Face Your Fears

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"Does it hurt terribly Draco?" Asked Pansy as she clinged to him at the Slytherin table. "It comes and it goes. Still, I consider myself lucky." He explained. "And what of Grim? Is she even still alive?" Asked Blaise. Draco looked at him confused? "You mean you don't know? After that beast mauld you she attacked it. She looked pretty beat up when she followed you and Hagrid to the Hospital Wing." Pansy told him. Draco's eyes widened. He was so distracted with his own pain that he didn't even realise that Kage got into fight with the hippogriff.

The golden trio sat at their table and listen to everyone worrying about the stupid platinum blonde. "At least Hagrid didn't get fired." Stated Harry. "Yeah, but I hear Draco and Kage's fathers are furious. Not to mention Professor Snape. We haven't heard the end of this." Said Hermione with a worried look. "He's been sighted! He's been sighted!" Shouted Seamus as he ran over to the Gryffindor table. "Who?" Asked Ron. "Sirius Black!" Seamus shouted. Hermione quickly looked at The Profit that Seamus had put onto table. "Duft town?! Thats not far from here." She said. "Y-you don't he'd come to Hogwarts, do you?" Stuttered Neville. "With Dementors at every entrance?" Stated a random Gryffindor. "Dementors. He's already slipped past them once. Whose to say he won't do it again?" Stated Seamus. Harry looked worriedly at the newspaper.

Everyone gathered in the DADA classroom. They all stood in front of a wardrobe that was placed at the front of the class. "Would anyone like to guess as to what is inside?" Asked Professor Lupin. "Thats a Boggart." Said a Gryffindor boy. "Correct! Now can anyone tell me what a Boggart looks like?" Lupin asked again. "No one knows. Boggarts are shape shifters. They take the shape of what a particular person fears the most." Hermione explained. "Yes. Luckily, a very simple charm exists to repel a Boggart. Lets practice it now." Lupin told the class. At that moment, Kage slipped into the class undetected and walked up behind Draco. "After me. Riddikulus." Stated Lupin. The class repeated the charm. "This class is ridiculous." muttered Draco. He then felt a tap on his shoulder and turned around to see Kage standing behind him. She had a bandage that cover her left arm and a bandage that wrapped around her head and cover her right eye. "Kage? Shouldnt you be in the Hospital Wing?" He asked in a worried tone. "They released me." Kage said before taking her place next to Draco.

Lupin called Neville out and asked him what frightens him most of all. "P-Professor Snape." Neville stuttered out. Everyone laughed at his answer. "He frightens all. And I believe you live with your grandmother?" Lupin asked him. Neville nodded. "Y-yes. I don't want that Boggart to turn into her either." The class laughed again. "I'm gonna open that wardrobe, and here's what I want you to do." Lupin then walked over to Neville and whispered something in his ear. Neville nodded nervously and Lupin opened the wardrobe. Snape walked out of it and stopped towards the boy. "Riddikulus!" Neville shouted. The then turned into Snape wearing Neville's grandmother's clothes. The class broke into a laugh and Kage had tears in her eyes, yet again, from laughing to hard. "Alright! I want everyone to form a line, picture the thing they fear the very most and turn it into something funny!" Lupin said to them. First up was Ron. The Boggart turned into a spider and Ron almost panicked. He pulled out his wand and yelled out the charm. Roller skates appeared on the spiders legs and everyone laughed as it tried to stand up. Next up was Kay. She walked up in front of the Boggart and it quickly turned into a giant Kodiak bear. Kay gulped in fear. She pulled out her wand and yelled out "Riddikulus!" The bear the turned into a panda and clumsily walked around. Esme stepped up this time. The Boggart turned into an image. It showed Esme....and ONLY Esme. That was her fear. Her fear was of being abandoned, unloved, alone. She pulled out her wand and said the charm. She exhailed in relief as the picture was suddenly filled with friends and animals. She took her place next to Kay at the back of the line and Kay hugged her. Kage walked up this time. Everyone watched closely. This was a once in a lifetime opportunity to find out what scared the always happy Pyro. At first, it was just like Esme's, showing her being alone and unwanted, but then the classroom went dark and cold. Lupin looked around in panic, as did everyone else. Then they heard it. Voices echoed in the darkness.

Do you honestly think they're your friends?

They only feel sorry for you.

Kage's eyes started to water. Everyone froze. No one has seen her cry in the three years that she's been at Hogwarts.

"Shut up." Kage muttered. "I'm fed up with you!"

Aawww, are you going to cry? Pathetic.

"Fuck off!" Kage shouted. Esme and Kay were starting to panic and Draco was frantically trying to push his way through the crowd to reach her.

You can't get rid of me....

I'll stay with you forever.

Kage fell to her knees.

And you better deal with it.

Because I'm a part of you.

"Riddikulus!" Someone shouted. The lights turned back on and the voices were replaced with singing. Lupin looked to back of the class and saw Snape in the doorway with his wand drawn. Draco, Esme and Kay ran to Kage's side to see if she was alright. She looked up at her friends, and broke. The crying quickly filled the room and cause the windows to crack. Snape walked over to the girl and picked her up. On instinct, she clung to him and buried her face in his chest. He quickly walked out of the class with Draco, Esme and Kay following. Everyone just stood there with sad expressions. The Weasley twins glanced at each other. Everyone suddenly realized why her brother and was so protective of her.

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