10. Virginia

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Nickname: The Old Dominion

Human Name: Virginia Grace "Ginny" Sherwood

Age: 22 Years Old

Gender: Female

Historical Background: In 1607, the English settlement of Jamestown was established by the London Company within the Colony of Virginia. When the London Company went bankrupt in 1624, Virginia became an English crown colony. Throughout the English Civil War between 1642 to 1660, Virginia remained loyal to the Crown, garnering its nickname as the Old Dominion. Following the restoration of the Crown, Virginia returned to being a crown colony until the start of the American Revolution when the commonwealth began to pursue independence from Great Britain. Following the American Revolutionary War, Virginia joined the Union in addition to ceding land dedicated to the creation of several states and the U.S. capital.

Statehood: June 25, 1788 (10th)

Hair Color: Caramel Brown

Eye Color: Dove Grey

Height: 5' 5" (166 cm)

Notable Traits: She has long luscious hair that reaches down to her hip. She has fair skin. She wears glasses with oval frames. Besides suits for formal business purposes, she also wears simple yet casual dresses. Outside of work, she typically carries around an embroidered tote bag.

Favorite Foods & Drinks: Atlantic Red Crab, Apple Butter, Brunswick Stew (she prefers her version over Georgia's), Ham Biscuits, Macaroni & Cheese, Oyster Stew, Peanut Soup, Roast Beef, Rye Whiskey, Sailor Sandwiches

Likes: American Dogwood, Cleaning, Cooking, Needlepoint, Witchcraft

Dislikes: Cursing, Hunger, Silk, Tobacco, Tickles

Personality: Insightful and Motherly. Though she's known for being perfect in every way in the current era, it's a completely different story from a long time ago. Bitterness, despair, and loss—she has become numb to numerous horrors as a naive child trying to be the first successful English colony in North America; it has made her cynical and selfish at some points in history. Fortunately, such disillusions come to a halt upon realizing her responsibility to cherish and defend her family. For her vital role in the creation of an independent nation, she's regarded as an elder sister to the states and a mother figure to America (and many presidents). Her status as a prominent leader has diminished ever since she decided to "retire" from national affairs. She does keep a watchful eye on everyone in ways that may be considered an invasion of privacy. Otherwise, she'll only intervene on behalf of serious concerns. Whenever she's not tidying her house or understanding modern trends, she'll reminisce and wonder about the decisions she has made in the past. Her opinions may be flawed as much as she hates to admit it, however, her heart is in the right place when it comes to protecting and serving her country.

+ When she was a young child during the Colonial Era, she befriended Pocahontas and often played with her whenever she visited Jamestown before the Starving Time. She viewed Pocahontas as a sisterly figure and was deeply saddened to hear of her unfortunate passing.
+ Thomas Jefferson was quite infatuated with her, so much so that he once mustered the courage to try and court her when he was a young bachelor. Though she declined his awkward proposition, they remained good friends.
+ During the Cold War, she worked part-time for various directorates in the Central Intelligence Agency, including the Directorate of Plans (now called the Directorate of Operations) as a field agent. Her intentions were for the benefit of America's safety, though there were countless incidents where she had been caught in hot water for acting questionably and secretively. To this day, some states are wary of her spying on them; even D.C. has criticized her for stepping beyond her boundaries on multiple occasions.
+ Most of her household items come from Dollar Tree.
+ She's often concerned about the health of Kentucky and West Virginia, having regretted introducing them to tobacco, coal, and Mountain Dew.


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