorpius said with a smirk. Albus laughed. "What can I say? It's in my blood! I'll drop in and take it when everyone is in the Great Hall for lunch. That way you can take it before the match." He said as he turned to Scorpius.

Albus waited until everyone left for lunch before quietly creeping down the stairs to the Potions class. He opened the door and crept in before quietly closing it. "Is there a reason you're here Mr. Potter and not eating lunch in the Great Hall?" A voice drawled out from the other end the classroom that nearly made Albus jump out of his skin. He quickly turned around and saw the familiar blonde teacher sitting at Snape's desk and grading homework. "P-Professor! W-What are you doing here?" Ablus stuttered out. "Working?" Kage said confused. "Sh-shouldn't you be eating with the Professor Snape and the other teachers?" The Slytherin boy asked. "I've already eaten. I went hunting in the Forbidden Forest. But you still haven't answered my question." Kage said as she put her quill down and stood up. She then walked around to the to the front of the desk and sat on it. A normal thing she did. Albus slowly walked towards her. "I was...uh...hoping I could get some help with my homework!" He lied. Kage stared at him for a minute. "Do not lie to me Potter." Albus stared at her in shock. "Wh-what are you-"

"People sweat more when they lie. I can smell it from here." She said rather calmly with kinda creeped him out. Albus sighed. "Scorpius was really worried about his first Quidditch match so I offered to steal a potion called Liquid Luck to help him." He explained. Kage sighed. "What is with you Potters and always getting into trouble?" She asked as she rubbed her temple. "Your one to talk. From the stories my dad told me, you got into trouble almost as much as he did." Albus said with glare. "Then he also mentioned that I was once a Death Eater." Kage drawled out that made Ablus go pale. "I did get into trouble. But I was lucky that my birth father didn't beat me for it. But it seems getting into trouble just runs freely through the Potter blood line." She added. Albus huffed at that. Kage sat in thought before getting up and going into the store room. She then grabbed a small bottle of Liquid Luck and gave it to her Slytherin student. "Y-your giving this to me?" Ablus asked in shock. "No. I'm letting you barrow it. Here's what I want you to do..."

Albus walked into the Slytherin common room with a cup of hot chocolate. Scorpius quickly stood up and walked towards him. "Here. Drink this. It might give you a little luck." Albus said with smirk. The platinum blonde's eyes widened as he grabbed the cup and started to drink it.

Later that night all the Slytherins barged into their common room in celebration for winning the match. Scorpius was congratulated more than once on catching the snich. Ablus stood with Ethen away from the his over exited housemates with a smirk on his face. "I read in the book that because of the Liquid Luck's properties, it is banned in all sporting events, competitions and examinations. What happens if someone finds out we gave some to Scorpius?" Ethen asked. Albus smirk grew as he took out the bottle of Liquid Luck that Kage had given him. It was full and was still sealed. "You didn't give it to him." Ethen said surprised. "You just made him believe you did." Albus chuckled at the usually expressionless boy's shocked look before putting the bottle back in his pocket and walking out the door.

Snape had just left to his private chambers and Kage was left to finish cleaning up. She stopped when she saw Albus walk into the class room with a smile. He pulled out the potion and gave it back to Kage. "How did you know it would work?" He asked her. Kage chuckled and put the potion back in it's original spot in the store room. "It's the same trick your father pulled on his Weasley friend." She said as she smiled at her student. "Dad did the same thing to Uncle Ron?" Albus asked. Kage nodded with a laugh.

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