Capital: Washington D.C.

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Nickname: The Capital of the World

Human Name: Winifred Washington

Age: 19 Years Old

Gender: Female

Historical Background: The land used to be part of Virginia and Maryland. Both states agreed to set aside some land for the nation's capital along the Potomac River. Congress then passed the Residence Act, approving the creation of the district on July 9, 1790.

Creation: September 9, 1791.

Hair Color: Pure Black

Eye Color: Midnight Blue

Height: 5' 3" (161 cm)

Notable Traits: She'll always keep her hair short, sometimes wearing it in a short ponytail or a small bun at the base of her head. She has dark skin. She wears glasses with rectangular frames. She typically wears business attire. She's an infamous hard drinker, usually drinking heavily at the end of a busy week.

Favorite Foods & Drinks: Cupcakes, Fried Chicken, Half-Smokes, Injera, Jumble Slices (pizza), Mumble Sauce, Oysters-on-the-Half-Shell, Pupusas, Rickey (alcohol), Senate Bean Soup

Likes: American Beauty Roses, Go-Go (music), Hanami, Museums, Scarlet Oak

Dislikes: Communists, Romance, State Governments, Taxation Without Representation, Turkey Bacon

Personality: Disciplined and Formal. The Nation's Capital has come a long way, from being called a swamp in the past to being called the most powerful city of democracy in the present. Such a noble title comes with many challenges, often pitting her against many obstacles that make her work excruciatingly difficult, stressful, and tiresome. Due to the serious nature of her position, she must act strict and professional at all times. Although, there are times she'll behave with uncaring indifference, much to the frustration of others who genuinely believe she's looking down on them from her marble pedestal. No surprise, her behavior as well as her actions have made her unlikeable among enemies and allies alike. She has been lambasted for being corrupt, idle, selfish, shady, unfair, cold-hearted, intrusive, secretive, power-hungry, and tyrannical without an ounce of redeeming qualities to her name. However, she has shown numerous times her dedication to supporting and preserving the interests of the nation, even if her choices aren't always right. It's too bad her hard work is rarely acknowledged at home, therefore she sees little point in maintaining a perfectly "good" face. Be that as it may, she remains content and determined to serve her country to her utmost abilities.

+ She's known for working in several roles, including but not limited to support-agency-staff of Congress, a secretary of the White House, a judge overseeing cases between states, a special agent for various federal departments, an assistant to their mayor, a diplomat, a curator, and a moderator of the States Annual Meeting. Though it isn't a part of her White House duties, she's often assigned the task of watching over presidential pets. 
+ She likes to go for a morning stroll at a nearby park before going to work.
+ She's a Japanophile with a particular love for Japanese cherry trees, haikus, and bonsais.
+ Many capitals around the world are also considered a state of their respective nation. That isn't the case for D.C., a fact that's frequently brought up by other capitals to make fun of the world's most powerful democratic city.
+ Though they're generally seen as allies, D.C. holds a "mutual disliking" for London, largely stemming from past beef and personal differences (as well as the fact that London prefers to work with New York over her). Befriending capitals is usually the norm, however, D.C. has made an exception for Sunderland (the ancestral home of George Washington), partly to spite the British capital.


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