Chapter 43

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Dorian’s P.O.V.

I have my baby back in my arms again and it feels amazing, the relief and pleasure from that fact overwhelms me.

Looking at Emma’s alarm clock it was almost midday and still she was sleeping, I knew that she hadn’t been sleeping while she’d been away, I’d seen it on her face when she came home to me. Her eyes had purple smudged under them and the way she carried herself made her look like a strong gust of wind would knock her down, but as always she remained beautiful.

Knowing I had promised Alec to start our ‘classes’ again, though they are more like lectures I slid gently out of bed from next to her and keeping my promise to Emma as well I gladly picked her up gently and cradled her to my body as I brought her downstairs with me.

Emma had made me promise that whether asleep or awake we would stay together. I knew it was the bond that was making her this way after spending so long apart but it finally felt like she was on par with how I always felt about her, I never want to be apart from my baby and I’d happily carry her through every single day of our lives.

Smiling down at her I noticed how she was still in shorts and it was colder than usual so I swiped a blanket from the living room couch and wrapped it around her snugly before I walked us into the study where Alec was sat brooding from his place behind the desk, waiting for me to arrive.

He frowned at the sight of Emma asleep in my arms but I ignored him, my baby and I have an arrangement so he and everyone else can stuff it. I sat down carefully so as not to jog her awake; on a chair that Alec places in here for me when we’re going to be doing work. Peering down at Emma a smile tugged my lips back up and I tenderly rearranged the blanket around her so she was as comfortable as possible.

“Dorian why is Emma here”? Alec aske me agitated. 

“Because I want her to be and because had she have woken and I hadn’t brought her with me I am almost certain she’d hit me” I chuckled indulgently, she's the only one who would ever get away with it.

“Dorian she’s asleep”! He yelled.

I growled. “Yes so I would appreciate it if you lowered your voice”. I looked down at Emma again to make sure the oaf hadn’t woken her, luckily for him his loudness had not disturbed her.

Alec sighed in defeat. “Whatever, and what time do you call this anyway”?

“I was hoping she’d wake by now so I waited but my baby seems much more fatigued than even I estimated. I doubt she got any sleep while she was away” I muttered gently, staring down her beautiful face.

“Probably not but it would help if she ate properly”.

“I know, I’ll make sure she eats something decent when she wakes” I promised.

“Whatever, can we get on with this now”?

I narrowed my eyes before I nodded once. “What is today to be about then”?

“Turning”. My eyes widened and reflexively I looked down to Emma in my arms, still perfectly asleep. Should I really be talking about this with her here?

“Maybe something else today”? I asked pointedly nodding down at Emma

“No way! I’ve been waiting for you to get to this – if you’re worried Emma will hear put her back in bed”.

“No” I glowered, hugging her tighter now like he was going to take her from me, not like he could, no one can. “Fine, have you got something to write with”?


I sighed defeat and settled myself back into the chair. “Well what about ‘turning’ is it that you want to know. I can’t be as extensive as perhaps you would want because I have only gone through it once and have never changed another person myself”.

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