Sin Never Sounded So Sweet

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(But seriously. I didn't sugarcoat it. It's not cencored. Feel free to leave comments! Enjoy! 😊)

"Evan?" Scorpius called out as he walked into the dim room of the boys dorm in the Slytherin house. Everyone else was at dinner in the Great Hall but Evan, being the kind of person who always wants to look nice, wanted to take a shower first.

"Yah hon?" Evan's voice sounded from behind him. Scorpius turned to see Evan come out of the bathroom. He wore a large button up that hung down to his knees and nothing else. Scorpius suddenly became a nervous mess. "Is something wrong?" Evan asked, worried about his boyfriend's sudden silence. "I-It's're...." Scorpius stuttered out, unable to finish his sentence. Evan looked down at what he was wearing and a devious smirk spread across his face. He walked up to Scorpius and pressed himself against him. "Do you not like what I'm wearing?"

"N-No! It's not that its..."

"If you don't like it-" Evan leaned in to whisper in the platinum blonde's ear. The feeling of his breathe made the boy shiver. "Then why don't you take it off~?"

Something in Scorpius snapped as he pinned Evan against his bed post and slammed his lips onto the smaller boy's. Evan let out a moan as Scorpius explored the inside of his mouth. Scorpius was quick to discard his clothing until he was completely naked. Evan pushed Scorpius away before slowly unbuttoning the shirt he had on. The shirt dropped to the floor and Evan fell back onto the bed, pulling Scorpius with him.

Scorpius' hands were on his bare ass and Evan bit back a small whine as his unrestrained length slid along Scorpius' flat stomach. Scorpius kissed his way up his neck, "But I'll warn you, I've never done this before."

Evan grinned, "It's not that much different than a girl."

Scorpius shook his head and pushed him back onto the bed, absorbing the sight of Evan laid out in front of him.

"It's completely different." He leaned down and kissed the inside of Evan's ankle, slowly working his way up until his nose traced a small trail up his thigh, placing kisses. He crawled up onto the bed, like a feline slowly stalking it's prey and Evan swallowed at the site of his silver eyes carving fine lines over his exposed skin. He licked his way up to his bellybutton and Evan's muscle twitched. "How is it different?"

Scorpius grinned and looked up at him as he rested on his forearms, lips hovering so close to his throbbing length. "Because it's you, and it's a million times hotter."

Evan didn't have time to respond before Scorpius flicked his tongue out and promptly swallowed him whole, his mouth felt like warm wet fire as it slid down the length of his cock, to the base and he couldn't think, his mind went numb with sight of him between his legs.

"Holy fucking Christ." Evan called out shamelessly into the dark and Scorpius never slowed his pace, just kept sliding those sinful lush lips up and back down until Evan gripped his hair in his hands and pulled him off.

Scorpius grinned slyly, "Problem?"

Evan's head fell back and hit the pillow as he gasped for air, "I thought you said you'd never done this before."

"I haven't." He gave a laugh and crawled up Evan's body to place wet kisses all over his jaw. "You're the first I've ever put in my mouth."

Evan slid his fingers up his sides and huffed, "Well, you suck like you've been doing it your whole life. You didn't even choke."

Scorpius bit at his ear and Evan dug his nails into him, trying to move his hips, but Scorpius' weight held him down. He whispered, "I don't have a gag reflex."

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