Only Following Orders

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Kage sat in her DADA class next to her brother and Esme. "The class hasn't even started yet and she's already fallen asleep!" Esme huffed as she glared at the sleeping Slytherin next to her. Benji just petted his sister. "She's always tired. She took a nap yesterday after Snape pulled her out of breakfast but she was still tired throughout the day." Gilderoy Lockhart then stepped out of his office and smiled at his students. He walked down the steps to the front desk. "Now. It is my job to arm you against the foulest creatures known to wizard kind." he then tapped on a covered up cage with his wand and it started shaking violently. "You may find yourself facing your worst fears in this room." He then pulled off the sheet and revealed a bird cage full of tiny blue creatures with wings. "Cornish Pixies?!" Seamus shouted with a laugh. "Freshly caught Cornish Pixies!" Lockheart argued. Kage opened her eyes, Lockhart was the first thing she saw. " are NOT a sight I like to see when I first wake up." She muttered. Everyone chuckled at her. "Ah yes. Ms. Grim. You put on quite a show in the Great Hall this morning." Lockheart said with a forced smile. "Oh come now Gilderoy. You should be use to it. After all, YOU put on a show everyday." The boys all laughed at her comment while the girls glared at her.

Lockheart turned back to the cage and grabbed the latch. "Well if you think you can do better." Benji's eyes widened. "Oh no..." he muttered. "Lets see what you make of them!" Lockheart then opened the cage door and the pixies flew everywhere. Reeking havick and destroying the class room. "Come on, round 'em up! They're only pixies!" He yelled. Kage's greyish blue eyes went silver as she turned into her Animagus form. She barked and chased the pixies everywhere, creating even more chaos then there already was. Lockheart went to cast a spell but a pixie flew over and stole his wand. He then panicked and ran over to his office and locked himself in. "What are we going to do now?!" Benji shouted, smacking some pixies away with a book. Esme stood up and pointed her wand at the classroom. "Immobulus!" The pixies froze. Kage caught one and started flinging it around like a chew toy. "Sister! Get that discusting thing out of your mouth!" Benji yelled at her. Kage only turned tail and ran. She ran down the hall as fast as her paws could take her and made it to the courtyard. She skidded to a hault when she saw the Gryffindor and Slytherin Quidditch teams glaring at each other. "I booked the field for Gryffindor practice today." Said the Gryffindor team captain. "Easy Wood. I got a note." Said Flint, the Slytherin team captain. Ron and Hermione got up from a bentch and walked over to them. Kage just sat there, the pixie still dangling in her mouth. "I, Severus Snape, hear by give the Slytherin team promission to practice today. They also need to train their new Seeker." Wood read the note out loud. "You got a new Seeker?" Wood asked. The Slytherin team stepped aside and Draco stepped forward with big smirk on his face. Kage's jaw dropped and the pixie fell to the ground. "Malfoy?!" Harry said confused. "Thats right. And that's not all that's new this year." Ron looked at their brooms. "Those are Nimbus 2001's!" He excailmed. "How did you get those?" Flint smirked. "A gift from Draco's father." "You see Weasley, unlike some, my father can afford the best!" Draco sneered. "At least no one on the Gryffindor team had to buy their way in. They got in on pure talent." Hermione spat. Draco stepped in front of her with a glare. "No one asked your opinion, you filthy little mudblood." Hermione froze. Tears welled up in her eyes. "You'll pay for that one Malfoy." Ron said, pointing his wand at Draco. "Eat slugs!" Kage turned back and jumped in front of the platinum blonde. "Protego!" She shouted. Ron's spell shot back towards him and knocked him back. The Gryffindors all ran towards him to help.

Draco looked at the blonde girl in front of him. "Why did you-" Kage cut him off. "Don't take this the wrong way Malfoy. I'm only following orders." Draco gave her a confused look. Then he noticed it. The new dog tag on her collar that read Severus Snape.

"What did you do to Ron?!" Hayden screamed. Him, Kay, and Esme all dragged Kage to the Astronomy tower after Harry had told them what happened. "I...reflected Weasley's spell back to him." Kage stuttered. "Why would you do such a thing? The poor boy has been puking up slugs for the past hour." Esme stated more softly then the two Gryffindors. "I was doing what I was told." Kage said, slightly scared of Kay and Hayden's glares. Hayden was furious. "What you were told?! What does that mean?!" "Does it have something to do with that dog tag hooked to your collar?!" Kay yelled her. Kage went silent and Kay scoffed. "Why did you help them our first year and then hex them our second." Esme asked calmly. Kage shook her head. "I didn't hex him. Protego is a charm. Not a curse." She explained quietly. Esme sighed and patted her head. "Slytherins." Kay muttered once again.

Hogwarts: School For Witchcraft and Wizardryजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें