Chapter 3--Let's Pretend My Tears Are Raindrops

Start from the beginning

"That's a long ways away, eh? Must'a taken ya a while ta, ah, get here." He paused. "All the better that we brought ya over some'a Ma's delicious banana bread." He handed me a little basket piled high with bread.

"Oh, thank you." I said politely trying hard to be quiet enough that I wouldn't wake up Mom and Cassie. Dad was already off to work.

"No problem for a pretty lady like yourself."

I bit my lip and nodded. "Thanks." I repeated.

"Do your folks need any help movin' anything? Our son's got a pretty good set'a strong arms on 'im." I didn't see a son anywhere. But I went along with it.

"I'm not sure."

"Well, are the folks out back? I could go ask 'em, eh?"

"Actually..." I paused, "They're out running errands."

"Oh. I see." He said. "Well we live over in that there lil' house." He pointed to a huge white hick-house down the street what looked like almost a mile away. "When they get back you wanna send 'em over by us so they can put da boy ta work?"

"Um, sure. I can do that. They should be over in a few hours probably." I told him.

"Okay. Nice to meet you! See ya around, eh?" He said. Everyone turned around and simultaneously said,


I closed the door and tried as hard as I possibly could to hold my laughter in. It worked until I turned around and saw that my mom and my sister were downstairs already. Then I just exploded. It was the first time I really laughed since Brandon died. It felt pretty good. My mom looked worried and immediately came over by me.

"What happed, honey?"

"I don't know, eh?" I said and slapped my leg. Then I covered my mouth with my hand and kept laughing. Mom let me go and stared at me.

"Really Sam, what happened?"

"I really can't live in this town mom. A bunch of people were just here and they brought us banana bread. You should've heard the way they talked!"

"Sam, you really shouldn't make fun of people who-"

"I told them you'd go over there later. They want you to let their kid help you unload more stuff."


"I couldn't say no. It would've been rude." I was really just kidding to make her mad. "I guess you'd better go over there. It's that house way," I exaggerated the word 'way,' "down there." I pointed down the road. "I told them you'd be home soon. You were just running errands.

"I don't have time to yell at you right now. Why don't you and Cassie start filling up your rooms? All your stuff is in your car, right?"


"Okay. Get to it."

I spent the rest of the morning (up until eleven) loading up my room with my stuff. I immediately decided that it was going to need to be painted. The walls were a boring and ugly green. I wanted them light yellow. Just like my old room. I dedicated the top of my dresser to Brandon. All the pictures and everything were set out in a little display. I made my bed and decided to get a new quilt, too. I grabbed out a piece of paper and made a list.

To do-

1 Paint Room Yellow

2 Buy new quilt

3 Get new TV

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