Chapter 3

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The next morning I quickly dressed and crept out of the house not wanting to run into Dorian again. I made a decision last night to avoid him at all costs in the hope that whatever crazy was going on with me would dull with time and distance.

I was running extremely early since I wanted to get out of the house before anyone started walking around and asking me things I'd left unanswered last night. So instead of going to the Mini Golf place because I'd be there for an hour and a half before Jeremy would even think to get out of bed, I went to the only place with internet in this cramped little town, the library.

I settled down at one of the computers, resting my bag on the desk and opened up a search window. I tapped my fingers on the wooden surface beneath the computer while I tried to think what to type in, much to the Librarian's annoyance.

Then a bulb went off in my head and I typed 'strange animal attacks' into the search engine. I spent a long time trawling through everything I came across, but a lot of it was you tube videos and reports of wolfs and rabid dogs and even more surprisingly escaped zoo and circus animals.

I hadn't lied when I told Dorian that I'd checked with the Rangers and their tags, and it's true not one of the catalogued animals was near where Maddi had been found, and their absence was just as mystifying. 

All I could come up with were that either there was some kind of murderer out there who lures people into forests, which isn't likely because unless he was dangling something with a Prada label there was no way Maddi would be lured anywhere. My second theory seemed more likely, that she was moved, but why move a body and not go the whole hog and bury it?

I'm not allowed to see the police photographs and it seems stupid since I was the one who found her and what's even more stupid is how little I seem to be able to remember of what I saw. I know that she had blood on her, but was there blood around her? I don't remember having blood stains on my clothes or shoes... so I guess there wasn't any unless it was dried.

The Coronor's report was inconclusive on what time they believed Maddi to have died because although apart from her wound she'd been completely intact with no decay at all meaning she'd been there hours, but her temperature readings suggested she'd been frozen at some point. I'd spent hours agonising over our last conversation and it really didn't hold much gravity, so unless I'm missing something this attack was out of the blue, at least to us. 

I jumped when I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket and took it out seeing Jeremy flash the screen. I shut off the antiquated computer quickly and gathered my stuff, needing to be away from the things that were going through my mind and so went outside. I flipped my cell open.


"Thank God. Where the hell are you?" He yelled.

"Good morning to you too. I'm at the Library, why?"

"It's ten thirty, we were supposed to meet at the putting place at nine."

"It's ten thirty?" I asked in shock, quickly checking my watch.

"Yes. What have you been doing?"


"Homework? No way, I'm not buying. What have you really been doing?" I rolled my eyes, usually I would feel guilty if I lied to Jeremy, but I know in this case at least he'd rather not know the truth.

"I told you homework, research for a paper I have due."

"For which class?" He asked dubious.

"None of your business."

"Classic line for someone who's lying" a triumphant note in his voice.


"Don't whatever me! When it hit ten I practically ran to your house and were you there? No you weren't and you're never late I was worried sick."

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