22. Alabama

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Nickname: The Yellowhammer State

Human Name: Abram Sudworth

Age: 19 Years Old

Gender: Male

Historical Background: The Spanish were the first Europeans to explore the region around 1540, however, the French were the first to settle the area around 1702 with the founding of Old Mobile. In the aftermath of the French and Indian War in 1763, Great Britain gained control of the region, creating the territory of West Florida as a result. The Spanish would gain control of West Florida alongside East Florida after the American Revolutionary War. Even so, control over West Florida remained contentious until the 1810s when Spain formally ceded the region to the United States. In 1817, the Mississippi Territory was divided, with the western portion getting admitted to the Union as the state of Mississippi while the eastern portion joined with parts of West Florida to become the Alabama Territory.

Statehood: December 14, 1819 (22nd)

Hair Color: Peanut Brown

Eye Color: Burnt Yellow

Height: 5' 10" (179 cm)

Notable Traits: Tan skin with freckles across his face. His body is built like a fullback. He typically wears cotton shirts, brown slacks, black leather belts, and bucket hats. He has a strong Southern accent that's sometimes hard to make out. He's prone to throwing tantrums when angered.

Favorite Foods & Drinks: Blackberry Cobbler, Boiled Peanuts, Conecuh Ridge Whiskey, Fried Catfish, Fried Green Tomatoes, Lane Cake, Peanut Butter, Pecan Brittle, Smoked Chicken with Alabama White Sauce, Sweet Potato Casserole

Likes: Camellias, College Football, Cotton, Elephants, Snails

Dislikes: Boll Weevils, Mississippi, Outsiders, Vegetarians, Yellow Jackets

Personality: Obstinate and Uncouth. The Heart of Dixie beats louder than the thump of a Bible. Anyone unable to relate or side with him will be judged harshly with suspicion. Ever since the Civil War, he has become an iron-willed stick-in-the-mud, refusing to be intimidated by the likes of Northerners whom he hates with great passion; he doesn't like being looked down upon. Rather than admit or fix his flaws, he'll lash out, making outrageous accusations of being perfectly fine the way he is. Telling him off will only get his blood boiling, getting him to rage like a red rampaging elephant. Even if he's told to do the right thing for good reasons, he'll selfishly do the opposite out of spite. Considering how stubborn he can be toward change, the rest of the country has at this point accepted he'll always be a horrible hick still preaching about outdated morals. Against what they think of him, he'll always be proud to be a redneck, unrestrained to be his crazy God-fearing self at home. Whether that's a good thing or a bad thing depends on the issue, but he'll definitely cuss at everyone to mind their own business.

+ When he was a young child, one of his favorite activities was to catch lizards along riverbanks.
+ He was originally known as West Florida, created under British rule. In the aftermath of the American Revolutionary War, Spain became his boss whom he loathed, so much so that he threw a fit and declared himself a republic. Though he was never recognized as a republic, he was somewhat content in getting annexed into the United States (and a bigger house thanks to Mississippi's sacrifice).
+ Montgomery was the Cradle of the Confederacy, however, the Confederacy didn't like living in the backwater town. When Virginia seceded from the Union, the Confederacy didn't hesitate when they decided to move to her home. Alabama was miffed to say the least.
+ Rocket science ain't his strongest subject, so he sticks to playing with model rockets instead.
+ "Sweet Home Alabama" is his favorite song.


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