39. North Dakota

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Nickname: The Roughrider State

Human Name: Norman Mankato Dakota

Age: 17 Years Old

Gender: Male

Historical Background: The region was widely inhabited by many Great Plains Tribes by the time the first Europeans reached the area in 1738. From 1762 to 1802, the region was a part of Spanish/French Louisiana. It would then be purchased by the United States in 1803. In 1861, the area was incorporated with its southern counterpart to form the Dakota Territory. The region would go on to become North Dakota, separating itself from South Dakota when it joined the Union as a state in 1889.

Statehood: November 2, 1889 (39th)

Hair Color: Pale Blond

Eye Color: Cool Gray

Height: 5' 5" (165 cm)

Notable Traits: His hair is unkempt. He has tan skin. He typically wears hoodies and jeans. He'll sometimes sport eagle feathers in his hair. He's known to have a green thumb.

Favorite Foods & Drinks: Chocolate-covered Potato Chips, Chokecherry Pie, Fleischkuekle, Fried Walleye, Goulash, Juneberry Jam, Knoephla, Kuchen, Raspeballs, Summer Sausage

Likes: Indie Rock (music), Nokota Horses, Photography, Sioux Legends, Turtle Racing

Dislikes: Fargo (film), Rent, Shoes in Bed, South Dakota, Winter

Personality: Irresolute and Levelheaded. It isn't uncommon for most people to have trouble telling the Dakotas apart, nor is it far-fetched to say they're cut from the same cloth. Compared to their twin, this Dakota has a mature demeanor. He's an introvert who tends to think rather than speak for himself. Besides his intellect and maturity, he has great diligence for his job. So much so, he'll forgo rest. He isn't the type to act recklessly, however, he's quite susceptible to peer pressure despite holding lukewarm reservations. He doesn't like to appear weak, nor does he want to be a disappointment. When push comes to shove, he'll overcome his doubts. Even if it doesn't make him legendary in everyone's eyes, he wants to be deemed better than his sister at least.

+ Though Kansas is known as the Wheat State, the state that produces the most wheat in the country is actually North Dakota.
+ Much of his childhood has been spent with the Yankton-Yanktonai Sioux Tribe, however, he's speculated to have originally come from the Mandan Tribe.
+ Throughout the 1880s, he often gave Theodore Roosevelt a helping hand, guiding him on life in the Great Plains. Though he wasn't impressed with Roosevelt's haughty attitude, he respected his enthusiasm for the American frontier.
+ Aside from working for his boss, he also works in many agricultural fields such as farming and beekeeping. In recent years, he has spent more time working in the oil field, hoping this oil boom will get him to outgrow his sister.
+ He and Manitoba maintain a peaceful garden together.


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